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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » July 20, 2018, 12:33 pm

Bouph wrote:
July 19, 2018, 5:14 pm
christian_2013 wrote:
July 18, 2018, 7:40 pm
What interesting....... prison system.
(I 've cut the quote for space reasons. It's on page 84 if anyone wants to refer to it).

The first problem I have with your post is that you've lifted large chunks of it from the net without crediting the author.
https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Vladimir+Puti ... =h_&ia=web

Taking someone else's work and pretending it's your own is plagiarism. It's not a nice thing to do.

You've sneered at the "Petty to and fro fighting by some of the members on this forum". Agree with them or not, they've all been more genuine than you in this thread.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nat ... 815121001/

Secondly, the article you've taken from doesn't stand up to much scrutiny. I am no genius or research expert, but no-one needs to be. A little time and effort is all it takes. Two claims as examples:

"Under the Russian Constitution, the Central Bank of Russia belongs to a foreign State – the City of London"

The English website for the Russian Federation: http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-01.htm
When you find confirmation of that statement, please let me know.

"The 6 MSM corporations that own 96% of the worlds media "

Xinhua is rated the top news agency in the world https://www.4imn.com/news-agencies/. Along with Chinese Central TV , it provides the state-controlled news and media feed to over a billion people in China and millions more worldwide. That's around 1 in 7 of the world's population. When you can explain why they're not in the list of 6, please let me know.

I can't seem to find any credible source for the quote that Putin “Grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.”

It's possible that the MSM didn't report it because they're controlled by the Jews/New World Order/Aliens - whoever takes your fancy.

An alternative theory I suggest is more likely is that they didn't report it for the same reason they didn't report the threesome I had last week with Halle Berry and Penelope Cruz.

It never happened.
Seriously pithy stuff Bouph,


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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » July 20, 2018, 12:36 pm

Lone Star wrote:
July 20, 2018, 9:19 am

As illegal immigration has been reduced, American Citizens face less low-wage competition for jobs.

But who's mowing America's lawns or bussing America's restaurant tables?

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by sometimewoodworker » July 20, 2018, 1:56 pm

Sure it must be my imagination that shows that trump has such amazing labour policies that the many years of the last real president have been reversed.

And the enormous rise in wages!!!
It is so biggly enormously biggly ( in his imagination )
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tinpeeba » July 20, 2018, 2:37 pm

Language Expert: Donald Trump's Way Of Speaking Is 'Oddly Adolescent'

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 20, 2018, 2:40 pm

sometimewoodworker wrote:
July 20, 2018, 1:56 pm
Sure it must be my imagination that shows that trump has such amazing labour policies that the many years of the last real president have been reversed.


And the enormous rise in wages!!!

It is so biggly enormously biggly ( in his imagination )
It's not your imagination.

Read up on the U-6 unemployment rate. Then you'll know why Obama's numbers “looked” like the unemployment rate was slowly ticking down under Obama.

Then you can try and explain how a record number of Americans were out of the labor force under Obama –- over 95 million Americans were out of the work force and had given up looking for work. The highest number ever. There wasn't any steady economic growth during this time or business expansion.

Then you can try to explain why Obama's GDP numbers never exceeded 2% – the lowest for any modern president -- even though it "looked like" unemployment numbers translated into being gainfully employed. Again, no expansion in the economy. Interest rates holding at zero.

http://thehill.com/opinion/finance/3545 ... nder-obama
During the Obama administration, a major reason the unemployment rate declined was that fewer people were in the labor force because what the BLS calls the labor participation rate continually declined as people gave up the search for a job or retired. For purposes of the official unemployment rate, if you have not looked for a job in the past 30 days, the BLS considers you out of the labor force.

