now that's the way to sort it out

now that's the way to sort it out
I think you may be on to something there. Trump knows there's a lot of people that will vote based on a face they recognize.Drunk Monkey wrote:
VP ...... gotta be Oprah Winfrey !!!!!
...or Colin Powell... but both have emphatically said they are done with politics, especially Powell who feels Bush more or less betrayed him.Jsell50 wrote:Maybe Condoleeza Rice??
That would tick a lot of boxes...
Hmm,BigBubba wrote: and Giuliani as Homeland Security chief.
Yes. If he's picking competent people, that would seem to rule out Palin as his Secretary of State despite her familiarity with Russia from being able to see it from her home.BigBubba wrote:...or Colin Powell... but both have emphatically said they are done with politics, especially Powell who feels Bush more or less betrayed him.Jsell50 wrote:Maybe Condoleeza Rice??
That would tick a lot of boxes...
Latest names I've heard bantered about are his latest backer, Chris Christie as AG, and Giuliani as Homeland Security chief.
VP candidates could be Scott Walker or Rick Santorum. He needs an "insider" to ramrod his ideas through the system. He's built a huge empire by surrounding himself with very competent people. It will be an interesting process to watch.
A novel idea, and I actually kinda like it, but I'm sure the general public would not. He does need a pit bull at his side though.Jello wrote:Trumps VP? Wanna really shake up the status-quo? How bout former Navy Seal/Pro Wrestler/Governor
Jesse Ventura.
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I'd be more inclined to think he'd have a poodle (Vice President) by his side. Miniature at that. But who knows: In researching chihuahuas and pitbulls, I found this quote:BigBubba wrote:A novel idea, and I actually kinda like it, but I'm sure the general public would not. He does need a pit bull at his side though.Jello wrote:Trumps VP? Wanna really shake up the status-quo? How bout former Navy Seal/Pro Wrestler/Governor
Jesse Ventura.
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I didn't know too much about him, but after much reading, I agree. I am not too sure he would go for it but it would be a powerful alliance.glalt wrote:Trump and Paul Ryan would be the perfect ticket.
Why?Jsell50 wrote:Comedians are best at what they are paid for, not to be taken seriously...
But super Tuesday is coming. I think "Drumpf" will have the last laugh.
I love it. He was saying most of the same things he is saying today. And yes, he has made some mistakes along the way. But look at our own lives. How many of us would be happy to tell everyone all we have done in our past?