Yet another school shooting in the US

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by maaka » May 14, 2018, 6:20 am

yup. plenty of other countries around the globe that allow people to bear firearms, so why, or what is it, that causes most of these incidents to happen in the USA

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by fatbob » May 14, 2018, 8:08 am

maaka wrote:
May 14, 2018, 6:20 am
yup. plenty of other countries around the globe that allow people to bear firearms, so why, or what is it, that causes most of these incidents to happen in the USA
You only have to take a look at three village idiots on Udon Map from the US, Lonestar, Felix and Giggles, there's your answer...

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Giggle » May 14, 2018, 8:33 am

You're a good example of why the Commonwealth doesn't trust its subjects with anything sharper than a pair of scissors, fatmouth. Idiot extraordinaire.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by macca46 » May 14, 2018, 8:44 am

You have got the nationality wrong Giggle always remember engage your brain before opening your big flap trap.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Giggle » May 14, 2018, 8:48 am

Brit lite.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by vlad » May 14, 2018, 3:08 pm

Stirring the pot Giggles again with the brit bashing ?

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by stattointhailand » May 17, 2018, 8:41 pm

Good old Walmart/Asda everything you need for school under one roof :roll:

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Stantheman » May 17, 2018, 9:23 pm

A year old picture, but still a good one. Hopefully the marketing genius, or store manager, who had this idea is no longer with the company

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Stantheman » May 19, 2018, 12:11 am

Another school shooting this time in Texas, at least 8 dead ... ff62d9ee86

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by jimjay » May 19, 2018, 1:30 am

Stantheman wrote:
May 19, 2018, 12:11 am
Another school shooting this time in Texas, at least 8 dead ... ff62d9ee86
Time for the gun supporting sellouts in congress to come out with the usual "Hopes And Prayers" BS, -and for Trump to line up some insults for any students or parents who take issue.

Also time to send out the spooks to coordinate more fake "immigrants marching on the border" events to drown out the anti-gun outcry.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by jimjay » May 19, 2018, 5:58 am

2018 has been deadlier for schoolchildren than service members ... 2ba8b157c5
The school shooting near Houston on Friday bolstered a stunning statistic: More people have been killed at schools this year than have been killed while serving in the military.

Initial estimates put the number killed at Santa Fe High School at eight. (The death toll has since risen to 10.) We can compare that to figures for the military compiled from Defense Department news releases, including both combat and noncombat deaths. Even excluding non-students who died in school shootings (for example, teachers) the total still exceeds military casualties.
A large part of that is the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., on Feb. 14.

This is not usually the case. In 2017, the number of fatalities among service members was far higher than the number of people killed in school shootings, according to The Washington Post data.
After this story was originally published, Jared Keller, a senior editor at the site Task & Purpose, noted that the Department of Defense releases offered an incomplete picture of service member fatalities. Separate data compiled by the Navy, including the Marines, adds another seven casualties to the total, excluding motor vehicle accidents. In May, an Air National Guard plane crashed in Georgia killing another nine — an incident not included in the Department of Defense’s reports.

Including those figures (and adjusting the revised figure in Texas), the comparison graph looks like this.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by papafarang » May 19, 2018, 6:29 am

ironically it's comparing deliberate acts of murder to accidents, should really be comparing shootings with shootings, at least your fairly safe from being shot by insurgents/terrorists if you join the forces
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by vlad » May 19, 2018, 7:58 am

They've only kids at Santa fe so what, happens every week easy targets welcome America.

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by FrazeeDK » May 20, 2018, 5:07 pm

and the Dem politicians have their talking point lists in hand yelling about the NRA and Republicans having "blood on their hands.." Mid-Term elections are less than six months away so expect the drumbeat of cries for "common sense gun laws" to echo throughout the U.S. The devil is in the details and you can bet you won't hear much in the way of detailed legislation changes discussed..

