Smoking or not in Restaurants

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Should smoking be allowed in bars & restaurants?

Total votes: 73

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Post by farang » January 25, 2007, 3:52 pm

lol jab jab ..waiting for the upper cut :lol: :lol:

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Post by Mainer » January 25, 2007, 4:49 pm

A 'no smoking' section in a restaurant like a no peeing section in a swimming pool.

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Post by Bump » January 25, 2007, 5:48 pm

Hey there is a good idea!!!!

Hey Val when I moved here you could smoke anywhere I didnt change, still the same person, the law is trying to change not me.

I have never asked you to take the same path that I did and have always respected the one you took. So now things have changed and I don't care to be judged by others, as I try to not to be so judgmental myself ( not easy). So what I'm saying is give the respect I give you.

How I got here on a twelve flight, come on give me a break.

So I don't think there is really a need for a pissing contest here, I think we all have to agree not to agree. What we think isn't going change darn thing.

So where are they building this pool anyway :wink:

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Post by arjay » January 25, 2007, 6:43 pm

Doc wrote:One - don't put too much emphasis on the poll. 24 people voting hardly represent the views of the local community - just those on this board.
I don't recall anyone saying, that we should.

Why,....... are the poll statistics troubling you? I was pleasantly surprised by them, as I thought as a non-smoker in Udon, I was in the minority, but perhaps not! :)
Doc wrote:I also know for a fact that some who are coming out against smoking have also stood next to me at a bar - in a restaurant - where I and others were smoking - and never said squat. In their posts here, they mention that they were with their wife - Oh how bloody chivalrous they are. Bloody two faced too.
Doc wrote:As for making adjustments for a non smoker - I would as well providing that they asked me to in a nice way. If they want to be beligerant about it - then piss on them.

I will also make concessions for someone that I respect. Of course, if I respect them, it means that they respect me. With respect, comes a willingness to work together.
Very accommodating of you!

Whilst I respect your decision to smoke, I and probably quite a few others would be somewhat reluctant to ask you (or whoever), to desist, even politely, if standing next to you at a bar/restaurant, particularly if you've had a few already!! :? My reluctance is further borne out by reading your recent posts on the topic. I am not quite sure who is being beligerent here, Doc!!! :?

Also, when you speak of concessions, have you thought for a moment that it may be you who is doing something that many consider anti-social, even offensive, not the non-smoker!

Incidentally, as a general point, I think it worth keeping in mind that the topic here is smoking in restaurants (in general), not bars.

Let's also keep in mind that the law is trying to protect people from the known harmful affects of cigarette smoke. Why the "big issue"! :)

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Post by panick » January 25, 2007, 7:00 pm

Doc wrote: I also know for a fact that some who are coming out against smoking have also stood next to me at a bar - in a restaurant - where I and others were smoking - and never said squat. In their posts here, they mention that they were with their wife - Oh how bloody chivalrous they are. Bloody two faced too.
:lol: "Bloody two faced?"..........says face 1 :lol:
:lol: "Bloody two faced?"..........says face 2 :lol:

I don't smoke in front of the wife due to her cultural and religious beliefs.
Is that such a hardship to endure since we are,as such,"Paying Guests" in Their Country?

"Chivalrous?" I think the word is "Respectful" 8)

Yes...Thai people smoke and drink (Too much Western influence I expect)....but even the majority of Thai's frown and don't condone it,especialy the women [-X

So whats next? "shoe Zones" and "No-Shoe Zones" in Temples to cater for another "Western custom/habit" :lol:

Give it another 100yrs and no-one will give a damn,by then the whole planet will be Westernised...there won't be an East :cry: Just a one-way ticket round the world "Due-West" :roll:

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Post by john2005 » January 25, 2007, 9:31 pm

The Clock is not a place i would ever choose to eat as food and smoke are not my idea of a good meal.the owners have set their stall and time will tell if it's just another Udon bar that goes "tits up" for total lack of business acumen.I have been in twice and left due to cigar smokers.

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Post by wickder » January 25, 2007, 9:47 pm

Hmmm,nine voting for smoking in restaurants.They may be the high rollers of Udon but a few beligerent smokers may just send the Clock over the edge.Let them sit together in the Clock while i enjoy the fresh air of other Udon venues.
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Post by Bump » January 25, 2007, 9:55 pm

Well it would be interesting if you guys are right, but I seriously doubt it

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Post by JimboPSM » January 25, 2007, 10:23 pm

It is simple economics for the bar owners, they are not registered charities.

