The lurch right away from the EU continues

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The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 16, 2017, 10:53 am

Another nail in the coffin of the EU?

Austria votes in 'Europe's youngestest leader' 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by newtovillagelife » October 16, 2017, 11:01 am

The US caused this migrant crisis. by imposing its standards on the middle east and africa. Everyone has a right to an opinion, just stating mine, I am not alone in this thinking. I am not so arrogant, as to think mine is the only one.
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 16, 2017, 11:04 am

Oh please, you need help mate, if you can’t be sensible stay away from the threads.
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by Zidane » October 16, 2017, 4:27 pm

vincemunday wrote:
October 16, 2017, 10:53 am
Another nail in the coffin of the EU?

Austria votes in 'Europe's youngestest leader' 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz
Quite possibly and don't forget Spain has its problems also with the Catalan area ( main city Barcelona) recently having an "illegal vote" in favour of independence from Spain.
Now if the Provence Alpes Cote D'Azur (main city Marseille) in France tried to do the same it would really put the cat amongst the pigeons ! ;)
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 16, 2017, 5:04 pm

I don't think Catalan's call for independence from Spain will affect the EU, I've not seen that they wish to leave it just that they want autonomy from Spain, something they've been fighting for, for a long time. The other consideration is that the referendum is being widely ignored, not an uncommon EU tactic, they did this before to Eire and Holland forcing them to redo the referendums until they got the "right" results. As a project the EU is falling apart slowly, there are too many cultures, languages and historical problems for it to ever work and let's not forget the EU economy that is firmly fixed to benefit France and Germany to the detriment of the southern "states".
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by FrazeeDK » October 16, 2017, 5:41 pm

The Austrian elections are just another manifestation of the general displeasure of a lot of Europeans towards unrestricted immigration and the impact on the receiving nation's culture and budgets. Not to worry though, you can bet the media will be trumpeting Austria's "move to the extreme right" and the "anti-immigrant stance of the incoming government..." The Germans had the AfD party snag 13% of the vote and get into the Bundestag.. France saw a higher turnout of conservative voters.. Sweden faces some serious political changes.. You can't expect an uncontrolled flood of migrants into a country with no ability to assimilate them.. The next step is that many of those migrants who were young and male will want to have their families follow..

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by rick » October 17, 2017, 4:31 am

The EU is not falling apart, just going through some challenging times, but all economies are now growing, most faster than the UK. More a case that Brexit is hammering nails into the coffin of the UK. I hope the UK will survive and prosper, but the 20's will be a decade of pain. The EU has been to much of a success to be abandoned. As in all times and countries, some prosper, and some do not. Currently the do not's are jumping up and down and blaming the EU. It isn't the EU causing the problems, it is change, and change happens whether you like it or not.

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 17, 2017, 9:14 am

Time will tell but one of the basic principles of the EU is free movement and it's exactly that what will be a huge part of its demise. Yes the EU economy is performing better than the UK but only in specific countries, go to Greece, Portugal etc and see what response you get there to your economic theories but all's well if you live in the northern states I guess. Also, Merkel et al have in inbuilt fear to confront the growing tide of people who are intent on destroying every modicum of culture that doesn't agree with their ideals, another reason the project will fail, the Bavarians for example are fiercely patriotic and will stamp their feet sooner rather than later. For all the arguments it cannot be denied that European politics are shifting away from the EU and I still say that over the next four years it will continue to do so.
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 22, 2017, 8:28 pm

Another vote, another lurch to the right and another move away from the EU, a shock result but in line with other votes around Europe.
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by Chuchi » October 23, 2017, 9:16 am

vincemunday wrote:
October 16, 2017, 5:04 pm
I don't think Catalan's call for independence from Spain will affect the EU, I've not seen that they wish to leave it just that they want autonomy from Spain, something they've been fighting for, for a long time. The other consideration is that the referendum is being widely ignored, not an uncommon EU tactic, they did this before to Eire and Holland forcing them to redo the referendums until they got the "right" results. As a project the EU is falling apart slowly, there are too many cultures, languages and historical problems for it to ever work and let's not forget the EU economy that is firmly fixed to benefit France and Germany to the detriment of the southern "states".
It's strange Vince,the EU were quite happy in 2004 for the the North East of England to vote for regional assemblies orchestrated by Blair and Prescott,these buildings were built and staffed without even people asking for them,thankfully the people saw through the plan to dilute England into regions and voted a resounding NO to make them electable,these unaccountable buildings are still in use today,The regional assemblies `carry out a wide range of advocacy and consultancy roles with national government bodies and the European Union.As far as I'm concerned you reap what you sow.

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by Chuchi » October 23, 2017, 5:08 pm

ROME — The citizens of two northern Italian regions voted overwhelmingly on Sunday in favor of greater autonomy in closely watched referendums that come on the heels of Catalonia’s tortuous attempts to secede from Spain.

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by tamarlane » October 24, 2017, 11:25 pm

Both the winners of the Czech and Austrian elections aren't anti-EU. It is not my opnion but theirs. If you look at their geographical locations you will understand why! They are rightly so critical at the EU ,especially on immigration. Understandibly, as you dont want a repeat of the 2015 Syrian crisis.

