tinpeeba wrote: ↑July 12, 2018, 7:35 pm
Almost everything Trump says or tweets is like another verse for Handlebars by Flobots.
One of my favourite Trump sayings, which he repeated at the NATO summit: "I am a very stable genius".
Not the words of a well man.
If this petty criticism is all you've got versus all of the documented accomplishments of this president after only 18 months in office, you are on the wrong side of issues important to restoring America after the destruction wrought by the previous administration. Reversing much of what occurred between 2009 and 2016 is why America has rebounded.
There are times when Trump says things that make me cringe a bit, but when weighed against the actions that he has taken to strengthen the country domestically, economically and overseas, his actions for good for America far outweigh anything that Trump fails to say in a politically correct way.
Perhaps you'd prefer Merkel of Deutschland -- throwing open the gates for invaders to criminally assault, rape and murder her citizens and acting like everything is just fine.
Perhaps May of the UK -- ignoring the will of her people and a democratic election to retire to the smoke-filled rooms to finagle some half-measure that minimizes the Brexit vote of her People. Not to mention people thrown in jail for speaking truth and the society over-run with invaders imposing their cultural norms and values upon British citizens and in their "no go" zones.
Or Macron of France -- chastising other EU members for wanting to defend their borders, their cultures and their societies against criminal invaders. Macron's misery seeking company.
Always very proper language from those three. Appearances always so prim and proper. Rarely if ever have any verbal misstep as they maneuver through political language with all the right things to say -- to cover up what they are doing. They are always sure to say the right things while their actions undermine the safety, the security and the Will of THEIR People.
I'll take Trump's sometimes poor choice of words and successful actions for his citizens over any of those other elected leaders. There is not a leader of any country in the world that I would prefer in his place, and I can't think of one American politician who would have accomplished as much in the face of all of the frivolous attacks, lies, lawsuits and other efforts to undermine his administration. Anyone else would have crumbled, stumbled and been looking for an exit out the door at the first opportunity. Trump is the right person for the job at this time in American history.
So keep on dancing with glee over your petty criticisms of Trump's words. Trump is doing what so many other leaders in other countries are failing to do -- stand with his Citizens and keep his promises with decisive action.
Too bad if the world doesn't like "America First." Trump was elected to govern in America -- not the world. He is committed to not allowing America or its citizens to be screwed over in the homeland or abroad. Citizens of other countries can only hope that they had an elected leader who cares as much about them and their homeland as Trump loves and cares for the US and its People.