Yet another school shooting in the US

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » February 16, 2018, 10:34 am

semperfiguy wrote:
February 16, 2018, 8:48 am
This says it all for me!

There's more spirituality and common sense in prisons than there is in public schools.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Adhoc » February 16, 2018, 12:21 pm

Another all too frequent mass shooting in the USA. And the pro gun fanatics come out with the same old tired platitudes.
Surely a better way would be to have much stricter gun control. Modern assault weapons, automatic weapons have no place in the public domain. Then if anyone gets upset about gun control, we can send them our thoughts and prayers.
The part of the American constitution what the gun lobby claims gives them the right to bear arms is dubious at best.
When you also bear in mind that when the constitution was written, it took about a minute to fire a single shot from a musket. ... 336&type=3

Just my 2 cents worth.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by semperfiguy » February 16, 2018, 1:21 pm

What's tiring to me is hearing the same old unrealistic argument to ban assault rifles. If they passed a law today to ban ALL gun sales of any type, there remains multiple millions of weapons in the hands of the citizenry of the United States, many of which are assault rifles. So, the question remains....what do you do about those? The American public is not going to give up their weapons, and even with an act of Congress to command them to do so would result in civil war the likes of which has never been seen in our country. If some nut case is hell bent on committing mass murder, he will find a way to get his hands on a suitable weapon. So, let's change the argument from gun control to some other logical solution that makes more sense! This issue is very complex and there is no "one size fits all" solution to the problem.

Our lax censorship laws have allowed Hollywood and the video games' industry to promote violence in general and gun violence specifically, and after decades of desensitizing the society to this kind of behavior we are now reaping what they have sown into the minds and hearts of our youth. The breakdown of the family unit in America is a huge contributing factor to the delinquency of our youth with the majority of kids being raised in homes without a father. Kids in the home these days run roughshod over their parents since it has now become politically incorrect and even against the law to discipline kids with corporal punishment. Parents are at risk of being jailed and even having their children taken away from them if they are accused of disciplining them to the extent that it even smells of abuse, so parents are scared to death to dish out the necessary corrective punishment for wrongdoing by a child. Christianity is under constant attack in our society, and the old adage of raising up a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is becoming more and more politically incorrect. Instead, children are being taught that there is is no defined line between right and wrong, and it's up to each individual to determine what is right or wrong to them. One child might view violence of any type as sin while the other seems to think they have the perfect right to act as they please, and this kind of thought is even encouraged by parents and educators.

There is no end to the list, and I could go on and on. The point is....the availability of guns is only a very small percentage of the problem in the American society. We are known for our freedoms, and yet, it will be these very freedoms that will lead to our ultimate downfall!
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » February 16, 2018, 1:29 pm

Adhoc wrote:
February 16, 2018, 12:21 pm
Another all too frequent mass shooting in the USA. And the pro gun fanatics come out with the same old tired platitudes.
Surely a better way would be to have much stricter gun control. Modern assault weapons, automatic weapons have no place in the public domain. Then if anyone gets upset about gun control, we can send them our thoughts and prayers.
The part of the American constitution what the gun lobby claims gives them the right to bear arms is dubious at best.
When you also bear in mind that when the constitution was written, it took about a minute to fire a single shot from a musket. ... 336&type=3

Just my 2 cents worth.
And the anti gun hate America crowd comes out with the same tired arguments.

Automatic weapons are NOT sold to the general public. Define "assault weapon".

When the Constitution was written, the right to bear arms was for the same purpose as it is today -- a check against government tyranny and an Amendment that helps to preserve all the others.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » February 16, 2018, 1:42 pm ... en-shapiro

Gun Control Isn't A Policy. It's An Empty Slogan Designed To Label Opponents Evil.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by bigsnake » February 16, 2018, 2:20 pm


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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Doodoo » February 16, 2018, 2:36 pm

"When the Constitution was written, the right to bear arms was for the same purpose as it is today -- a check against government tyranny and an Amendment that helps to preserve all the others."

If it is a check against Government then why are school children being shot.
Time to change the Constitution with the events and times rather than using over 240 year old argument

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » February 16, 2018, 3:53 pm

Doodoo wrote:
February 16, 2018, 2:36 pm
"When the Constitution was written, the right to bear arms was for the same purpose as it is today -- a check against government tyranny and an Amendment that helps to preserve all the others."

If it is a check against Government then why are school children being shot.
Time to change the Constitution with the events and times rather than using over 240 year old argument
If automobiles are used for transportation purposes, why are drunk/impaired/irresponsible people allowed to drive them and kill innocent people?

You know why innocent people die at the hands of deranged or impaired individuals. It's not because of the inanimate object used in their death. It's because of the individual using it.

I've said this too many times in my lifetime: "If the People want to change the Constitution, nothing stops them. There is a process for it, and there are over 20 Amendments that prove that the Constitution can be amended. The People will not give up their guns."
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Doodoo » February 16, 2018, 4:19 pm

I truly believe that if people want to have guns so be it, not an issue. BUT if you have massive amounts of weapons then live with the consequences and one of them in this instance is mass shootings.

Go one killing one and another

Hope this helps

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » February 16, 2018, 4:23 pm

Doodoo wrote:
February 16, 2018, 4:19 pm
I truly believe that if people want to have guns so be it, not an issue. BUT if you have massive amounts of weapons then live with the consequences and one of them in this instance is mass shootings.

Go one killing one and another

Hope this helps
I can assure you that Americans are aware of the trade-offs in a free society.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by neeemu » February 16, 2018, 4:23 pm

A vehicle's prime purpose is not to kill. Your point is ridiculous.

