Coffee and Health

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Coffee and Health

Post by rjj04 » October 2, 2018, 2:03 pm

Since most of us seem to have a diet "designed by Al-Qaeda", I thought this info on coffee (something I'd guess a majority of us consume) might be of use... ... of-coffee/

Coffee (being essentially a bean product) has some healthy aspects to it. This video helps you get the
most out of imbibing
1) The darker the roasting the less anti-oxidant potential. Choose medium or medium light roasted coffee.
2) Adding cows milk to your coffee blocks most of the beneficial aspects of drinking it. Switch to soy or drink it black.

In the "Doctors Note" section below the video you'll find more interesting vid's on coffee and health!

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by glalt » October 2, 2018, 2:44 pm

I hate the UHT boxed milk in my coffee. I much prefer regular milk. That said, my wife doesn't buy fresh milk because it goes sour to fast. That leaves me with Coffee Mate. That likely doesn't make much difference anyways because I buy dark roasted beans. I do like my coffee and grind my own beans and use a DeLonghi espresso maker. I used to try MANY different types of beans until I discovered that the problem was my coffee makers. I have drip, cheap steam espresso, a French press and even a pour through coffee maker. None made decent coffee. I finally spent the money and bought a high priced machine. Due to that video, I will try a medium roast the next purchase.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by rjj04 » October 2, 2018, 3:35 pm

I probably should have named the thread something like "Minor Tweaks to Extend A Healthy Retirement", or
some such, as most of the old farts here aren't going to radically change their diets to "possibly" add more years to their retirement... and I guess they'd have a point. But, a minor change like switching to a medium roast vs a dark roast that, who knows, might give somebody a few weeks or months more of healthy retirement might be tolerable to some. Anyway, just a thought. Glad at least one person found it useful :)

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by glalt » October 2, 2018, 3:57 pm

I already ordered some medium roast. I normally order beans but this is ground;

DE STANDARD -medium roast Roasted & Ground coffee 500 G.

I think beans stay fresher longer but I'll try the ground stuff.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by tamada » October 2, 2018, 4:33 pm

rjj04 wrote:
October 2, 2018, 3:35 pm
I probably should have named the thread something like "Minor Tweaks to Extend A Healthy Retirement", or
some such, as most of the old farts here aren't going to radically change their diets to "possibly" add more years to their retirement... and I guess they'd have a point. But, a minor change like switching to a medium roast vs a dark roast that, who knows, might give somebody a few weeks or months more of healthy retirement might be tolerable to some. Anyway, just a thought. Glad at least one person found it useful :)
Good reading, thanks.

I am a full pot of unsweetened black made from beans every day guy and nice to know I can live forever.

“Overall, according to the latest review, an increase in consumption of one cup of coffee per day was associated with about a 3% reduced risk of [cancers—especially] bladder cancer, breast [cancer], [mouth,] colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, [liver,] leukemic, pancreatic, and prostate cancers.”

So I have 5 cups instead of my usual 3, that's already a 6% reduction. Keep that up for about 3 weeks and I dodge the bullet completely!?

But how does one know one is approaching or has already passed their own 'sell-by' date? Is it a case of, "Bugger! I should have switched to decaf last Monday." or "I'm not dead yet so yes, another cappuccino por favor." ?

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by arjay » October 4, 2018, 6:29 pm

I use a DeLonghi machine and semi skimmed milk. My local coffee shops (barristars) in UK tell me not to keep the bags of coffee beans longer than 3 months (from the roasting date) and to keep them sealed and in the fridge until use, or the beans will dry out.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by rjj04 » October 6, 2018, 8:41 am

I guess I'll have to be the bearer of bad news here. One of the downsides is that coffee can raise cholesterol levels. Approximately 10-15% LDL rise, if I'm reading the chart accurately enough. The mechanism seems to be a fatty substance in the bean(seed?). It has been termed Cafestol. Another video to see the science behind it, at least what is known to date... ... olesterol/

1) Paper filtered coffee seems to reduce the cafestol significantly, capturing most of the fine ground particles.
A 90-95% reduction of cafestol
2) Instant and percolated coffee seem to be fairly low in cafestol even without paper filtering.

Sometimes I think I am fortunate to have a pallet that is not very discerning. I could never tell the difference between 2 Buck Chuck ($2 Trader Joe's wine) and a $20 wine. So instant coffee, no problem \:D/

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by GT93 » October 7, 2018, 1:45 am

Bloody hell. A link (the first one) to Michael Greger. He's one of the high priests of a plant based diet. That's newspeak for a vegan diet. He isn't a charlatan.
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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by glalt » October 7, 2018, 9:28 am

I totally wasted 360 baht. I made a mistake buying ground coffee. It was ground so fine that it clogged the filters on my espresso maker, drip percolator and also cannot be used in my French press. Don't buy DE STANDARD -medium roast Roasted & Ground coffee. I will try different brand of medium roast beans.

