Barney wrote: ↑February 4, 2018, 3:31 pm
Hoopee in the first comment was very close to the money both in price and Cu mtr capacity as a rule of thumb.
We, overtime have had a number of bulk soil and sand type delivered using the 2 typical truck sizes around town.
Small single rear axle truck with about 5 Cu mtr capacity and depending on distance travelled and soil type is 300 to 400. You can get a better rate than a single load rate mentioned once you go to 80 or 100 loads.
Tandem axle larger truck, 10 cu mtr will be from 600 and up, again depending on number of loads and what type of soil you want.
Truck size is rated by tons capacity.
The single axle 5 cu mtr tipper is usually about a 9 ton capacity including truck chassis, attached tipper and load
the tandem axle 10 cu mtr tipper is usually above a 20/22 ton capacity including truck chassis, attached tipper and load.
Different materials weigh differently per cu mtr hence you see some with hungry boards attached on the side of the tipper to carry more weight to the capacity allowed. DFepending on the weight of the material the Cu mtr fitting in the truck will change.
Sand is about 1 ton per cu mtr, you fit more sand in then soil unless its well above the side.
Just make sure the truck is fully loaded to the capacity of the truck you use with out falling off the side, as mentioned they will cheat you, others on other threads have also mentioned about counting the trucks accurately, give them a raffle ticket each load as an example. Its easy to lose count. There will be a boss or owner of the trucks you will pay not the driver if bulk loads are required.
Make sure if your land is out in the villages when delivering on the smaller soi roads that the village will allow the larger trucks in mass. Over loading and destroying the road will be your cost. I'm talking about when you use a fleet of trucks for delivery, not a one off.
Good luck.