Under President Obama, labor participation hit lows last seen in the late 1970s. So rather than a true reflection of labor market strength, the declining unemployment rate was, in great part, a reflection of the declining percentage of people actively looking for work. What we really want to see is a declining unemployment rate with a higher percentage of people working or actively looking for work, indicating a strong and growing economy.
When the 2nd quarter GDP numbers come out, we will see the stark difference. :)

Today, there are more jobs available than there are people unemployed in America. The first time in US history.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by sometimewoodworker » July 20, 2018, 5:19 pm

So the government is lying that the unemployment rate fell from about 10% to about 5% during the last presidential period but not lying now!!!

And they are lying when they say that the US averaged 6.2% from 1960 until 2018!!!

They are lying when they say that apart from the crash. 2009/early 2010 the wage rate has been above 0 that in 2014 it was above 7% for a short time.

You keep repeating the lies spouted by the Orange baby as truth.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 20, 2018, 5:23 pm

sometimewoodworker wrote:
July 20, 2018, 5:19 pm
So the government is lying that the unemployment rate fell from about 10% to about 5% during the last presidential period but not lying now!!!

And they are lying when they say that the US averaged 6.2% from 1960 until 2018!!!

They are lying when they say that apart from the crash. 2009/early 2010 the wage rate has been above 0 that in 2014 it was above 7% for a short time.

You keep repeating the lies spouted by the Orange baby as truth.

Apparently, you haven't read the article. No one is lying. Obama used different numbers. If you're going to stick your nose into details of the US economy and unemployment, it would behoove you to learn about the various ways that unemployment is tracked.
Read up on the U-6 unemployment rate. Then you'll know why Obama's numbers “looked” like the unemployment rate was slowly ticking down under Obama.
There is more than one way to report on unemployment. If you won't bother to read facts, I can't help you understand how the numbers are what they are. :)

Enjoy your weekend.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 20, 2018, 5:26 pm

tamada wrote:
July 20, 2018, 12:36 pm
Lone Star wrote:
July 20, 2018, 9:19 am

As illegal immigration has been reduced, American Citizens face less low-wage competition for jobs.

But who's mowing America's lawns or bussing America's restaurant tables?
Illegals who are already there -- or they're hiding out or going home -- and those jobs are being filled by young Americans looking for work.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by joudon » July 20, 2018, 5:56 pm

Lone Star, you seem to be hounded like a bone being chewed by a dog. We have the same nasty problem in UK
In both countries, the people voted for change to the currupt leftie elite with their leftie mainstream hackers
In UK we voted to kick the utterly corrupt EU into the long grass.
In USA real patriots put in a man who put USA first
The lefties with , funnily enough the 'socialist' (laugh) billionaire Soros has his filthy hands on both sides of
the Atlantic to stop democracy in its tracks in favour of globalisation.
The death knell is in site for the globalist elites, so do not let up on the struggle.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 20, 2018, 6:22 pm

joudon wrote:
July 20, 2018, 5:56 pm
Lone Star, you seem to be hounded like a bone being chewed by a dog. We have the same nasty problem in UK
In both countries, the people voted for change to the currupt leftie elite with their leftie mainstream hackers
In UK we voted to kick the utterly corrupt EU into the long grass.
In USA real patriots put in a man who put USA first
The lefties with , funnily enough the 'socialist' (laugh) billionaire Soros has his filthy hands on both sides of
the Atlantic to stop democracy in its tracks in favour of globalisation.
The death knell is in site for the globalist elites, so do not let up on the struggle.
Yes, the attacks are similar on both Brexit supporters and Trump supporters.

Few engage with any understanding of information that I try to provide or to back up what they claim with anything real. sometimewoodworker provided some data, and I've seen it before; but I also knew why it showed what it did. tinpeeba and tamada also at least provide more than a one-line personal attack on me. There are a few others. I've placed all the one-line attackers on my foe list, so I don't see or respond to their foolishness anymore.

