any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

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any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by LissetteHBailey » March 2, 2017, 4:30 pm

I am 3 days w/o cigarettes. I smoke 20 sticks only. not smoking nw because of my tonsils n sick. any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by skinner » March 2, 2017, 6:23 pm

Change your routine. Most smokers smoke at the same time each day, Its part of their daily routine, changing your routine helps. Good luck.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by stattointhailand » March 2, 2017, 11:13 pm

Find someone to be doing it for ......

Tried loads of times for my own benefit, health, finances, smell better etc etc but failed every time.
Tried to stop because it was making my daughter sick and haven't had one for over 7 years now (ex30+ a day)
I found the patches DID help ...... probably all in the head, but so is the NEED for nicotine.
Wish you luck. If you can get past the first few days you will realise that you have never really needed them.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by Soonsoon » March 3, 2017, 3:43 am

Google Zyban and try to get il LOS, or something same. I couldn't have done it without them. But be prepared for some mood swings :roll:

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by bluejets » March 3, 2017, 4:52 am

Wait for winter.
Go into the worst westerly you can find.
Get a resulting flu or whopper of a cold.
Wait and see the green crap you expel during the next 4 to 5 weeks.
If that's not enough, then nothing will help you.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by pf-flyer » March 3, 2017, 4:57 am

When I decided to quit, I was smoking sometimes three pack a day. I had rationalized to my self if a go to light cigarettes it would less harmful but I just smoked more to get the nicotine. I did not even finish the pack of cigarettes that I had in my shirt pocket. I threw everything away and I did not tell anybody. I did not want an negative comments telling me that I probably would not be successful. My wife noticed that I quit when after three days she had not washed any cigarette ash trays. I chewed gum until my jaw ached. I kept telling myself each day takes me further away from the urge to light up another cigarette. I truly believe that there is a psychological part in the habit also because I remember having a cigarette to just relax and unwind. That was over 33 years ago.
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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by vincemunday » March 3, 2017, 6:19 am

I used to smoke 60 cigarettes a day and I gave up 12 years ago using the Niquitin patches. I started of using the largest patch they make and worked my way down to the smallest making sure I adhered to their instructions completely. Even when I was using the smallest ones and I felt I had smoking beat, I still used them for 3 months I think it was, but I beat it in the end. I haven't smoked for 12 years but rarely a day goes past where I don't think about having a cigarette, I don't think you ever beat the urge for nicotine, you just handle the urges better than when you smoke, I can't honestly say I feel tons better health wise in fact I eat more and I've put on 4 stone. Certainly I'm financially better off, Benson's the cigarette I used to smoke are £10 a packet now and the thought of spending £30 a day on smoking is also bit of an incentive. In a nutshell if you are 100% committed the patches and tablets will help you quit but you have to want to give up before you will be able to, its just like any other addiction I guess.
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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by dingdong » March 3, 2017, 7:19 am

Bravo for staying off
17 years for me this August of 3 packs a day (25 per pack) I was then working in Uzbekistan and found heaven there, Pine Cigarettes from Korea at $2.70 a CARTON not a pack a Carton. This lasted about 4 weeks until my lungs gave in and I couldn't get enough oxygen. So, I set them aside and when I had the urge I always got water and went for a walk.

Still to this day I don't miss them BUT love to sit in the smoking areas and get some second hand

Good luck


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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by Philrjones » March 3, 2017, 8:04 am

Hi - I got a ecig Aspire Evo 75 Kit from here below. Wonderful. No cigs since Nov last year.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by fatbob » March 3, 2017, 8:32 am

If you want to you will, if your not sure you wont. Mind over matter, if you have to ask on a forum,,, you wont....

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by Fatone » March 3, 2017, 9:06 am

I am giving up in Oz. 3rd week without a smoke. $25 pack of 25 here! My doctor prescribed Champix varenicline tartrate. 2 pills a day.for 12 weeks. gets rid of cravings, works very wel but gives very technicolour dreams. from Pfizer. Oz web on pack

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by marjamlew » March 3, 2017, 9:31 am

I used a product called Champix. Not sure if it is available or how much it cost in Thailand. I was a hopeless smoker and the champix plus my desire to quit did it for me.
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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by Lone Star » March 3, 2017, 10:15 am

2 packs a day. Quit cold turkey on April 12, 1986.

Gum and exercise helped me kick it. I'd go to the gym, ride my 10-speed bike, take a brisk walk. I also had to stop my alcohol and coffee intake -- which caused me to want a cigarette.

Never touched another one. 30 years clear.

Good luck with your challenge. =D>
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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by macca46 » March 3, 2017, 10:33 am

I had hypnotherapy in October 2006 stopped immediately no cravings I was a 100 + a day for many years.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by Liam Dale » March 3, 2017, 10:47 am

I also quit cold turkey. And in reality I found the "gag"only lasted 1 or 2 mins max.. just distracted myself each time. And dealt with it 1 day at a time. Gradually the first thought of the day turned from gagging for a fag.. to didnt have one for x days.. to.. not thinking.. and then confidence crept in. Also avoided pubs n pals who smoked for a month..

For a few years the occasional "gag".. usually related I think to circumstances.. but easily understood and pushed aside.

If you fall.. just begin again the next day.. as "Day 1".

The very best of luck.
(PS: Day 3 for me on the wagon... another cold turkey.. and booze urges for ME are usually related to cooking.. love slamming wine while playing chef). Yay me for saving 900 baht I dont have already.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by semperfiguy » March 3, 2017, 1:48 pm

Watch these short videos:

If that doesn't help, go to the Udon General Hospital to the cancer wards and sit there for a few hours watching people struggle to breathe.

Up to you....the power to stop lies within you!
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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by fatbob » March 3, 2017, 2:21 pm

You could probably do a survey or poll on this, those who quit cold turkey and succeeded, those that used some form of medication and succeeded and then all those that failed, I did it cold turkey ten years ago and succeeded because I wanted to stop, simple's about breaking your habit.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by Jello » March 3, 2017, 4:59 pm

LissetteHBailey wrote:I am 3 days w/o cigarettes. I smoke 20 sticks only. not smoking nw because of my tonsils n sick. any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?
The OP did not ask how to quit smoking. He cannot currently tolerate smoking due to an illness.

If your not trying to get off the nicotine, take it in a different form, nicotine patch, nicotine gum, chewing tobacco or snus.

If you are trying to quit completely then your half way there. Physical nicotine addiction withdrawals are gone within a week. After that the psychological addiction will require conviction to stay off the cig's. Those cravings dissipate with time.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by BJS » March 4, 2017, 5:10 am

I wasn't trying to give up..but brought the patch to put on my arm for the 9 hours flight on the trip to Thailand.
Didn't even think about smoking ..the whole time.
When I got home to OZ..gave up in a week with the patches .
But when I take the family back to Udon ..I break as its to hard to sit in a bar with out smoking.
Try the patches they do help A LOT.

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Re: any advices on how to reduce the urges of smoking?

Post by sage » September 7, 2018, 2:56 pm

First i would say smoking is not good for our health. That person who can't leave with out smoking, for that person i would say change your routine, take a busiest life for your self, keep your mouth busy like chew a stick of gum and do something else when you want to take cigarette, stop what you're doing immediately and switch to doing something different. After that you also can't leave smoking so get professional help or Try nicotine replacement therapy.

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