Issan Child Abductions

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Post by farang » March 14, 2007, 4:55 am

Doc wrote:Hmmmmm... such hysteria.....

Now - if I am wrong in my prognosis - show up at the Clock tomorrow night at 7:00 and I will buy you a beer. The requirement is that you post here first that you have FIRST HAND knowledge that someone in a position of authority told you PERSONALLY that this has been going on.

Those that know me will tell those of you that don't know me that I am one cheap bas*ard - so here is your chance to get something for free. :D
:lol: LOL :lol: vely funny =D> :lol: Image


Post by valentine » March 14, 2007, 8:17 am

Any further comment would be superflous. the tom toms are beating. It would appear however that my posting appears to be the only one that doesn't quote someone else as saying or I saw somewhere. As Doc said, it is really easy to check for yourself, I do it all the time. :lol:

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Post by BKKSTAN » March 14, 2007, 10:04 am

Ray,you must know this ozzydom well if you are freaked out!If you had reported this event of the police coming to your house ,I would give it some serious concern,but I tend to agree that it might be a rumour passed along until there is more proof!

The idea of this being true though,is definitely scarey!If it was happening and the gov't was limiting press coverage,I 'm sure the local police would at least be informed!At least I hope so!If you have a contact within the police establishment(as doc & Val seem to have),you could check it out!

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Post by Bump » March 14, 2007, 10:55 am

Just wondered if these sources mght be good enough for you to accept that there could be a problem human trafficking in this region. A usual you guys picked the aspect of the post that was attackable and had a field day. Me I think I will trust these peoples judgement.


Thailand is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor. Thai women are trafficked to Australia, Bahrain, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Europe, and North America for commercial sexual exploitation. A significant number of men, women, and children from Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and the People


Post by valentine » March 14, 2007, 11:12 am

I think this topic has gone a long way off the original scare about two children reported to be missing in Udon. Which thankfully turned out to be without foundation. I will add , I consider the actions of all concerned , from the original kids telling their teachers, to the quick response from the police and finally Rays warning on here, to be exemplary. After all it may have had substance and to be forewarned is to be forearmed. It is the onward assocation with unrelated rumored events that caused me concern.

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Post by BKKSTAN » March 14, 2007, 11:16 am

:lol: :lol: You need one more source Ray :lol: :lol:

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Post by Bump » March 14, 2007, 11:26 am

Ya your right I should have asked Doc first :oops:

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Post by Doc » March 14, 2007, 11:35 am

I don't see anyone ridiculing you Ray. What I see more are comments designed to quell unfounded rumors - which on their face - are ridiculous. Once again - go back to the original press release. Analyze it. There is nothing involved in that document that has any credibility.

This rumor is very much like the two postings yesterday about Issan Air. Unless someone went to the Issan Air web site and saw that it was just a wind up, they would swear that there is an air line flying here in Thailand called Issan Air.

What gives rumors and hoaxes validity is that some people believe them and pass them on as fact.

No one denies that human trafficking takes place. That is borne out by the lengthy article you posted. It is very, very rare though that the people who are victims of this practice have been kidnapped. However - there is a big difference between human trafficking and harvesting organs. That is what the initial posting was about - harvesting of organs.
Ain't Easy Being Me


Post by valentine » March 14, 2007, 11:44 am

Doc wrote:
This rumor is very much like the two postings yesterday about Issan Air. Unless someone went to the Issan Air web site and saw that it was just a wind up, they would swear that there is an air line flying here in Thailand called Issan Air.

You mean there,s not Doc? I,ve been trying to book them all day. How gullible can I be? :cry:

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Post by mo1medic » March 14, 2007, 1:02 pm

I too was a believer :!: went home last night and told the TW all about it she said "I don't tinkso" and I said yes its a new airline and it has to be true because I saw its web site and I know the guys on Udonmap would not BS me [-X so now I have to go back home tonight and eat crow or that stuff she calls Padac (spelling).
thanks guys #-o

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Post by Bump » March 14, 2007, 1:11 pm

"It's in the Issan section if you have children I suggest you follow up on it. What you do with the information is your business not mine.

So true, not true I don't know."

Those last lines in my post explain the complete intent:

I took no personal affront in the postings, didn't see that. But I did see some selective reading. Sometime I think we are just a bit to quick to jump tp conclusions.

The original intent of those original involved was noble, not to spread rumors. But, to forwarn the community. I see absolutely no harm in that at worse case what I see is people being more attentive to thier chidrens safety and I find no harm in that.

