If you are from The UK use Nation wide Flex account

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If you are from The UK use Nation wide Flex account

Post by ntvillas2 » February 24, 2007, 1:03 pm

you get top Exchange no Commission and up to 200.000 a pop at our Bank in Udon.
so for easy money and no trouble see nationwide building society web site
its easy to join and free
also no commission on travelers Cheque as well in the UK.
so its an option i thing very good for pension and savers.


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Post by Galee » February 24, 2007, 1:23 pm

Cheers for the advice.

I'm with the Alliance and Leicester. Back in October they were charging me 1.48 pounds per ATM transaction. This week they are charging me 2.20 Pounds.

Will look into Nationwide for transferring money.

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Post by johnbarryseven » February 24, 2007, 1:37 pm

I live in Thailand and I have a Nationwide Bank Account and credit dards. The rate used when buying goods in Thailand is always 1st class and no hidden fees. This is one of our better Banks to use.....

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Post by treehugger » February 25, 2007, 5:10 pm

If you are living in Thailand, and therefor non UK resident for tax purposes, why are you banking in UK and paying tax on your saving? #-o You should be offshore in Guernsey, Jersey or isle of Man. There you will get higher interest rates, tax free and still have the same various card facilities. :D

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Post by BobHelm » February 25, 2007, 5:19 pm

If you are on a UK company or state pension then you are liable to taxation on that pension. You are correct about not being liable for tax on interest on savings, but can fill out an Inland Revenue form saying that you are a non-resident for tax purposes.
This was extensively covered on a previous post way back (well a year ago at least).
BTW the non payment of tax on the off shore accounts is a little more complex now due to some EU rulings last year - not impossible, just more complex.

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Post by johnbarryseven » February 25, 2007, 6:23 pm

I'm not paying tax on my savings because I'm a non resident! Anyway Nationwide now have a special offshore account in the Isle of Man and this serves the same purpose. I have alos filled out all the relevent tax forms to live abroad. Thanks for your advice


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Post by ntvillas2 » February 25, 2007, 6:58 pm

you dont need to pay tax at all from the UK to ATM. also you link paypal to your account and can receive money from anyone with a paypal Free and buy sell trade from the world without problems. so take a Look.
so Use your off shore for the 1000.000s you have and use them to feed the nation wide account.

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