If there was real customer demand, rather than just anti smoking rhetoric, non smoking restaurants and bars would be all over the place; bar owners, just like any other business owner, are in business to make money.

It is a sad reflection on

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Post by wickder » January 25, 2007, 10:50 pm

If there was real customer demand, rather than just anti smoking rhetoric, non smoking restaurants and bars would be all over the place; bar owners, just like any other business owner, are in business to make money.
If the formula was right then bars and restautants would not close down or change hands as frequently as they do in Udon.There are too many trying to cater to a few big spending smokers,while those who like fresh air go to restaurants outside of central Udon and maybe have a beer or two on the side.
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Post by arjay » January 25, 2007, 10:55 pm

Equally, there could be a very large, but "silent" non-smoking group of customers/customer demand, out there, just waiting for someone to cater for their requirements. And the restaurant/bar owners may well unwittingly be losing out on this, well behaved, (as in less vociferous and less beligerent) - large and "silent majority" :!: :shock:

To show this isn't about the "Clock", previously I often used to drink at the Aussie bar (it had AC), but everytime I went in there, there seemed to be loads of smoke and I assumed a lot of smokers. So I assumed I was the odd one out and in the minority and so quietly and respectfully drank up and left. Going instead to places like Fuzzy Ken's where I could breathe air and not smoke. :D

Considering the number of non-smokers posting on this topic, I wonder now whether I was really in the majority and the the rest of the majority were doing as I did, - moving on elsewhere, or just not coming. :!:

It's alright for Doc to comment that he and many other smokers seem to constitute the (visible and vociferous) majority, in the places he frequents, and where they spend large amounts of dosh(!), but maybe, just maybe, that is as a result of the non-smokers either moving on, or simply not coming again, and in turn spending their large amounts of money elsewhere. :!:

Surely the wise landlord should be catering for both the smoker and the non-smoker separately if that's what it takes. And the restaurant/eating areas should be non-smoking anyway. :!:
Last edited by arjay on January 25, 2007, 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Paul » January 25, 2007, 10:58 pm

john2005 wrote:The Clock is not a place i would ever choose to eat as food and smoke are not my idea of a good meal.the owners have set their stall and time will tell if it's just another Udon bar that goes "tits up" for total lack of business acumen.I have been in twice and left due to cigar smokers.
wickder wrote: Hmmm,nine voting for smoking in restaurants.They may be the high rollers of Udon but a few beligerent smokers may just send the Clock over the edge.Let them sit together in the Clock while i enjoy the fresh air of other Udon venues.
Is the Irish Clock the only place in Udon where people eat and smoke at the same time ??

I hadn't realised the subject of this thread was "Does smoking in the Irish Clock bother you" ???

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Post by Coot » January 25, 2007, 11:38 pm

a result of the non-smokers either moving on, or simply not coming again, and in turn spending their large amounts of money elsewhere.
Exactly.Doc seems to think that only the smokers have piles of cash to spend.Let them believe it and sit in their huddle of three old farts while we cruise around looking to spend our nicotine free pounds.
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Post by Bump » January 25, 2007, 11:46 pm

vociferous, I really like that word what does it mean.

Or could it be guys that the smokers are down at the resturants instead on the forum.

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Post by arjay » January 26, 2007, 12:02 am

Merriam Websters dictionary:
Synonyms: vociferous, blatant, boisterous, strident, clamorous
These adjectives mean conspicuously and usually offensively loud. Vociferous suggests a noisy outcry, as of vehement protest: vociferous complaints.
Blatant connotes coarse or vulgar noisiness: "Up rose a blatant Radical" Walter Bagehot.
Boisterous implies unrestrained noise, tumult, and often rowdiness: boisterous youths.
Strident stresses offensive harshness, shrillness, or discordance: a legislator with a strident voice.
Something clamorous is both vociferous and sustained: a clamorous uproar.
synonyms VOCIFEROUS, CLAMOROUS, BLATANT, STRIDENT, BOISTEROUS, OBSTREPEROUS mean so loud or insistent as to compel attention. VOCIFEROUS implies a vehement shouting or calling out <vociferous cries of protest and outrage>. CLAMOROUS may imply insistency as well as vociferousness in demanding or protesting <clamorous demands for prison reforms>. BLATANT implies an offensive bellowing or insensitive loudness <blatant rock music> <a blatant clamor for impeachment>. STRIDENT suggests harsh and discordant noise <heard the strident cry of the crow>. BOISTEROUS suggests a noisiness and turbulence due to high spirits <a boisterous crowd of party goers>. OBSTREPEROUS suggests unruly and aggressive noisiness and resistance to restraint <the obstreperous demonstrators were removed from