I've learned about even more hypocrisy from Democrats in the last few days. Not really surprising though. It's bound to occur with them. 55555

After over 50 years of Democrats embracing communist leaders -- from Stalin to Castro to Che to Gorby -- Democrats now want war with Russia because Trump wants to forge some level of peace with them. It's part of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Trump decided that he loved puppies, Democrats would want all puppies killed. LIBs/PROGs loved engaging enemies when Obama was doing it with Russia and Cuba. All of a sudden, can't do it. Even McRomney the loser in 2012 tried to tell Obama and the American people that Russia was the greatest enemy. Obama mocked him in the debate. It's on YouTube for anyone to search.

But LIBs/PROGs are not tough people -- physically, emotionally or mentally; and they have not EVER been tough.

LIBs/PROGs won't even say 'radical Islam.' They get upset when you pour water on a terrorist's face. They put more emphasis on man-made global warming than terrorism that strikes and kills every week somewhere in the world. They ran away and surrendered during the Cold War and chastised Reagan for calling them the "Evil Empire." And now, all of a sudden, they're tough guys and want to take on Putin.

LIBs/PROGs turn tail and run every time America is ever faced with any real threat.

All of this hacking rhetoric is just that -- rhetoric. LIBs/PROGs talk, and when they talk, their dialogue is filled with lies and propaganda. And don't forget their biggest weapon -- cute, funny Internet memes. 55555

Even Obama claimed that anyone who thought US elections could be hacked weren't well grounded.
“There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even – you could even rig America's elections. In part because they're so decentralized, and the numbers of votes involved, there's no evidence that that has happened in the past or that there are instances in which that will happen this time; and so, I'd advise Mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”

- Barack Obama, October 2016 (just weeks before the election)
So which is it? Did Russians hack on Obama's watch with Clapper and Brennan in charge? Or did they make up all this Russian hacking crap?

Trump is the same guy that the LIBs/PROGs call a 'nationalist' and a 'traitor' -- AT THE SAME TIME -- which is impossible. They call him a 'war monger' and accuse him of 'collusion' at the same time. It's in the words of LIBs/PROGs themselves.

And those who try to piggyback on this LIB/PROG foolishness and try to use it to make some case against Trump are just as lost.

It would be so refreshing if Dems/LIBs/PROGs had a plan for America that they thought was BETTER than what America is experiencing under Trump -- instead of nothing except taking back the tax cuts and HATE TRUMP. Why can't Democrats articulate a better position other than tearing down America's borders?

I wonder what all of these forum "experts" would want for a better America -- SPECIFICALLY? Be weak and feckless like the US was under Obama?

Those who incessantly blame Trump for his verbiage, come in here and spew more than Trump ever thought about saying. If they want Trump to be cautious with his words, why aren't they cautious? Nope. And no, they're not world leaders or the POTUS, but if they truly believed in peace and tolerance and civil dialogue and a better world, then they would practice and contribute to that civil dialogue -- just like they claim to do their small part with the environment.

We'll see if that sinks in and happens, but there's nothing in their history to make me think that it will happen.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » July 20, 2018, 10:32 pm

Lone Star wrote:
July 20, 2018, 5:26 pm
tamada wrote:
July 20, 2018, 12:36 pm
Lone Star wrote:
July 20, 2018, 9:19 am

As illegal immigration has been reduced, American Citizens face less low-wage competition for jobs.

But who's mowing America's lawns or bussing America's restaurant tables?
Illegals who are already there -- or they're hiding out or going home -- and those jobs are being filled by young Americans looking for work.
About a dozen years ago, I bucked the trend and hired an 'all-black' lawn service for my gardens in Houston (and they weren't kiwi's either). These guys were really good but were up against a quite serious latino 'mafia' and had to be careful where they solicited work. Luckily my house is in Oaks of Inwood, aka the black man's "River Oaks" so they blended right in. My go-to pest control guy was also 'not white' and he worked wonders on my termite infestation... but not sure if the EPA would have approved of his methods, let alone the city regulators.

