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Re: Trump addresses US trade deficit

Post by Lone Star » August 2, 2018, 8:42 am

Trade disagreements with China are heating up, and so far, China is on the losing end of the stick. As with most of the US trading partners, China needs the US more than the US needs China.

According to Forbes, the US has been working to redirect supply chains to favor American manufacturing.
China is an export-driven economy. It owes its wealth to that. The Trump Administration is going after China’s jugular. And China is feeling it.
Manufacturers were starting to leave China long before Trump, but now they're eyeing it even more seriously and looking to relocate in Southeast Asia -- mainly Malaysia and Vietnam.
For American companies in China, all of this presents an unwanted headache. Some are forced to rethink their supply chain sooner than later. Many will be faced with shifting production or risk losing market share to those who beat them to it.
NOTE: Those crying to the heavens about trade discussions between the US and Mexico and Canada in a thread involving EU/US trade would be the same ones crying to the heavens if there was a separate topic for each US trade negotiation. Yes, I know this would happen because those people are never happy about anything American. :)

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Re: Trump addresses US trade deficit

Post by papafarang » August 2, 2018, 9:52 am

"NOTE: Those crying to the heavens about trade discussions between the US and Mexico and Canada in a thread involving EU/US trade would be the same ones crying to the heavens if there was a separate topic for each US trade negotiation. Yes, I know this would happen because those people are never happy about anything American. :)"

no it's not the same , for a guy that would like to see the EU fail ,you don't wish to take that into account ? or the fact that out of the 147billion or so from the EU deficit 60 billion is attributed just to the uk, and that's mainly service related . so Europe's "massive bill" is not what it seems. plus America is putting tariffs on countries the it owes on deficits too. possibly just to make poorer EU countries suffer and cause unrest in the hope they too want to be out of the Eurozone . so you should keep in mind your hope for the collapse of the EU might make your day , but it makes EU tariff issues a lot different from the Americas. no one is crying about anything. simple the UK won't be part of the EU after 29 March 2019 . so does that mean the UK won't be affected by the EU tariffs ? by they way , you use the words cry and hate way too much, possibly a bit emotional at times .
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » August 3, 2018, 7:45 am

Rasmussen Daily Tracking Poll has Trump at 50% approval on 2 Aug 2018 -- even with eneMedia negative reporting at 90%.

Rasmussen also notes that this approval rating is HIGHER than Obama at the same time during Obama's first term -- and we all remember the daily "second coming" that was always reported by Obama's praetorian guard media friends.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » August 3, 2018, 8:16 am

According to NBC, Trump met with close to two dozen inner city pastors at the White House. Those present included Paul White-Cain, Alveda K i n g, Pastor Darrell Scott and Pastor John Gray. The primary focus of the meeting was regarding prison reform.
“We have passed the First Step Act through the House and we are working to pass that into law, and I think we’ll be able to do it. When we say 'hire American,' we mean all Americans."
The House passed the bipartisan prison reform bill in May.

After the meeting with pastors, Trump met with a group of lawmakers regarding the same prison reform bill.

The pastors praised Trump for his efforts on criminal justice reform and the economy. Pastor Darrell Scott stated that he believed that Trump's administration is the most pro-active regarding urban America.
"This president actually wants to prove something to our community, our faith-based community and our ethnic community. The last president didn’t feel like he had to. He got a pass. This is probably going to be... the most pro-black president I’ve seen in my lifetime.”
Trump campaigned on improving life in urban areas and implored voters in those areas to give him a chance, since Democrats had made no headway in that regard.

Prior to the meeting with pastors, Trump met in May with activists and former inmates regarding prison reform. Not long after that, Trump pardoned and commuted the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, who was serving a life sentence on federal drug charges. After that pardon, Trump asked NFL players for recommendations for others who they felt should be given clemency.

Trump promises more pardons, and has a group sifting through thousands of cases where people could have been treated unfairly, or whose sentences were too harsh.

Yes, Trump represents ALL AMERICANS.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Udon Map » August 3, 2018, 9:58 am

Lone Star wrote:
August 3, 2018, 8:16 am
... Trump pardoned and commuted the sentence of Alice Marie Johnson, who was serving a life sentence on federal drug charges. After that pardon, Trump asked NFL players for recommendations for others who they felt should be given clemency.