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by tinpeeba » May 21, 2018, 1:58 am

Everthing's OK you're safe cartoon.jpg

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » May 21, 2018, 12:35 pm

There is a simple reason we dont bother mentioning gun control on this thread and its people like you LS that keeps banging on about it were not interested, im only interested in the mire you and your country will drag us into like you always do. yes we may have asked for help from other country's but America is pushing for more Sanctions and looking to incite Putin further, no other country is coming out with the same rhetoric.
vlad, you really need to stop all this "we" talk about forum members not caring about topics that you claim not to care about, but continue to participate.

It's apparent that you don't speak for the forum, vlad; and you don't even speak for yourself -- since you keep coming back. :) Based on the continued participation in the thread, it appears that forum members continue to "bang on about it" without any encouragement from me or other Americans. 555

One last question unrelated to guns in America that you brought up. You mentioned something about a "mire" that I and my country will drag you into. Are you saying that there are no adults in the UK government who have the balls to say "no" and walk away from things with which they do not agree?

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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by vlad » May 21, 2018, 1:26 pm

Silly Giggles is still using the old tried and tested insults. Where have i stated American Troops are not being killed ??. As a poster reminded of us there are more kids being shot and killed in School Shootings then troops on opps at the moment. Fact. LS you simply cannot debate because you will not allow a serious debate if you keep denying or simply refute what anyone says. I have stated my opinions but you still keep dragging threads up to" keep up the were all to blame for your woe's" blame. A simple Question LS why are more kids being killed in Schools then American troops in Afgahn ? don't blame this or that person or this or that culture why is it happening time and time again.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Giggle » May 21, 2018, 1:35 pm

making it safer to be in a war zone
US troops not dying? That's GREAT news. Thanks for reminding us Vlad. What a great day to be American. \:D/
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by Lone Star » May 21, 2018, 2:12 pm

vlad wrote:
May 21, 2018, 1:26 pm
You just cannot let it go LS who cares about blame. Another idiot went to a school and shot kids making it safer to be in a war zone like Afghan then a School in the US. Why has there been more school kids being shot and killed the Troops in a conflict. Explain it if you can or blame someone. As for Tinbeepa he reminds me another poster that likes cartoons who we know who is using a get round a ban.
I can't let it go? 55555 I only return to fill gaps and respond to what others post -- all those forum members who don't care about this topic -- like you claim. :)

"safer to be in a war zone like Afghan then a School in the US"


LIBs and Haters only love facts and numbers when they can compare them in unequal portions. Like you and your fellow haters are doing. :)

Here's something on which to chew.

The EneMedia is implying that being a student is riskier than joining the military. Highly misleading and flat out wrong. As even the Washington Post admitted in their attempt to do this, there are 50 million kids in American K-12 schools nationwide in a free society. There are just 1.3 million military service people worldwide.

Just like the knifing murders in London were slightly higher than murders in NYC at a particular point in time, doesn't mean that those numbers will hold up; and the numbers probably won't hold up. The raw school shooting casualty number is higher than the military fatality number at this particular point in 2018, but when we attach percentages to each group, being a soldier in 2018 is STILL 17 times more likely to result in death than being a student. Make those calculations in total for all military service members and students over all time in US history, and it is even more glaring that the solitary statistic from 2018, that you gleefully point toward, is highly misleading.

Okay. So for now, in this moment in time, there are more school shooting deaths than military deaths in 2018.

That doesn't mean the higher-than-usual number of school shooting victims this year is acceptable. But the Post headline channels all the anti-gun paranoia. It invites people (like you) to believe that sending kids to school is more dangerous than signing them up for the military.

I remember that you don't like long answers. Too bad. :D Go back and read my posts in this thread if you want to refresh your memory on my stance on the 2nd Amendment.

You're entitled to your opinions, vlad.
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Re: Yet another school shooting in the US

Post by tinpeeba » May 24, 2018, 2:50 am

tinpeeba, this Bud's for you. :)


NRA members are to blame for supporting the NRA lobbying that blocks eminently sensible forms of gun control despite the majority of the US population being in favour of them.

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