Renew drivers License AEK Udon

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by TAXIfor7/11 » May 19, 2017, 5:48 am

AXIfor7/11 » April 15, 2017, 4:19 pm

i went to AEK few days before i needed to renew my 5 year car and motorbike licence i asked the question regarding the 2 letters from immigration the lady said ask for either a car or motorbike no need for the 2 letters so off i went to immo got the 1 letter can,t remember if i asked for bike or car,didn,t matter my understanding is its a letter of residency nothing more,just another way of immigration pulling your pants down and getting extra money,anyway i turned up at AEK and handed the 1 letter in watched the video got my 2 licences and off i went,your experience might be different,TIT

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by sgt » May 19, 2017, 11:47 pm

I probably should have gone that route, but the dude at DL didn't seem too helpful. Anyway got it done. Maybe I can get wife to get yellow book this time, she got pissed and left last time after they wanted money under the table. The wife doesn't take that crap well at all, not from anybody. One thing I really like about her.

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by sometimewoodworker » May 20, 2017, 5:15 am

sgt wrote:did they ask for resident certificate?
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by sgt » May 20, 2017, 10:37 am

Yes, it was either that or yellow book.

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Tracechain » July 12, 2017, 4:29 pm

Went in for renewal today and provided copy of yellow book, pink ID card in lieu of my passport and copy of current license. Guy told the wife while I was watching the safety flick that they prefer pink ID card vice passport to preclude passport validity conflicts with their five year policy. Not sure what that all means but having yellow book and pink ID card has paid off.
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Udon Map » July 12, 2017, 5:17 pm

Tracechain wrote:
July 12, 2017, 4:29 pm
Guy told the wife while I was watching the safety flick that they prefer pink ID card vice passport to preclude passport validity conflicts with their five year policy. Not sure what that all means but having yellow book and pink ID card has paid off.
Presumably they want to make sure that your passport is valid for the entire term of the license.

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by semperfiguy » July 12, 2017, 6:35 pm

Udon Map wrote:
July 12, 2017, 5:17 pm
Tracechain wrote:
July 12, 2017, 4:29 pm
Guy told the wife while I was watching the safety flick that they prefer pink ID card vice passport to preclude passport validity conflicts with their five year policy. Not sure what that all means but having yellow book and pink ID card has paid off.
Presumably they want to make sure that your passport is valid for the entire term of the license.
Exactly, since the passport number is generally used as the ID number on the Thai driver's license. When an American is issued a new passport, we are given a completely different passport number. I can't speak for other countries. That could present a problem if one's current passport expires before the 5 year license expires. Try explaining that to the coppers when they pull you over and ask for driver's license and passport, and the numbers don't match.

I have a Yellow Book, and in that book I have been assigned a Thai ID number. That same number appears as the ID number on my Pink Thai ID Card. It would seem that if one presents the Pink Thai ID to the Land Transport Office in lieu of a passport when renewing a Thai driver's license, then that's the ID number that will appear on the new driver's license (although I haven't confirmed that). My pink Thai ID card has no expiry date; therefore my Thai ID number should never change, and that ID number will be consistent on my Yellow Book, Thai ID Card and Thai Driver's License. That makes more sense to me.
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Lone Star » July 12, 2017, 6:52 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
July 12, 2017, 6:35 pm
Udon Map wrote:
July 12, 2017, 5:17 pm
Tracechain wrote:
July 12, 2017, 4:29 pm
Guy told the wife while I was watching the safety flick that they prefer pink ID card vice passport to preclude passport validity conflicts with their five year policy. Not sure what that all means but having yellow book and pink ID card has paid off.
Presumably they want to make sure that your passport is valid for the entire term of the license.
Exactly, since the passport number is generally used as the ID number on the Thai driver's license. When an American is issued a new passport, we are given a completely different passport number. I can't speak for other countries. That could present a problem if one's current passport expires before the 5 year license expires. Try explaining that to the coppers when they pull you over and ask for driver's license and passport, and the numbers don't match.

That's why I keep my expired passport handy when traveling. Show & Tell works very well here in many instances.
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Tracechain » July 13, 2017, 4:31 am

Yes, the number on the drivers license is the same as on my little pinky card!
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Barney » October 31, 2017, 10:20 am

Update for AEK license office
Went to renew my 2 licenses yesterday, was a 2 year and it expired last April. Bike and car.
Went to the normal 80 baht doctor for the medical, staff advised that over 50 (don't quote me on the age) have to get hospital check now, new laws.
Went to the license office and up to the 2nd floor in the AEK hospital. Registered, did medical, 200bht

