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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by GT93 » August 29, 2015, 1:31 pm

Trump's support is building. From the link below it seems he's way more than just entertainment now:

"What's more, Trump is winning virtually every demographic in the GOP, sometimes against all expectations. Despite a history of remarks widely seen as misogynistic, Trump leads easily among Republican women. Despite a history of divorce and philandering and a church attendance record that is less than spotless, Trump leads easily among evangelicals. And, in a warning to those in the party who seek solace in the belief that Trump supporters are low-information voters who will not show up to cast actual ballots, Trump leads among the most educated Republicans and among those Republicans most likely to vote. If these advantages sound impressive, it's because they are. These are the poll numbers of a candidate whom political experts would normally expect to win his or her party's nomination rather easily.

This is not to say that it is likely that Trump will win the GOP nomination. Indeed most pollsters and tipping agencies say he probably will not. But they now concede that it is a possibility. It is now conceivable that the Republican Party will nominate a candidate who appears to be utterly unelectable.

This was utterly unthinkable at the beginning of the month."

http://www.smh.com.au/world/us-election ... j9nta.html

GT: something extraordinary is happening. The most educated Republicans favour Trump? :shock:

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by rick » August 29, 2015, 9:27 pm

I guess education doesn't mean sanity .... How does that saying go, "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad". First it was the Tea party, guess this is the next step! Democrats may be pretty loathsome, but still have some sense of reality ......

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by nkstan » September 1, 2015, 3:22 pm

rick wrote:I guess education doesn't mean sanity .... How does that saying go, "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad". First it was the Tea party, guess this is the next step! Democrats may be pretty loathsome, but still have some sense of reality ......
Sense of reality?????such as......?No real sense of real threats s to Nat'l security,actually believe that the World is safer without American leadership,believe that continuous handouts is the way to help,believe that the Federal gov't bureaucracy is the best way to manage the Nation....etc. etc. :confused:

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by glalt » September 1, 2015, 9:24 pm

I am an American and I can tell you that I am sick to death of politicians. They sway to whichever view the polls say is the way to go. It is understandable that any politician who tells the truth has no chance of being elected. Politics and truth just don't go together. That's why Trump and Ben Carson lead in the polls. Neither are mealy mouthed politicians. That is also the reason that the democrats have a socialist candidate gaining on the witch. If the democrats nominate the witch, they are insane.

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by parrot » September 1, 2015, 10:13 pm

glalt wrote:I am an American and I can tell you that I am sick to death of politicians. They sway to whichever view the polls say is the way to go. It is understandable that any politician who tells the truth has no chance of being elected. Politics and truth just don't go together. That's why Trump and Ben Carson lead in the polls. Neither are mealy mouthed politicians. That is also the reason that the democrats have a socialist candidate gaining on the witch. If the democrats nominate the witch, they are insane.
I'm surprised, but shouldn't be, at the number of google hits on the query "Sarah Palin, not another mealy mouthed politician".
It's already shaping up to be an interesting election year (and a half).

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by GT93 » September 7, 2015, 5:05 pm

An American economic giant says Trump is correct on the economy and Jeb wrong:

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/07/opini ... inion&_r=0

I like Krugman's idea that the Republican base see through the Republican establishment's economic delusions.

However Krugman is no Trump fan and labels Trump an ignorant blowhard. :D
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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by Jing Jing » September 7, 2015, 9:36 pm

Trump is a street wise business man from NYC. The city is a bastion of the the Democrat party. The Trump family made millions off of building rent contoled housing projects pushed by Democrat administrations. His other projcts relied on tax abatement. The media is playing stupid in not connecting Trumps past life in the Big Apple and his current positions.

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by glalt » September 8, 2015, 11:10 am

I see nearly half the vote coming from the bloated government's employees and the welfare professionals. Politicians are loath to suggest downsizing the government and tightening controls on welfare. This is the reason democrats will win the election regardless of their candidate.

