Crypto-currencies: The future is now

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Giggle » January 21, 2018, 10:52 am

Cash in all your investments. The sky is falling! :lol:

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by parrot » January 21, 2018, 2:24 pm

ytrewq "In the interim, please continue with the laughably uninformed postulations. It's entertaining."

It took a good long time for the US government to crack down on foreign-held bank accounts, but they did. Sooner or later the US government is going to want a piece of the profit action on cryptocoins to fuel the government coffers. Legally speaking, you're required to report those profits and risk huge penalties for not complying. If I were making huge profits of any kind and not reporting them, I'd think it's unwise to post on a public forum.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » January 21, 2018, 8:27 pm

Smarten up and stop whizzing your pants. =; ... xes-215830

Anyway, back to the topic of crypto. For the uneducated among you all, the only way crypto can be traced is when it passes through an exchange that identifies its account holders. But, guess what? You don't need an exchange at all, or one uses an anonymous exchange, or one passes funds out of an exchange to an anonymous wallet and then back into a completely different exchange (or plural), or...ya get the gist? [-o<

Now, before some Skippy goes off on a rant about that being a bug rather than a feature, millions, if not billions, of people circumvent reporting to government authorities all over the world every single day - including YOU (yes, YOU, reader). It's called "paying in cash". Unless, of course you are that rare meticulous records keeper who accounts for and reports every cent or satang.

That's just reality. Welcome to it.

The crypto game will play out like this:

Either crypto becomes part of the system, or governments everywhere coordinate to crush crypto and then crypto replaces the system. Those are the only two possible outcomes long-term. =;

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » January 22, 2018, 12:50 am

You make me laugh..he he he.
I got the 2 "Smoking Guns" on gold and cryptos.
But its late for bed now.
Will post tomarrow.
2 "Smoking Guns..........coming soon.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » January 22, 2018, 7:16 pm

Sorry Guys, I won't be posting my "2 Smoking Guns" here. I will open a new thread, so you go ahead and do your thing Last night when I went to bed, it was around 12:45AM and I only seen Paul and Wassa still online.. I read about Barry..I usually see him everyday opening his shop. He don't really know me and I don'y really know him. I don't buy his drapts (sp?) or watch the sports, I do buy his food. We nod to each other usually. My wife did arobics with his Landlord (Lady). I took an interest in him when he talked about his ideas to open the place. As a "good" businessman"(now retired) I wondered "how long will he last in this site..a site that has a reputation for "fly by night" open and close shops?" He dumped money into it..told my wife he will only last 2 months..then he was there 3, 4, 6, 9. Made me wonder, if he is not doing it for the "profits" (he could not be making $ there, no way) maybe he was doing it for his friends. A place to go and sit "Warm the Benches" in an open air place. Then early one morning, I seen that someone had "smashed" his place, broken bottles all over and window broke. What was all that about (some of you who left your "thumbprint" on a forgotten post?) a disagreement over what country makes the best beer or about a sport teams? Really? Had I seen you, I would have done something you would not have liked. I don't care if he was Aussie (I think he was) or Brit or American, he never did anything to me, so I will fight for those people. So I am a bit depressed..wife and I were smashed on our motorbike just over a year ago. Its really disappointing when someone sees you get hit, left in the road, then rides in the ambuance to the hospital and says they will help you get home if you can and need a ride. Using my medical knowwledge, I convinced the DR. at the Animal Hospital to let me go home..with blood in my urine and EXtreme pain, as I seen it was futile to stay there , as the head nurse wanted me to go to the toilet by myself. (descovered a week later at BKK Hospital I had a split pelvic bone). I'm a tough guy!! I passed a kidney stone, on the floor, in only 4 hours of EXTREME pain. (crazy right? I was stuck in Bandung.).
Am happy though to see many of you looking to a "higher Power" (my prayers are with you, we pray, we are with you in prayer, ect) about: We are praying for a Miracle? Miracles still DO happen!
Anyways, I will not disappoint with the "2 Smoking Guns"....
Until then, if you have Bitcoins, start looking for something to "BUY"!! I recomend gold. This is "your window" RIGHT NOW, do something or suffer the losses.........
Till then, be well.
My online gold company ends in MEx..fedmex, golmex..forgot, its on a paper somewhere. They are the worlds largest and most trusted, and ship internationally. Yes, I know you cannot buy in the US, Americans are so dumbed down with MSM propaganda. Wassa, that was a hypothetical question..I would never buy a home in Aussie..only because I have never been there, although I hear many spots are great.
And, lastly, from my gold theft in BKK..I have a 3 page document from Customs listing all they took and a 8 hour video of the interigations. All you haters, stop reading "into" things, or "thinking outloud".
Lastly again, why are so many commenting from other countries? Don't you have a life there, or you cannot wait to get back.
Lastly again...only Semperflyguy was MAN enough to help us in our time of need. Hail to You!