Back down to the license office, its 10.30 now. So not many in the waiting queue.
Provided 2 copies of all docs for both licenses.
Gave them
both old licenses
original and 1 copy of medical
2 copies of pink ID card
2 copies of yellow book
2 copies of passport

Paper work processed quickly photo taken and given a 5 year license for both. Date of the licenses start for 5 years from my next birthday end December. Did not request 5 years as I thought I would stay on 2 years as I am on visa exempt but she just gave it to me.
No check for visa as I don't have one.
760 bht for both license

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by sometimewoodworker » October 31, 2017, 11:12 am

Barney wrote:
October 31, 2017, 10:20 am
Update for AEK license office
Went to renew my 2 licenses yesterday, was a 2 year and it expired last April. Bike and car.
Went to the normal 80 baht doctor for the medical, staff advised that over 50 (don't quote me on the age) have to get hospital check now, new laws.
Went to the license office and up to the 2nd floor in the AEK hospital. Registered, did medical, 200bht

Back down to the license office, its 10.30 now. So not many in the waiting queue.
Provided 2 copies of all docs for both licenses.
Gave them
both old licenses
original and 1 copy of medical
2 copies of pink ID card
2 copies of yellow book
2 copies of passport

Paper work processed quickly photo taken and given a 5 year license for both. Date of the licenses start for 5 years from my next birthday end December. Did not request 5 years as I thought I would stay on 2 years as I am on visa exempt but she just gave it to me.
No check for visa as I don't have one.
760 bht for both license
You were lucky that you got the 5 year license maybe the pink card and yellow book confused things as usually it's only long term visa or extension of stay holders who have them.
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Barney » October 31, 2017, 2:17 pm


I don't believe in luck.
But, I must be the luckiest bloke in UT. Have been told on numerous occasions by some well meaning guys over a beer that the below list of govt doc's was not possible without a visa.
Touch wood, as never had a problem doing anything.
Have been able to get

Car license, 1 yr, 2 x 2 yr and now a 5 year. Never had to sit in any training videos or tests.
Motor bike license same same and never had a bike license previously in Australia.
Pink ID card for 10 years
Yellow house book

All on visa exempt.
Must be the handsome man demeanor. :lol:

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Manxlad » October 31, 2017, 3:04 pm

I did my AEK trip last week, for renewal of bike and car licence.
Handed over my old licences, asked about the need for medical cert... you no need.
Told to sit down... then eventually called up , to to sign forms and then we all had to endure that mind numbing video for an hour, then take the colour traffic light test, then sit for god knows how long before new photo, but walked out with shinny new licences for 5 years each,
So all in all, no big deal.

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by sometimewoodworker » November 1, 2017, 6:32 am

Manxlad wrote:
October 31, 2017, 3:04 pm
I did my AEK trip last week, for renewal of bike and car licence.
Handed over my old licences, asked about the need for medical cert... you no need.
Told to sit down... then eventually called up , to to sign forms and then we all had to endure that mind numbing video for an hour, then take the colour traffic light test, then sit for god knows how long before new photo, but walked out with shinny new licences for 5 years each,
So all in all, no big deal.
I guess you were renewing a 5 year licence? If so then the no medical certificate is standard
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by Manxlad » November 1, 2017, 12:38 pm

Correct, 5 year renewal, but this was my first time for renewal, so wasn’t sure quite what was required. luckily I hadn’t gone upstairs for medical cert anyway

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by robytoby1960 » January 31, 2018, 3:19 am

Hello everybody! Reading all the post at the driver license permit: Can we make and/or renew the license at AEK Udon? Or still only at the Land Transp. Off.??? Regards Richard

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by sometimewoodworker » January 31, 2018, 7:39 am

robytoby1960 wrote:
January 31, 2018, 3:19 am
Hello everybody! Reading all the post at the driver license permit: Can we make and/or renew the license at AEK Udon? Or still only at the Land Transp. Off.??? Regards Richard
AEK for renewal, has always been OK.

Possibly not for a new licence.
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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by vidmaster » January 31, 2018, 9:05 am

I have 1 yr bike lic can I get a 5 yr at AEK Udon when it comes up for renewal with my retirement visa?
If so where is AEK Udon?

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by wazza » January 31, 2018, 9:30 am

AEK is the International Hospital on Posri Road,

On the lower ground level is the Govt transport Department,

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Re: Renew drivers License AEK Udon

Post by pal52 » January 31, 2018, 9:37 am

vidmaster wrote:
January 31, 2018, 9:05 am
I have 1 yr bike lic can I get a 5 yr at AEK Udon when it comes up for renewal with my retirement visa?
If so where is AEK Udon?
Are you sure it is 1 year.
I got my first car & motorbike license in July 2016 & it is for 2 years.
I thought all first licenses are for 2 years now.

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