I can't confirm if the average white guy is clearing tables though as I can't afford to dine out as much.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » July 20, 2018, 11:13 pm

Lone Star wrote:
July 20, 2018, 6:22 pm
... It's part of the Trump Derangement Syndrome. If Trump decided that he loved puppies, Democrats would want all puppies killed. LIBs/PROGs loved engaging enemies when Obama was doing it with Russia and Cuba. All of a sudden, can't do it. Even McRomney the loser in 2012 tried to tell Obama and the American people that Russia was the greatest enemy. Obama mocked him in the debate. It's on YouTube for anyone to search.
Well bugger me! That's EXACTLY what Fox and Friends were espousing after this curiously common, 48-hour hiatus on the ra-ra MAGA sh!te immediately following Trump's woeful "Did he just say that??" double foot-in-mouth moment in Helsinki.

Even Senator Rand Paul who allegedly 'got it' well before Trump fumbled in the end-zone was back out there yesterday, furiously selling the same, un-original 'but Obama' spiel. I believe Paul coined this mythical TDS rubbish. It's a pity he likened Trump's misspoken, Finnish toe-stub, a 1-hour, private reach-around to Reagan's epic, 2-day summit with Gorbachev in 1985. Back then Gorbachev was already championing glasnost and perestroika whereas today we have Putin, a man who feels he was badly betrayed by Gorbachev's initiatives that helped flatten the Berlin Wall and left him hanging on the phone at the Dresden KGB office.

Trump is not Reagan and Putin is not Gorbachev.

There are absolutely no parallels here.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by marjamlew » July 21, 2018, 5:43 am

Thoughts on Donald Trump, what Makes America Great, and Enemies of the People...

Enemies of the People

Donald Trump hates what made America great.

I am a journalist. My job is to provide unfiltered truths to free people so they can decide for themselves what to think, what to do, and who represents them in their government. There is no such thing as a free people without a free press.

Donald Trump hates the Free Press and therefore Free People and therefore what Made America Great.

Trump has now, thousands of times, declared me an “enemy of the people.”

This makes me very sad and very angry. I am a very, very small part—one of thousands of average people—who have spent their lives as a working journalist and, yes, risked our lives to defend Freedom. Journalism is not what I do, it is what I am.

I have been shot, blown up, and targeted for assassination. I still receive death threats every week from some knucklehead or another who does not like the words that I write. I have been accused of being a right wing crank, a communist agent, a paid operative of all kinds of governments, and everything in between.

I am of course none of these things.

My president, Donald Trump, has now infected free people everywhere declaring that I am “an enemy of the people.”

This is no joke. This is not a matter for idle chit chat. In the real world, people like me end up dead because of people like Trump.

It is a call for mass murder.

Make no mistake: U.S. president Donald Trump knows exactly what he is doing incessantly invoking the phrase “enemy of the people” to appeal to the darkest corners of the psyches of free people and whipping up hatred against the Free Press and those who dare publicly document facts critical of governments and leaders everywhere, holding those who have political power, guns, family connections, and money to account.

In the case of Trump, it is my and thousands of other average journalists life function to hold the leader of, until only months ago, what was and is no longer the Free World, to account for his actions to his people.

All words matter. And all words have the right to be written and spoken and need to be defended.

Yesterday, in the latest of thousands of attacks against the Free Press and Free People, Donald Trump appealed again to the darkest corners of the minds of free people and made a call for me to be murdered. This upsets me, a lot.

“The summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media,” Trump tweeted yesterday. “I look forward to our second meeting so we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear….”

Trump was responding to global alarm over his behavior defending the leader of the most demonstrable enemy of his country, Vladimir Putin, a career communist covert intelligence agent who spent his life attempting to destroy freedom and defend what is recognized as a failed political system of government, who has unequivocally declared his life mission to be the overthrow of the government of the United States and the destruction of democracy. The American president sided with Putin against his own government which has proven the unrepentant dictator has and still continues to secretly thwart the decisions of a free people to decide and elect and create their own government and its leaders.