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by Jello » September 8, 2015, 12:11 pm

Trumps business success is average at best. :
http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-t ... res-2015-8

According to this report, if your daddy gave you 40 million (like Trump's did) in 1974 and you put it into a index fund you would be wealthier than Trump is today. :
http://www.vox.com/2015/9/2/9248963/don ... index-fund

He's a charismatic self-promoter. I thinks is all showmanship and a persona of a fist pounding "guy who gets things done" that is appealing to some of the American public.

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by Jing Jing » September 10, 2015, 8:29 am

This is from a story on Breitbart.com

Trump sent a letter to Jeff Zuker of CNN

“[Y]our ad rates have gone from $5,000 to $200,000, or a 4,000% increase,” Trump writes. “I’m self funding my campaign — I do not want money from lobbyists, donors, or special interest groups. Likewise, you should view the second debate broadcast as a public service and not accept the massive profits that this airing will generate. I believe that all profits from this broadcast should go to various VETERANS groups.”

Trump said he would eventually provide a list of these groups.

This is a brilliant no-lose play on Trump’s part. If CNN gives in, the move will generate a ton of good publicity for Trump.

If CNN refuses, Trump has a club to forever beat the left-wing network over the head with. For the rest of the campaign, he’ll be able to pivot away from any left-wing attack CNN launches against him into a counter-attack about the network’s greed and snubbing of American veterans.

Laugh away at the “grandstanding,” Trump haters, but the man’s playing chess with the media, not checkers.

This is a masterstroke.

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by GT93 » September 10, 2015, 3:26 pm

The great show continues. Besides currently leading, I think he's having way more fun than the other candidates.
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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by downunder » September 10, 2015, 5:42 pm

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by Jing Jing » September 10, 2015, 7:28 pm

Yes Trump i having lots of fun. As this Washington Post article notes Trump does not have to leave his home in order run his campaign

"There was a layer of symbolism to Donald Trump's June 16 campaign announcement that might not have been obvious the day of the event. As is now legendary, Trump arrived at the lectern from which he would ramble his way into contention by escalator, riding down the shiny motorized stairway from the main lobby of Trump Tower into the food court below street level.

The symbolism? That this is how Trump would run his campaign: Heading downstairs from where he lives to engage with the electorate, then heading right back up."

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by GT93 » September 16, 2015, 3:33 pm

individual Trump is still leading. His CNN test looms. Vlad and Xi are now probably having to read up on Trump. Just in case madness prevails. :D
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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by BigRick808 » September 16, 2015, 7:56 pm

I see some of the naive on here still fall for the Republican vs. Democrat scam :) That's all just a big show. Just a scam to keep people distracted and bickering amongst themselves. Sure, the people behind the scenes who are in control keep trivial differences for the show to seem real, and they throw each side a bone here and there, but the super-rick global elite run the country and the world. All of your' countries are included. This can be stopped, but it will be very difficult. The first step is that people become aware....

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by GT93 » September 19, 2015, 11:01 am

Yes, I think there's a lot that's true in that view BigRick. For example Hillary is tied into Wall Street big time.

Now, the northern summer is drawing to a close. Is the US fall going to see a rise or fall for Trump?
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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » September 19, 2015, 10:38 pm

Who cares? The baseball playoffs are fast approaching and it is football season in Canada and the United States. Since they are not going anywhere, Trump and the rest of them can wait a few months.
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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by FrazeeDK » September 20, 2015, 7:22 am

hey Trump was buddies with the Clintons.. It could be all a big scam.. If he doesn't get the Repub nomination, he'll probably break his promise, run as an independent and guarantee Hillary's victory..

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Billionaire politician: Summer of Tru

Post by Jing Jing » September 20, 2015, 3:19 pm

I guess all the media outlets want ratings so that is why they so obsessed with anything he says. As usual there is no analysis just gut reactions.

Here is a commentary about trump


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Billionaire politician: Summer of Trump

Post by Laan Yaa Mo » September 20, 2015, 11:48 pm

Now the media is reporting that Trump's grandfather got his start in the Yukon Territory of Canada, and made his fortune from gold, alcohol and prostitution. He lived the Canadian dream.

http://www.torontosun.com/2015/09/19/th ... connection
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