Trump promises more pardons, and has a group sifting through thousands of cases where people could have been treated unfairly, or whose sentences were too harsh.
I hope that the proximity of your statement about Ms. Johnson's pardon and the comment about people who might have been treated unfairly or whose sentences were too harsh was unintentional. I am familiar with Ms. Johnson's case. Rather than getting bogged down in my interpretation, let's see what Wikipedia tells us:
In addition to drug conspiracy counts, Johnson was convicted of money laundering and structuring, the latter crime because of her purchase of a house with a down payment structured to avoid hitting a $10,000 reporting threshold. The Memphis operation involved over a dozen individuals. The indictment described Johnson as a leader in a multi-million dollar cocaine ring, and detailed dozens of drug transactions and deliveries. Evidence presented at trial showed that the Memphis operation was connected to Colombian drug dealers based in Texas. Johnson was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1997. At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge Julia Gibbons said that Johnson was "the quintessential entrepreneur" in an operation that dealt in 2,000 to 3,000 kilograms of cocaine, with a "very significant" impact on the community. Co-defendants Curtis McDonald and Jerlean McNeil were sentenced to life and 19 years in federal prison, respectively. A number of other co-defendants who testified against Johnson received sentences of between probation and 10 years.

Johnson told Mic in 2017 that she had become involved in the drug trade after losing a longtime job at FedEx due to a gambling addiction, becoming divorced, and experiencing the loss of her youngest son in a motorcycle accident. According to a profile in Mic, Johnson filed for bankruptcy in 1991, and foreclosure of her house followed. Following her conviction, Johnson acknowledged that she was an intermediary in the drug trafficking organization, but said she did not actually make deals or sell drugs.
Assuming that Wikipedia's narrative is basically accurate, I'm far from certain that Ms. Johnson deserved a pardon.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » August 3, 2018, 10:27 am

I don't understand what you're positing, UM.

She was pardoned. You said you were certain that she deserved a pardon. We agree.
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Re: Trump addresses US trade deficit

Post by Lone Star » August 3, 2018, 10:48 am

Always trying to win an argument that isn't being made.

It's not about the EU succeeding or failing or anyone's preference for that (certainly not my preference, I only see the weaknesses in the effort). It's not even about EU/US trade.

It's about all the whining that occurs by the usual suspects if they think there are too many threads about America. And when an effort is made to consolidate it instead of beginning another thread, we still hear "boo hoo". Trolling is a full time job for some.


Milton Friedman was a proponent of Free Trade just as Trump is a proponent, and Friedman quotes the great Scottish economist, Adam Smith.

Trump's tariffs are showing the negative effects of protectionism in the hopes that other trading partners will eventually agree with free and fair trade practices worldwide. Otherwise, the US deficits will be closed. Industry in the US will be protected, and other countries will be harmed by their past protectionist tariffs more than the US in trying to balance those deficits.
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Re: Trump addresses US trade deficit

Post by Chuchi » August 3, 2018, 12:40 pm

Lone Star wrote:
August 3, 2018, 10:48 am
Always trying to win an argument that isn't being made.

It's not about the EU succeeding or failing or anyone's preference for that (certainly not my preference, I only see the weaknesses in the effort). It's not even about EU/US trade.

It's about all the whining that occurs by the usual suspects if they think there are too many threads about America. And when an effort is made to consolidate it instead of beginning another thread, we still hear "boo hoo". Trolling is a full time job for some.


Milton Friedman was a proponent of Free Trade just as Trump is a proponent, and Friedman quotes the great Scottish economist, Adam Smith.

Trump's tariffs are showing the negative effects of protectionism in the hopes that other trading partners will eventually agree with free and fair trade practices worldwide. Otherwise, the US deficits will be closed. Industry in the US will be protected, and other countries will be harmed by their past protectionist tariffs more than the US in trying to balance those deficits.
It’s pretty much impossible for China to take on the USA when their economy is so dependent on exporting to the USA and its allies.

The Chinese are operating a social market economy within an essentially capitalist world system(they want their cake and eat it),Trump calls it out for what it is ,no different from the protectionist EU who have been complaining about Chinese trade advantage for years
,Jeez the irony.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » August 3, 2018, 12:56 pm

Lone Star wrote:
August 3, 2018, 10:27 am
I don't understand what you're positing, UM.

She was pardoned. You said you were certain that she deserved a pardon. We agree.
UM said he was "...far from certain that Ms. Johnson deserved a pardon." as in not at all in agreement with the decision to issue a pardon.

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Re: Trump addresses EU trade deficit

Post by vlad » August 3, 2018, 1:02 pm

How come this Thread is about EU trade deficit yet Comrade can turn it to a American vs EU trade war and as usual Comrade blames Trolls this time. Lets be honest you won't be happy until the Map is fully Americanised and every thread is on America.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » August 3, 2018, 1:06 pm

tamada wrote:
August 3, 2018, 12:56 pm
Lone Star wrote:
August 3, 2018, 10:27 am
I don't understand what you're positing, UM.

She was pardoned. You said you were certain that she deserved a pardon. We agree.
UM said he was "...far from certain that Ms. Johnson deserved a pardon." as in not at all in agreement with the decision to issue a pardon.
I guess, but he never came back to clarify. Thanks for assisting.