These are not opinions. These are facts.

It was Soviet dictator Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev who used the term “enemy of the people” to justify the mass murder of thousands of Russian citizens.

Before him, it was one of histories most evil mass murderers, Josef Stalin, who used the phrase "enemy of the people" to justify the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent civilians in his country. Stalin used the phrase “enemy of the people” to target and murder artists and writers and Jews and thinkers who dared to question his control of the Soviet empire. Tens of millions were murdered because they were labeled “enemies of the people.”

It was Adolph Hitler who named those opposed to mass genocide as "enemies of the people."

Chinese mass murderer Mao Tse Tung used the phrase “enemies of the people” to justify the mass murder of tens of millions who dared to question his great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution that resulted in the death of millions by famine, starvation, and execution by government.

Millions of people like myself died because they dared to write words that forced the harsh glare of public scrutiny on the deeds of political leaders and allow free people to decide for themselves how to respond.

These words matter.

A Free Press is not the enemy of the people.

We are the only defense between those with no power and no voice and those who will never stop trying to use power for personal gain and wealth and ego, putting their personal interests ahead of their country and the citizens that they rule.

The term enemy of the people is a designation for political or class opponents of those in power with a very long, dark history that has left a trail of blood and tears for millions for centuries.

The term, which Trump uses with pleasure and impunity to create hatred and incite against people like me who write words that he does not like, is meant to create hatred against "enemies" acting against the greater, common good, against society as a whole. It is a first cousin of the phrase "enemy of the state". The term originated in ancient Rome and, in Latin, is hostis publicus, translated into English as a "public enemy". It has been used for centuries in literature (see An Enemy of the People, the play by Henrik Ibsen, 1882; or Coriolanus, the play by William Shakespeare, c. 1605).

More recently it was most effectively used by now disgraced mass murderers including Adolph Hitler in Germany, Josef Stalin of the Soviet Union, and Mao Tse Tung of China—the greatest purveyors of mass murder and human suffering in recent history.

And now Donald Trump. He knows what these words mean and what they have been used to do and the unspeakable evil and suffering they have directly created and caused.

It is no joke.

It is those who cynically invoke this disgusting lie who are the real enemies of Free People everywhere.

History will not be kind to the memory of Donald Trump, who will be remembered as, in the big picture, not even a very important enemy of free people everywhere.

I am no one's enemy. That cannot be said for my president.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 21, 2018, 9:07 am

marjamlew wrote:
July 21, 2018, 5:43 am

. . .

These words matter.

A Free Press is not the enemy of the people.

. . .
But a dishonest and partisan press IS the enemy of the People; and that's what the majority of the press in the US has become. The words of the press matter too; and they began it all with their dishonest and partisan reporting.

I applaud Trump for calling them out.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 21, 2018, 9:19 am

tamada wrote:
July 20, 2018, 11:13 pm
Well bugger me! That's EXACTLY what Fox and Friends were espousing after this curiously common, 48-hour hiatus on the ra-ra MAGA sh!te immediately following Trump's woeful "Did he just say that??" double foot-in-mouth moment in Helsinki.

Even Senator Rand Paul who allegedly 'got it' well before Trump fumbled in the end-zone was back out there yesterday, furiously selling the same, un-original 'but Obama' spiel. I believe Paul coined this mythical TDS rubbish. It's a pity he likened Trump's misspoken, Finnish toe-stub, a 1-hour, private reach-around to Reagan's epic, 2-day summit with Gorbachev in 1985. Back then Gorbachev was already championing glasnost and perestroika whereas today we have Putin, a man who feels he was badly betrayed by Gorbachev's initiatives that helped flatten the Berlin Wall and left him hanging on the phone at the Dresden KGB office.

Trump is not Reagan and Putin is not Gorbachev.

There are absolutely no parallels here.
Actually, the parallels ARE the same -- meeting with enemies with high nuclear stakes involved. What is different are the players and the time.