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Balthasar G. » January 22, 2018, 9:29 pm

I hope I die in my sleep like my grand dad did, not screaming like his passengers

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by wazza » January 22, 2018, 9:54 pm

I read that the NK were only 1 incorrect syllable away from hundreds of millions in $ phishing from a Bank in India recently.

The name of the city or Bank was incorrectly spelt.

I also read hey are the biggest supplier of counterfeit $USD and major supplier of narcotics and pre cursors to user friendly countries like Myanmar / Laos, add in their online ability to phish millions.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » January 25, 2018, 1:41 pm

I'm guessing some are waiting for my "2 Smoking Guns" message. Maybe?
Well, it's being put together..once I post it, I want it to be accurate, timely and with all the words that should be put into I don't need to correct or revise it..knowing the Trolls and haters will be jumping all over it. No one is talking about what I am putting together. Sure, everything I will mention has been talked about, "in pieces", but No-one has put all the pieces together. This "story" could be sold to a Publisher, but I am making it's debut here on UD Map. If someone takes it somewhere, I don't worry. I just want to help someone make a good decision about future planning. My Grandfather was a successful farmer who designed his own buildings and "redesigned" the farming machinery. These same people (builders, Implement Dealers) sent "Hawks" to his farm to copy his designs so they could steal and sell his ideas for profits. My Grandfather did not care, he built what he wanted and thats all he cared about. He built the A-Frame and "up-side down" U roof implement storage building with the 2 large sliding doors that opened up the whole front so you could drive in a Hay Bailers, large combine, 3 wagons of bailed hay, or straw, a plow, furrow, and up to 4 diesel tractors, all under one roof. I miss him and a few other "old guys" who were great friends who shared so much wisdom in business and investment. (A investment is not only money, but in relationships, life in general) . These type of guys are mostly gone today. So what do I have? Not much, compared to them. Just "2 Smoking Guns" fact, 1 is shooting up and the other is shooting down. So, coming soon.
Until then, I would like you to watch this 19 minute clip. He nails what is happening...this is bad and good info for those who can decern it. There are SO many clues in it that tell what to watch out for and what to do about it.
Take care, ... DJQHTnLu_c

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by wazza » January 28, 2018, 7:27 pm

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » January 30, 2018, 11:20 pm

A crypto exchange was robbed of some relatively obscure coin, but was so well capitalized that they almost immediately made everyone whole. The stolen coins were immediately tagged and are being tracked. Other exchanges have been alerted, so converting them to cash or some other coin may be problematic.

That's not an "ouch". That is a WOW! Had the perps electronically robbed a financial institution in the USA, account holders MAYBE would have recovered up to $250,000 per depositor, per FDIC-insured bank, per ownership category - and after many months or years and a lot of paperwork hassle. THAT would be an "ouch".

Don't let your bias get in the way of reality.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by wazza » January 31, 2018, 9:13 am

Its an "ouch" as it wasnt protected securely enough and was hacked .