I'm sure Trump had more than Wikipedia to make a determination. Since I'm not privy to what went into the decision, I'll assume that he didn't turn loose a psycho-socio-pathic criminal back into society. If she ends up back in the drug trade, then Trump will have made a mistake.

It didn't set the hair on fire of the eneMedia. They didn't scream to high heaven over the pardon. Maybe because she's black, and they didn't want to be labeled racist (like they try to do to other people due to policy disagreements). 555

About the only pardon that I can ever remember questioning was Clinton's pardon of Rich, who was still a fugitive.
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Re: Trump addresses US trade deficit

Post by Lone Star » August 3, 2018, 1:12 pm

Chuchi wrote:
August 3, 2018, 12:40 pm
It’s pretty much impossible for China to take on the USA when their economy is so dependent on exporting to the USA and its allies.

The Chinese are operating a social market economy within an essentially capitalist world system(they want their cake and eat it),Trump calls it out for what it is ,no different from the protectionist EU who have been complaining about Chinese trade advantage for years
,Jeez the irony.

Yes, I read something today -- either from CNBC or Forbes -- that talked about that very thing. The fact that China is trying to operate on a capitalist stage with government-controlled markets.

Free Enterprise doesn't guarantee perfect outcomes. Some businesses fail due to many different reasons, but it's up to business to provide great service and a great, dependable product. I don't know anyone who believes that a bad business should be propped up by government. People and their buying patterns determine the success and failure of companies, which is about as free as it can get.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by tamada » August 3, 2018, 1:26 pm

Lone Star wrote:
August 3, 2018, 1:06 pm
tamada wrote:
August 3, 2018, 12:56 pm
Lone Star wrote:
August 3, 2018, 10:27 am
I don't understand what you're positing, UM.

She was pardoned. You said you were certain that she deserved a pardon. We agree.
UM said he was "...far from certain that Ms. Johnson deserved a pardon." as in not at all in agreement with the decision to issue a pardon.
I guess, but he never came back to clarify. Thanks for assisting.

I'm sure Trump had more than Wikipedia to make a determination. Since I'm not privy to what went into the decision, I'll assume that he didn't turn loose a psycho-socio-pathic criminal back into society. If she ends up back in the drug trade, then Trump will have made a mistake.

It didn't set the hair on fire of the eneMedia. They didn't scream to high heaven over the pardon. Maybe because she's black, and they didn't want to be labeled racist (like they try to do to other people due to policy disagreements). 555

About the only pardon that I can ever remember questioning was Clinton's pardon of Rich, who was still a fugitive.
Ms. Johnson does seem like an odd choice when there's plenty of all colors banged up on flawed judgments that are on the glacial appeals route. Despite the courts mostly supporting the appeal due to a rubbish or otherwise prejudiced prosecution, they seem singularly unable to speed up the decisions... but that's not unique to US Law & Order either.

Of course nobody's hair is on fire. They're saving that for when Trump pardons himself.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by vlad » August 3, 2018, 1:43 pm

Will Trump pardon all the black NFL players who turn there backs on the star spangled banner and refuse to sing the Anthem ? Seems Trumps forgot what he said about what there doing, but happy to pick up there multi million Dollar pay Cheques.

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Re: Trump addresses EU trade deficit

Post by newtovillagelife » August 3, 2018, 1:52 pm

comrade LS I am sure you are fully aware of the hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks Mr Trump has received as a businessman.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by newtovillagelife » August 3, 2018, 5:42 pm

Trump still can not understand WHY the NFL players are protesting. Slow learner or blatant racist....you decide

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Re: Trump addresses US trade deficit

Post by Lone Star » August 4, 2018, 6:49 am

Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, explains the Trump Doctrine as it applies to international trade and tariffs in the hopes that it will eventually result in totally free and fair trade. He further explains how the EU is working with the US in an attempt to get China in line.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » August 4, 2018, 6:57 am


The Trump Administration has set its 11th record of improvement for the US economy.

According to the US Labor Department, numbers of employed Americans continues to rise. The new record of 155,965,000 Americans was reaching in July.

"Our economy is soaring. Our jobs are booming. Factories are pouring back into our country, they are coming from all over the world. We are defending our workers."
157,000 jobs were added in July, and the unemployment rate edged downward to 3.9%. Unemployment numbers declined by over 280,000 in July.

Unemployment rates for across the demographic spectrum were lower or flat, but the unemployment rate for Latinos hit a record low of 4.5%. Yes, another record.

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Re: Trump addresses EU trade deficit

Post by newtovillagelife » August 4, 2018, 7:04 am

Glad to see you back after your day pass, with more FAKE news.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by newtovillagelife » August 4, 2018, 7:18 am

"Booming economic growth has not been sufficient to lower the budget deficit — in fact, the deficit and Treasury borrowing are headed sharply higher, and virtually no one in Washington seems to care.

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