I did some research on "Trump Derangement Syndrome." It wasn't coined by Rand Paul. Not even close.

The original use of the term “derangement syndrome” was applied by the late Charles Krauthammer in 2003 and used as the “Bush Derangement Syndrome.” It was defined by Krauthammer as “the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency and the very existence of GWB. Also a harsh critic of Trump, Krauthammer defined Trump Derangement Syndrome as “general hysteria” among the chattering classes that produced an “inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and signs of psychic pathology” in the president's behavior.

Whatever Paul said or some television program was spouting (I don't watch television and haven't for about 18 to 20 years), I wasn't comparing Trump to Reagan nor was I comparing Gorby to Putin, and I'm not comparing the processes or the results of those meetings. Anyone in possession of rational thought processes, some history knowledge and critical thinking skills can see the problem here. I'm pointing out the never-ending hypocrisy of LIBs/PROGs/Dems (LPDs). The Left thought that meeting with enemies and finding common ground was good when Obama was doing it with Putin and Castro. Bad when Trump meets with Kim and Putin.

It wasn't that long ago that the LPDs were wringing their hands and crying to the heavens that Trump was being too mean to Kim in North Korea. "My God! Trump will start a nuclear war!" They claimed that Trump was reckless in his verbiage toward Kim. Then they bitched that Trump was meeting with Kim and being congenial. All taking place with all sanctions against North Korea still in place. No concessions by the US.

Then the same LPDs are angry that Trump is being too congenial in the presence of Putin. The LPDs wanted Putin publicly called out and vilified at the press conference. How does that help anything? Wouldn't that be reckless – as LPDs claimed it would be regarding Kim? The US and Russia have 90% of the world's nuclear arsenal. Those things are best said behind closed doors if there is any hope of future agreements. Again, all done with sanctions against Russia still in place. No concessions by the US.

So calling out Kim was reckless according to the LPDs because it might start a nuclear war with someone who didn't even have their nuclear program in full gear. Then meeting with Kim and being congenial was weak. Being congenial with Putin was weak because LPDs wanted Trump to act in a way that they objected to Trump acting regarding Kim. They wanted Trump to insult Putin on the world stage -- the same Putin who controls almost half of the nuclear warheads in the entire world. Yeah, poke him in the eye. Yeah, the guy with a nuclear program in full gear. The same guy who has arbitrarily invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine and Crimea. Yeah. Him.

All proof that Trump's critics have no intention of approving of any action taken by Trump -- no matter the enemy, no matter the process and no matter the outcome. HATE TRUMP.

Domestically or with foreign policy, the LPDs have no consistent pro-American political strategy of their own. They just want to GET TRUMP and do things to weaken America.

These LPD critics had their folks in office for the 8 years prior to Trump. They had the power to do all the things that they thought would be right and just and successful. Didn't happen. Zero success. The enemies, apparently, viewed them as weak and not serious. Remember that Obama red line in Syria that was crossed? Obama meddling in elections in Egypt and Israel and Libya? Hillary with her “reset button” that wasn't even translated properly? Obama shutting down the missile defense project in Poland? Obama allowing the ISIS JV Team to take over almost all of Iraq and spread to other nearby regions of the world? Kerry and Obama with their pallets of cash in the dead of night to Iran? Obama violating the Constitution with his illegal alien children executive order? Obama telling us that our insurance won't change, and we can keep our doctors? Obama telling us that it is folly to think that anyone can hack our elections, and then we find that those giving the warnings were told to stand down by his administration? CIA Director Brennan lying to Congress about spying on US Senators? NSA Director Clapper lying to Congress about collecting data on all Americans without any suspicion of any crime? The LPDs spent all their time trying to "fundamentally change" America, and it was a failure.