A key element in the brexit referendum , the freedom of movement of persons within the EU wasnt adressed yesterday at a meeting of the Minister of Social Affairs of the EU28 yesterday. But they reached agreement on implementing a deal that foreign workers should get the same financial compensation as the local workers. So as an example : a Polish worker in the construction industry in the UK would get the same compensation as a British one. It should put an end to "social dumping".

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by tamada » October 25, 2017, 7:00 am

tamarlane wrote:
October 24, 2017, 11:25 pm
Both the winners of the Czech and Austrian elections aren't anti-EU. It is not my opnion but theirs. If you look at their geographical locations you will understand why! They are rightly so critical at the EU ,especially on immigration. Understandibly, as you dont want a repeat of the 2015 Syrian crisis.

A key element in the brexit referendum , the freedom of movement of persons within the EU wasnt adressed yesterday at a meeting of the Minister of Social Affairs of the EU28 yesterday. But they reached agreement on implementing a deal that foreign workers should get the same financial compensation as the local workers. So as an example : a Polish worker in the construction industry in the UK would get the same compensation as a British one. It should put an end to "social dumping".
How this pay parity will ultimately impact the quality of UK home builds is a point to ponder.

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by Zidane » October 28, 2017, 11:29 am

Spain on the brink........the crackdown on Catalonia wont go down well in that area.....

BBC World News - 28 October
The EU faces the danger of "more cracks" appearing in the bloc following Catalonia's declaration of independence from Spain, a top EU official has said.
"I wouldn't want the EU to consist of 95 states," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said.
Meanwhile, European Council President Donald Tusk said Spain "remains our only interlocutor" in the crisis.
Spain's parliament earlier responded to Catalonia's move by approving direct rule over the autonomous region.
On Friday evening, Mr Juncker warned that the 28-member EU did not need "any more cracks, more splits".
"We shouldn't insert ourselves into what is an internal debate for Spain," he added.
Separately, Mr Tusk expressed hopes that "the Spanish government favours force of argument, not argument of force".
The British and French governments as well as the French president all voiced support for the central Spanish government in Madrid.
However, a statement by a minister in Scotland's devolved government said: "We understand and respect the position of the Catalan government.
"While Spain has the right to oppose independence, the people of Catalonia must have the ability to determine their own future."
The EU sees itself as a stabilising and unifying force in Europe, and there is no sign that its instinctive aversion to separatism and secession will waver as the crisis intensifies, the BBC's Kevin Connolly in Brussels says.
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 28, 2017, 1:49 pm

The forest was shrinking daily but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by Chuchi » October 28, 2017, 2:47 pm

Zidane wrote:
October 28, 2017, 11:29 am
Spain on the brink........the crackdown on Catalonia wont go down well in that area.....

BBC World News - 28 October
The EU faces the danger of "more cracks" appearing in the bloc following Catalonia's declaration of independence from Spain, a top EU official has said.
"I wouldn't want the EU to consist of 95 states," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said.
Meanwhile, European Council President Donald Tusk said Spain "remains our only interlocutor" in the crisis.
Spain's parliament earlier responded to Catalonia's move by approving direct rule over the autonomous region.
On Friday evening, Mr Juncker warned that the 28-member EU did not need "any more cracks, more splits".
"We shouldn't insert ourselves into what is an internal debate for Spain," he added.
Separately, Mr Tusk expressed hopes that "the Spanish government favours force of argument, not argument of force".
The British and French governments as well as the French president all voiced support for the central Spanish government in Madrid.
However, a statement by a minister in Scotland's devolved government said: "We understand and respect the position of the Catalan government.
"While Spain has the right to oppose independence, the people of Catalonia must have the ability to determine their own future."
The EU sees itself as a stabilising and unifying force in Europe, and there is no sign that its instinctive aversion to separatism and secession will waver as the crisis intensifies, the BBC's Kevin Connolly in Brussels says.
So the EU's deliberate policy of Regionalisation - strengthening Regional Government in order to bypass and therefore weaken National ones - has come home to roost,as a certain journalist use to say you couldn't make it up

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by tamarlane » October 31, 2017, 3:42 am

is the sexist treatment in parliament going to be a major issue in uk?

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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 31, 2017, 6:48 am

So the bully boy tactics continue, I've a feeling this might all backfire on Spain and the EU, they might not like the outcome and they might well force new referendums until they get the "right" result but December should be a defining moment, the people of Catalan can vote and elect who they want to.

Catalan independence: Carles Puigdemont in Belgium, lawyer says
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by papafarang » October 31, 2017, 9:50 am

interesting that the EU will start producing it's own political refugees, that's how bad it's become .in Europe you can end up in prison for political views :lol: .unreal , first violence is used against them , then prison, and this is democracy ? I suppose the EU must set up a special prison for political prisoners now
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Re: The lurch right away from the EU continues

Post by vincemunday » October 31, 2017, 11:18 am

You're absolutely right PF, it's a worrying development and of course we're seeing the same in the U.K. with Theresa May trying to pass laws that can have people jailed for airing their beliefs on social media etc, it always makes me laugh when you see people bitching about certain countries placing restrictions on what can and can't be said publicly, it's getting just as bad in Europe.
The forest was shrinking daily but the trees kept voting for the axe as its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

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