Post by laphanphon » January 26, 2007, 7:07 am

Is the Irish Clock the only place in Udon where people eat and smoke at the same time ?
the smoke at the Irish clock is non existent compared to already mentioned Aussie Pub or Richmond steaks (but that was a meeting night w/promotion, so very crowded).

as i am an early diner and restaurant are fairly empty, smoking is rarely a problem for us, less now since i seem to be eating in house most of the time. no smoke unless some idiot is burning trash somewhere. :D

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Post by Bump » January 26, 2007, 12:46 pm

Thanks Arjay an excellent word all though I beleive a bit to strong for the subject matter. But that would be in the eye of the beholder wouldn't it.

It did remind me of a funny story and a lesson well learned early in my career.

I was actually still in the Academy and was on field assignments with a trianing officer, guy named Ted Lay I will never forget that man, he had 22 years on the job and what I learned from him kept me alive many times in the years to come.

We had a made an arrest for Drunk In Public, he told me exactly what to put in the report, my first ever. He checked my report and approaved it, I then took the report to the Warch Commander he immediately tore it up and threw in the trash can with a comment something like what planet did they find you on.

So now I go back to my training officer whose negative evaluation by the way could have ended my career at that point and explain to him that the Sgt. had just ripped up the report adn threw it in the trash can, without a clue as to why.

So again he told me how to write the report, again the Sgt rejected but skipped the trash can. So the report was written a third time, rejected again. This time the training office took it in. I could see that they both were going over something in the dictionary, report appoaved.

We go to court on the arrest, I know all the elements of the crime and testify to them a they were observed. The defence atttorny really didn't care much about all that. The trianing officer had me use the word "OBSTREPEROUS" all he did was to require me to define that word, I had no idea what the dictionary defintion of that word was only what it meant to me, which was reasonably accurate.

45 mins on the stand trying to explain that, the guy was found not guilty. Mainly because I think the judge wwa really amused by the entire thing. But a inexpensive lesson learned. That crime was not a murder, it wa really designed to get a person off the street adn sober them up enough to take care of themsleves, a whopping $25.00 fine. Never use words in a Police report that you don't fully understand, no matter how eloquent they sound.

from that point on I always used the simpliest words that I could describe what had happened.

But I do enjoy a good wordsmith such as yourself.

Ok back to the topic, it would seem to me that this has now been addressed twice in the recent months with the same non conclusion in both instances. Lets face it guys there will be no agreement on this one.

So I don't how others feel, but it seems like we have ridden this horse to death twice, anyone think it might be time to stop kicking it. I just don't think it is going to get up and run anymore races.

Persoanlly from this point on I am going to make my comments about this subject in jest, so please no one be offended I will only be kidding around

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Post by lee » January 26, 2007, 1:24 pm

arjay wrote:Whilst I did split the previous thread, I didn't in fact create the poll. I guess it was Lee, but maybe it needs re-wording slightly to differentiate between restaurants and bars.
Most bars in Udon serve food and some restaurants in Udon have a small bar, so I thought the title was fitting "Should smoking be allowed in bars & restaurants?"

Anyway I would like to point out that this topic is about ALL venues in Udon and not just one or a select few. This topic is about smoking in any bar or restaurant whether it be Thai or Farang. It is not fair to single out a few since this law applies to all establishments that are serving drinks and food.

This poll was created for forum members to give their vote, the result is for information purposes and does not reflect the Udon community as a whole.

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Post by Doc » January 26, 2007, 1:29 pm

I believe that the bottom line is that there appear to be significantly more people frequenting the bars and restaurants here in Udon than what are regularly posting on this forum.

So, whilst the number of individuals on this forum opposed to smoking in restaurants out number the smokers, reality tells us that the actual smoking group which is frequenting the bars and restaurants and making them financially viable enterprises greatly out number the non smokers on this forum.

As a result it is reasonable to conclude that the smoking segment of Udon Thani is more powerful than the non smoking segment.
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Post by Bump » January 26, 2007, 1:30 pm

Bravo Lee, truly couldn't believe the way the Irish Clock and others were being depicted on here.

Notice I didn't kick the dead horse.

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