In simple terms, LPDs always get caught up in their own hypocrisy, lies and propaganda. Their words – or lack thereof – always come back to bite them, and it has happened to them often during Trump's term in office so far. LPDs botched it when they had the power to do something about domestic and foreign policy. They spent all their time ramming ODontCare down the throats of Americans and left a worldwide mess. LPDs are in no position to criticize or offer advice now.

As Obama always loved to say, "Elections have consequences. I won. Get over it."
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » July 21, 2018, 10:13 am

Thanks for yet another 'but Obama' diatribe, totally unexpected!

In other news, both Xi and Putin have increased their refined oil exports to North Korea and both countries are dragging their feet on supporting a US-sponsored resolution at the UN to censure this alleged sanction busting.

"... Russia’s UN mission put a “hold” on the US request on Thursday, telling the committee it is “seeking additional information on every single case of ‘illegal’ transfer of petroleum”, diplomats said.

China backed the Russian request and asked the United States “to provide additional factual information to facilitate all states to study and make judgment”, diplomats said.

The move comes a day after US President Donald Trump said he elicited a promise from Russian President Vladimir Putin to help negotiate with North Korea, though he did not say how. He also said: “There is no rush, the sanctions remain!”

https://www.scmp.com/business/global-ec ... um-exports

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 21, 2018, 10:48 am

tamada wrote:
July 21, 2018, 10:13 am
Thanks for yet another 'but Obama' diatribe, totally unexpected!
It's rather difficult to show the hypocrisy -- which was my point -- without providing examples of comparison, but you are certainly free to discount it and ignore it.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by glalt » July 21, 2018, 11:31 am

The big problem was that the justice department bet the bank on Hillary being the next president. That would have led the intelligent agencies a return to the Hoover period where they had dirt on everyone. The old knowledge is power thing. They had not planned on the sky falling. After the sky fell (Trump elected), there was a mass panic. Their only plan now is to keep grasping at straws and muddying the water. Many if not most people now have lost faith in the justice department being apolitical. It has become very obvious that they are not apolitical. This entire fiasco puts Trump and the country in the position that no one can be trusted. How will it end? Will the swamp be drained? One huge question is, Why is the Clinton Foundation untouchable? Intimidation and blackmail has become a way of life.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 21, 2018, 1:15 pm

glalt wrote:
July 21, 2018, 11:31 am
The big problem was that the justice department bet the bank on Hillary being the next president. That would have led the intelligent agencies a return to the Hoover period where they had dirt on everyone. The old knowledge is power thing. They had not planned on the sky falling. After the sky fell (Trump elected), there was a mass panic. Their only plan now is to keep grasping at straws and muddying the water. Many if not most people now have lost faith in the justice department being apolitical. It has become very obvious that they are not apolitical. This entire fiasco puts Trump and the country in the position that no one can be trusted. How will it end? Will the swamp be drained? One huge question is, Why is the Clinton Foundation untouchable? Intimidation and blackmail has become a way of life.
Yes, those in the upper echelons of the FBI, DOJ, NSA, some members of the Obama Administration and CIA, involved with the partisan attack on Trump's campaign, believed that Hillary would win easily and that none of their surreptitious behavior would ever be exposed.

There is still no evidence of any crime that caused the investigation and wiretapping to begin. What was used was phony information plated by government informants with 2 or 3 Trump campaign staffers. Those staffers repeated that phony information to an Australian govt employee, who notified the US government. That's how the whole thing started -- planting phony info that made the full circle.

Democrats on all the congressional committees are trying to help the intelligence agency higher echelons escape scrutiny, escape losing their jobs and escape the possibility of prison by running out the clock through the midterm elections in November. If Democrats ever regain control of the House, everything will be swept away and hidden, and Democrats will begin their march to impeach Trump (for what, I have no idea).
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » July 21, 2018, 1:18 pm

Trump's interview with CNBC on trade, Russia, NATO, the economy, the Federal Reserve and the POTUS' new initiative for training Americans to improve skills for better paying jobs -- all paid for by the private sector and not the tax revenue from American taxpayers.

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