Credit Cards

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Credit Cards

Post by yorky » July 14, 2005, 1:01 am

I wonder if someone with knowledge of the Thai 'banking' system could help me.

I have a Visa credit card (amongst many others) issued to me in the UK.
The 'old' pre Jan 2005 way of buying goods/services with a credit card was for your card to be swiped and for you to sign a receipt slip and a copy given to you and a copy kept by the retailer. Obviously this was a method which had many flaws and there has been many instances where the number has been cloned etc, etc :evil:

In an effort to tighten security the financial institutions in the UK have introduced a new system for retailers etc where you are required just like an ATM to punch in a 4 digit PIN into a smallish console designed to prevent others seeing you enter your PIN.

Obviously my PIN would still have to be used at a Thai Bank ATM, but when buying goods/services/paying the bill in a Thai hotel for example, would I be offered a console to punch in my PIN or are they still swiping cards and signatures required :?: [/color]

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Post by BangkokButcher » July 14, 2005, 1:58 am

Still swiping and signing everywhere I went in Thailand when I was over in May, I havent heard of the chip and pin system even being talked about let alone implemented in los.

Lets face it, look how much it cost UK banks to put in place...

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Post by Dakoda » July 14, 2005, 6:06 am

I find it just like the states here, except they swipe here and your receipt here has your complete #, while in the states only the last four.

I find I get a better exchange rate with credit card also, and I really do not need another pin or password to remember!

In the states only needed a pin with a debit card, maybe why I never used it! 8)


credit cards

Post by valentine » July 14, 2005, 7:26 am

Have been using Barclaycard Platinum here in Thailand, no problems , just sign for authorisation. However many merchants try to add on a % for handling, especially if Amex, not very welcome here, apparently due to delays in reimbursing the seller.

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Post by Paul » July 14, 2005, 8:26 am

Almost standard to add a % onto the bill if you use a credit card - average 3%

Still have not seen any of the personal keypads you spoke of here - but Thailand can hardly be called the cutting edge of technology here.

When I wanted to buy a cordless home telephone last year -95% of those offered to me were the old analogue type with a huge ariel and lots of background 'hiss' throughout your call. I bought a corded phone in the end !
Even 10 years ago you could buy a digital cordless phone in the UK and now you would be hard pressed to find anything else. Thailand just seems to be years behind in retail technology.

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Post by Dakoda » July 14, 2005, 9:53 am

Small places charge between 2% and 4% and they say the same thing, it what the bank charges them! Places like Big C, Lotus, Robertsons, Tops - no extra charge. One small furniture shop, where I bought alot had to send card out to process, but still did not charge me extra!

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Post by businessman » July 16, 2005, 1:51 pm

No chip and pin as yet,not even in Tesco.

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