The New Udon Thani Magazine Guide

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The New Udon Thani Magazine Guide

Post by lee » April 1, 2007, 11:05 am

We're pleased to say that the new Udon Thani community magazine will be making its way to the print shop within the next week. Hopefully, if all goes to plan, the mag will be hitting the streets of Udon, Nong Khai, Khon Kaen and Vientiane after the New Year Madness.

Here is a shot of the front cover, the bottom left and middle photo are the joint winners of the photo competition, the runners up will be published on the members photo page within the magazine.


The magazine will include the following;

Useful information for Udon Thani
Tourist Attractions
Useful numbers
Business index
Accommodation guide
Restaurant guide
Nightlife guide
Classified adverts
Udon Thani Map
Detailed Issan province map
Things to buy in Udon
Stories & Articles
Issan language guide
Khon Kaen guide & Map
Nong Khai guide & Map
Vientianne guide & Map

This is the last chance to advertise in the first edition, current sponsors are entitled 50% off.

The mag will initially be published every 3 months, 5,000 copies will be distributed.

Please pm us for magazine enquiries, thanks.

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Post by Laan Yaa Mo » April 1, 2007, 11:21 am

It looks great, and sounds interesting. How do I get a copy sent to Toronto?

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Post by lee » April 1, 2007, 11:26 am

We hope to set up a free pdf online edition, you will also be able to purchase it online like the map edition.

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Post by tawan3 » April 1, 2007, 12:08 pm

I am a Thai lady. who now lives in USA. I just sold my business in America. I would like to work with you as a sale person. Are you still hiring. I used to live in Thailand 10 years ago. I love to sell advertising. Your new magazine looks very interesting.
Thank you,

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Post by Kudjap or Bust » April 1, 2007, 12:25 pm

Looks great, I'm sure it will be a success.

Could I suggest the heading background color be changed from the black (I think it is) to the Udon color Orange...or would this afffect the printing charges too much.

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Post by lee » April 1, 2007, 12:34 pm

tawan3 wrote:Hi,
I am a Thai lady. who now lives in USA. I just sold my business in America. I would like to work with you as a sale person. Are you still hiring. I used to live in Thailand 10 years ago. I love to sell advertising. Your new magazine looks very interesting.
Thank you,
We're still hiring, currently we're looking for Thai nationals for the following positions;

Graphic/Web designers
Marketing & Sales staff (Nong Khai, Khon Kaen, Vientiane and Udon)
Journalist/Story writers (p/t foreigner & Thai positions)

Brief CV's can be sent to us via the contact page, thanks.
Could I suggest the heading background color be changed from the black (I think it is) to the Udon color Orange...or would this afffect the printing charges too much.
Thanks for your suggestion, we have tried other colours but we found that black makes the photos stand out more. We'll give the orange colour a go and see how we get on, thanks.

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Post by johnbarryseven » April 2, 2007, 10:25 am

Would love to advertise in your magazine, do you have a email address or contact number ? :lol:

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Post by lee » April 12, 2007, 11:31 am

Hi John, sent you a pm!

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Post by lee » April 12, 2007, 11:48 am

The Udon Thani Magazine will be distributed on April 20th. Overseas visitors can order copies via the index page of this site (right hand column). The mag is $1 plus $5 p&p Thailand & worldwide.

The magazine will be free at sponsors, tourist information office etc. And will be for sale (25bt) at retail outlets.


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Post by TJ » April 12, 2007, 12:42 pm

I am looking forward to acquiring a copy.

It just struck me that a Thai-related crossword puzzle would be interesting to work. I used to be very fond of US newpaper crossword puzzles. A good Thai crossword puzzle, in English of course, could be entertaining and informative.

Did you consider including a crossword puzzle in your magazine?

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Post by lee » April 12, 2007, 12:56 pm

Good idea! That's certainly something worth considering for the next issue.

This is the first edition so it may be a little rough around the edges; however we look forward to hearing all your constructive advice and suggestions for future editions.

Thanks. :D

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Post by TJ » April 12, 2007, 3:34 pm

Your Udon Thani Magazine initially struck me as a tourist guide, somewhat static, as your maps are. But I notice that you describe it as a community magazine, which can be a more dynamic product. The thought of a community magazine raises my interest.

Certainly you will receive a volume of comments and congratulations when your first issue hits the stands and advertisers

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Post by lee » April 12, 2007, 5:44 pm

TJ wrote:Your Udon Thani Magazine initially struck me as a tourist guide, somewhat static, as your maps are. But I notice that you describe it as a community magazine, which can be a more dynamic product. The thought of a community magazine raises my interest.
You're right, there's not much more you can do with a map, you're limited to one page and you can't add to it. At the end of the day a map

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Post by tawan3 » April 12, 2007, 6:36 pm

Wow homework is growing :D :D :D

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Post by BobHelm » April 25, 2007, 11:56 pm

Lee, thanks for the copy of the magazine.


Firstly, I enjoyed it & thought it was very much more like a hard copy of the web site than the map on its own could ever be - which I guess was your aim.

Secondly, I guess this is the first edition, so not much new for a regular reader of the site, but I guess this will change over time as you develop it - that being said Paul & Chris James's articles still both managed to bring a tear to the eye, but i am a sentimental old fool as the best of times... :D Plus the extended ability for advertisers did inform me of a thing or two that I wasn't previously aware of.

Thirdly, The maps could do with being a bit bigger for us of failing sight, but I guess that is something that advertising has to pay for -

PLEASE do not take anything as a criticism of the magazine, because it certainly is not intended to be - I am full of admiration for both the quality of it & the thought that has gone into producing something that is really unique & will prove to be invaluable for any visitor that finds themselves in Udon.

Congratulations & keep up the good work...

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Post by johnbarryseven » April 26, 2007, 8:00 am

Simply the best! What else can we say!
Thank you =D>

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Post by averagejoe » April 26, 2007, 8:57 am

haven't read the magazine, but just want to let you know that people like me, who is consider an "udon tourist" appreciate you for the publishing a magazine which can help tourists to Udon and at the same time entertain the locals. i'll definitely support the great work by picking up one when i get to udon!


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Post by lee » April 26, 2007, 12:15 pm

BobHelm wrote:Congratulations & keep up the good work...
Thanks for your comments and feedback Bob, as always we're always happy to hear your thoughts.

I agree the maps could do with being a little larger, we had to remove a couple of the larger scale maps of the city center due to extortionate printing costs, maybe we could add these in the future editions as more sponsors climb on board.

Also we're hoping to add more articles to future editions and restaurant reviews.

Thanks averagejoe and johnbarryseven for your comments, it's much appreciated.

We'd love to hear more feedback, good or bad; every comment is taken on board and will hopefully go towards helping us improve future editions.

Thanks all.

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Post by jingjai » April 27, 2007, 5:21 pm

Where can I pick up a copy of the magazine?

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Post by lee » April 27, 2007, 6:31 pm

The staff are currently dropping them off at all the sponsors as I write this, we should have some available at the Charoensri information counter too soon. The main areas will be limousine office at the airport, information counter at the airport, hotels, TAT, tourist police etc. They will also be available at the Detox center over the road from the Downunder Bar.

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