Ask yourself why most other countries don't have the same problem. They all have "deranged or impaired individuals" too. The difference is they don't have so many people with blinkered views.

How do other countries get by without being able to buy guns at their local supermarket? I've never felt the need to own a gun.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by neeemu » February 16, 2018, 4:25 pm

Ps - I have just seen on the news that this is the 18th school shooting incident in America this year, yes that’s right this year as in 45 days of 2018. 

According to snopes (

More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history. Since 1968, more than 1.5 million Americans have died in gun-related incidents, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By comparison, approximately 1.2 million service members have been killed in every war in U.S. history, according to estimates from the Department of Veterans Affairs and, a website that maintains an ongoing database of casualties from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

American Revolutionary War (war of independence): 4,435
Mexican-American War: 13,283
The 1812 conflict: 2,260
Indian wars: 1000
Civil war: 750,000
Spanish-American War: 2,446
World War I: 116,516
World War II: 405,399
Korean War: 54,246
Vietnam War: 90,220
Desert Shield/Desert Storm (First Gulf War): 1,948
Afghanistan/Iraq: 5000
------------------------------------ total 1,447,753

2nd amendment: 1,500,000 

The land of the free ...

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by christian_2013 » February 16, 2018, 4:38 pm

Once again we see an issue that is used to divide and conquer the masses, those that are pro second amendment pro right to arm themselves against a tyrannical government and those that are anti gun and want to take arms away from the citizens.
There is something that is making our kids flip out at a young age, this question is not being addressed, why are so many predominantly young white male youths flipping out?
This is the question I would like to see some independent investigation in to, I think some of us would no doubtably see our kids are being programmed or propagandised at school on a scale never seen before in history.
I'm not going to get in to left or right politics, because that is just another divide and conquer construct for the masses IMHO. Have you guys not sat back and observed what is being taught to our kids today in the 12 or so years of government indoctrination camps? I have and they are ---- ing with our kids heads pure and simple.
We sit and debate effects continuously if we didn't have guns this wouldn't happen, yes you would be right in saying that, but as can be seen in places like England and Australia where the population has been disarmed they have high knife crime deaths, being dead is dead whether it's from a gun or a knife. These are effects but what is causing this in the 1st place? I personally have never had or owned a gun, my personal preference, and in my 49 years on this earth have never seen a gun a knife or a shovel walking down the street on it's own looking to kill someone, maybe you guys have?

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Doodoo » February 16, 2018, 4:46 pm

If America calls this a Free society it certainly different in Canada UK Australia etc who control their guns and live in a Free and Harmonious Society

Anyway have fun continue on

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by semperfiguy » February 16, 2018, 4:56 pm

Let's narrow this down a little bit and see just how prolific these gun deaths from mass shootings really are in the US. In 2017 there were 317 deaths from mass shootings. There are 19,354 incorporated cities in the US (regardless of size), so that means that on the average only 1 person within every 61 cities died from a mass shooting. I would venture to say that more people than that have choked to death on chunks of steak, so why don't we just ban the sale of beef? 40,260 people were killed in traffic accidents, or just over 2 people in every 61 cities, so why don't we just ban cars? The entire gun ban argument seems pretty ridiculous when you look at it from a different perspective. It's the mass media that perpetuates all the hype over the gun issue, and all the uniformed idiots in our society continually fall for their rhetoric.
Last edited by semperfiguy on February 16, 2018, 5:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by christian_2013 » February 16, 2018, 4:58 pm

Doodoo just an observation, if Australia and the UK who control there guns as you say live in a free and harmonious society. Why have they trained and armed there Police in such a fashion that they look like they are ready to be deployed in Afghanistan rather than on the streets of suburbia with an unarmed population?

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by neeemu » February 16, 2018, 4:59 pm

Again people roll out the inanimate objects don't kill people line. That's missing the point. Guns enable those who've 'flipped' to commit such atrocities, certainly on a much larger scale. To me, if gun control prevents one innocent death it's worth committing to, depends on how much you value life.

I'm yet to see a valid arguement as to why the masses need the right to posses firearms. Not that I'm encouraging people to try.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by neeemu » February 16, 2018, 5:00 pm

christian_2013 wrote:
February 16, 2018, 4:58 pm
Doodoo just an observation, if Australia and the UK who control there guns as you say live in a free and harmonious society. Why have they trained and armed there Police in such a fashion that they look like they are ready to be deployed in Afghanistan rather than on the streets of suburbia with an unarmed population?
Possibly to protect the citizens against those who have obtained weapons, whether that's firearms obtained illegally or IEDs etc. Pretty common sense really.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by neeemu » February 16, 2018, 5:01 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
February 16, 2018, 4:56 pm
Let's narrow this down a little bit and see just how prolific these gun deaths from mass shootings really are in the US. In 2017 there were 317 deaths from mass shootings. There are 19,354 incorporated cities in the US (regardless of size), so that means that on the average only 1 person within every 61 cities died from a mass shooting. I would venture to say that more people than that have choked to death on chunks of steak, so why don't we just ban the sale of beef? 40,260 people were killed in traffic accidents, or just over 2 people in every 61 cities, so why don't we just ban cars? The entire gun ban argument seems pretty ridiculous when you look at from a different perspective. It's the mass media that perpetuates all the hype over the gun issue, and all the uniformed idiots in our society continually fall for their rhetoric.
So if you could prevent a needless death of an innocent child you would not choose to do so on the basis of an out of date piece of legislation tells you it's your right? Backwards indeed.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by stattointhailand » February 16, 2018, 5:19 pm

I'm sure that American parents are only to pleased to know they live in a free society ..... ie the right to be have their kids shot dead at school without having to pay for it.

Is it any wonder there are so many "Shrinks" in the states =;

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