We all know that things build from the thier beginnings. But that does mean that wasn't a legitimate concern to begin with. I try to maintain an open mind, I do not feel that I know all the aspects of Thai life. I'm still very open to learning.

So now I think all they can be said has been said. I would like to crawl back my cave again.

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Post by Doc » March 15, 2007, 11:46 am

I spoke with a number of different police yesterday. All that they could tell me was that about two years ago a mother laid her baby down outside to sleep and she went about eating and talking with her friends. She - and no one else was watching the baby until suddenly the baby started screaming and crying. They all turned to see what was wrong with the baby and there was this big lizzard on the baby's face that was eating the baby's eye...

That was the only organ harvesting that they had heard of...
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Post by AussieBoy » March 15, 2007, 5:45 pm

Ok nothing new
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Post by cookie » March 28, 2007, 3:22 pm

Still no more news on this?
No confirmations or no more details from the Thai Government????

I know that the government is always afraid to hurt the Tourist sector,
we see it again today in Changmai where the Governor thinks that Songkran is more important than the health of his population.

Despite tourism worries, haze crackdown ordered

By Post Reporters, TNA

Provincial governors have refused to declare their provinces disaster zones again for fear this will affect Songkran festival tourism. But the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation are to give northern farmers an ultimatum: Stop "mobile farming", the polite term for slash-and-burn - or face legal action.

Chiang Mai governor Wichai Srikwan said the dust is a minor problem and it can be brought under control.

Thick smog set in on Sunday - two days after the Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai governors lifted their disaster zone status.

Still I hope that the Thai Government will tell the truth if there was some kind of child abduction or organ harvesting or serial killers, or......

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Post by BKKSTAN » March 28, 2007, 6:53 pm

:lol: Just think about it !It would take an experienced medical person,probably a surgeon,they would have to have the proper facilities for keeping ,storing and shipping of the ''harvested parts''!
What are the chances of something like this going on in Thailand ? :lol:
We can't disspell Thai myths and superstitions,but are we going to buy in to their ignorant and naive fears :-k :-k

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Post by cookie » March 28, 2007, 7:05 pm

and what about a serial killer??? possible????

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Post by beer monkey » March 28, 2007, 8:15 pm

Ooo that could be possible, yes lets see, someone who murders someone using a box of Kellogs Corn Flakes or even Rice Krispys as a murder weapon, yes they could be classed as a serial killerImage


Post by valentine » March 28, 2007, 8:17 pm

Cookie. What part of NO don't you understand?
No murders reported. No bodies found. No evidence of organ removal. The only cereal killer up here is LA eating his cornflakes :lol:

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Post by cookie » March 28, 2007, 9:21 pm

Sorry, but I just can't get it out of my mind.
I also read this in a website from Korat.
Of course no confirmation, so again I don't know if it's true, only very scary....
There are posters around joho of the guy they think is responsible for these abductions. Apparantly there taken to bangkok a limb is hacked off and they are sent out begging usually with an older woman. Its mafia controlled and is supposed to be very profitable as people take pity on the deformed child and are more likely to hand over money. There was a case five years ago where a womans son was kidnapped inside a shopping centre. Despite closing the centre they never found the child. Years later the woman was walking across an overpass in bangkok , she saw what looked like her son on the street down below begging for money on closer inspection it did turn out to be her missing son, minus an arm. This horrific story was told to me by my wife also i questioned a thai friend of mine and he confirmed this does go on. I found it very hard to believe that someone could do this to a child my thai friend summed it up. These people are ANIMALS.

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Child abductions; believed even if not true!

Post by FrazeeDK » March 28, 2007, 9:29 pm

Last weekend pulled into the Jiffy gas station south of Nong Khai and while filling up noted a screw in my tire.. Asked the attendant where was the nearest tire repair place.. "A kilometer down the road on your left.".. Drove down., pulled in and the owner came out and got to work on the tire.. While waiting I noticed a Xeroxed drawing of a person tacked up on the wall.. "what's that?? I asked.." He replied, "That's a drawing of the guy who stole the kids and cut them up." He went on to explain that it had happened near Ta Bo and the police had come to the store to put up the wanted poster.

OK, probably the whole thing is hooha.. But, like many stories that circulate through the Isaan village cell phone grape vine, believed by innumerable folk. Quite like the Tesco boming a few months back.. While enroute to Udon, the neice called (lives about 30km south of Udon).. Oh, auntie, she told me wife.. Don't go to Tesco it was bombed today.." A drive by and a call proved that nothing had happened. However, everyone in town we asked that weekend certainly believed it was the Buddha's truth...

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