They havent stated how they will repay as yet, just said they will, from what i read.

The Jury is still out for me on this one, but reading yesterday that the Australian Taxation Office are classifying Crypto currencies as taxable on the profits, certainly changes a few thoughts also.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by felixcat » January 31, 2018, 6:13 pm

Don't let your bias get in the way of reality.??
So what then? Jump in head first?
Anyways, still see peop[le fighting about "what is it". No one knows....
But it is not "safe", guarenteed or private.
It is being used to promote something bigger than any of you can imagine. This is just the "prelude" to accepting what is around the corner.
My "Two Smoking Guns" is ready, just a few more touch ups, and adding some relevant info that just popped up.
Don't forget "Chinese New Year" is here, and the banks always manipulate the gold price down as a Gift to them. The Chinese are inportant, and I will tell you why...
carry on...

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » February 1, 2018, 1:59 pm

If one is prone to knee-jerk reactions or conclusions, one shouldn't "invest" in anything at all - ever. Just burn it or throw it all away. Same result.

Anyway: ... ange-news/

They are demonstrating how crypto can be tracked far better than serial numbers on cash. So far, the perps have not been able to do much of anything with the stolen coins. All victims have been made whole and the whole heist may have been a huge risk and waste of time for the perps. This may end up being a significant deterrent to other hackers. Time will tell...

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by glalt » February 1, 2018, 5:24 pm

I was told by crypto enthusiasts that the beauty of it was that no one could know how much you had, where you spent it who you spent it with or what you bought. That means that if they are able to track it, the advantage is gone. The governments will love that. They will be able to tax it.

I never had any and don't want any. Someday the hackers will figure out exactly how to hack is and the system will crash.

I like cash even though it too can also be worthless but until it is I can go anywhere and spend it. I don't have to worry about my batteries being dead or my computer crashing and can buy a beer in any bar. I can put it under my mattress and I can touch it. It won't vanish in thin air.

I have been called a Luddite and that's fine. I'll just be content with my cash and willing to see people willing to gamble get rich. (Or not).

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Stantheman » February 1, 2018, 9:26 pm

An article in Bangkok post about malware and Crypto-currencies. ... /#cxrecs_s

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Giggle » February 1, 2018, 9:38 pm

That doesn't surprise me at all give the Thai propensity for gambling/fraud/deception/get-rich-quick mentality.
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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by glalt » February 1, 2018, 10:02 pm

I watch bitcoin just out of curiosity. It was up to nearly $19,000 and I just had a look and it is right now $9,300. A fall that steep cannot be good.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by Giggle » February 1, 2018, 10:41 pm

Any currency, fiat or trade, is measured by its value over time. From day to day, users should expect some measure of consistency. An inconsistent currency is worthless. It might be of value as an investment, but as a currency it's poo.

I think this is the inherent problem of cryptocurrency. It may be useful to by heroin and gun runners, and 13-year-old Chinese sex slaves traders today, but tomorrow, the price could double. How does an entrepreneur build a business model on that?
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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by wazza » February 2, 2018, 2:07 pm

" The sell-off began with the hacking of Japan's largest digital currency exchange Coincheck last week, which resulted in 58 billion yen ($660 million) worth of cryptocurrency being stolen.

Coincheck has agreed to repay 46.3 billion yen ($523 million) to investors." ... rs/9387898

Thats a $137 million underpayment or approx 79% repaid , or a 21% loss on the deposits that were hacked.

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Re: Crypto-currencies: The future is now

Post by ytrewq » February 3, 2018, 5:13 am

We do not know if the shortage may have been their own coins. In which case, it makes sense they would forgoe reimbursing themselves.

The situation remains fluid. Japan's authorities are now involved, so a final resolution to the heist may take awhile. No point doing a play-by-play. Put a pin in it and maybe revisit much later this year.

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