I complained and was told that the Coffee was ground for an automatic filter machine. Whatever that means. I won't make the mistake of buying DOUWE EGBERTS coffee again. Maybe it will fertilize some of my wife's flowers.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by rjj04 » October 7, 2018, 9:59 am

"Bloody hell. A link (the first one) to Michael Greger. He's one of the high priests of a plant based diet. That's newspeak for a vegan diet. He isn't a charlatan"

Actually, it is "whole foods plant based diet".... a vegan can eat potato chips and drink a coke for lunch. Processed food is definitely a big part of the problem these days. Dr. Greger has a format where he actually shows you the interesting parts of a study, teaching people how easy it is for Big Food to fund junk science to keep the public confused. Manufacture enough confusion and people just say what the hell and eat their crap.

Now, if I could only kill my infatuation with cheese :(

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by Faraday » October 7, 2018, 10:00 am

Anyone tried the 'Gabriel Blend's of coffee from Dose?

Really nice, slightly fruity taste.

The 'House Blend' is way too bitter though.

Which coffee is your favourite?

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by stereolab » October 7, 2018, 10:21 am

Faraday wrote:
October 7, 2018, 10:00 am
Anyone tried the 'Gabriel Blend's of coffee from Dose?

Really nice, slightly fruity taste.

The 'House Blend' is way too bitter though.

Which coffee is your favourite?
Personally I prefer the house blend at Dose, to the Gabriel blend. Have you tried the 3 types of beans available at Mavin Coffee Roaster? Also the Cafe/Bakery halfway to NK from a Udon does an excellent bean, though it is pricey.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by Jello » October 7, 2018, 5:16 pm

rjj04 wrote:
October 7, 2018, 9:59 am

Now, if I could only kill my infatuation with cheese :(
If you need to cut dairy out of your diet but still need a cheese fix Villa Market has a selection of vegan (mock) cheeses. They also have nutritional yeast flakes that can be sprinkled on food to give it a cheesy flavor.

If your going on a complete vegan diet they also stock some mock meats now.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by Bouph » October 7, 2018, 10:43 pm

Last edited by Bouph on November 7, 2018, 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by Faraday » October 8, 2018, 6:26 am

Thank you Bouph & Stereolab for your recommendations about coffee.

Edit: Just ordered some Redcliffe.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by rjj04 » October 8, 2018, 8:40 am

Jello wrote:
October 7, 2018, 5:16 pm
rjj04 wrote:
October 7, 2018, 9:59 am

Now, if I could only kill my infatuation with cheese :(
If you need to cut dairy out of your diet but still need a cheese fix Villa Market has a selection of vegan (mock) cheeses. They also have nutritional yeast flakes that can be sprinkled on food to give it a cheesy flavor.

If your going on a complete vegan diet they also stock some mock meats now.

Wow, I must be out of it these days, I just went into Villa and I didn't see vegan cheese or nutritional yeast. Thanks for the tip. The vegan cheese will be a little reward for when I hit the 20kg loss point... 4 kgs to go. Twenty years ago my Dr told me I'd probably have a heart attack in a few years if I kept up my work stress (SV start-ups) and diet... going 100% vegan/WFPBD fixed half the problem within months, so going strict WFPBD (Whole Food Plant Based Diet) I know works. If it takes another 20 years of straying from the path to get back to where I was four months ago I think that will be fine for me.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by Udon Map » October 8, 2018, 10:18 am

What is vegan cheese made from? I've never heard of it.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by Jello » October 8, 2018, 11:18 am

rjj04 wrote:
October 8, 2018, 8:40 am
Wow, I must be out of it these days, I just went into Villa and I didn't see vegan cheese or nutritional yeast. Thanks for the tip. The vegan cheese will be a little reward for when I hit the 20kg loss point... 4 kgs to go.
Congrats on the weight loss, thats alot! Last year my cholesterol was very high so I cut out all red meat for 6 months. Got checked again and the numbers showed a marked improvement, but still high enough that my Doctor wanted to put me on statins, which I declined. I'd rather just change what I eat. Been trying to eat WFPB for the last 3 months now, but cheese has been the hardest thing to give up.

The vegan cheese is Daiya brand in the dairy section with the rest of the cheeses. Nutritional yeast is Bobs Red Mill brand, next to the flour and baking stuff.
Udon Map wrote:
October 8, 2018, 10:18 am
What is vegan cheese made from? I've never heard of it.
Vegan cheese is a non-dairy or plant cheese analogue aimed at vegans and other people who want to avoid animal products, including those who are lactose-intolerant.[1] As with plant milk, vegan cheese can be made from seeds, such as sesame and sunflower; nuts, such as cashew,[2] pine nut, and almond;[3] and soybeans, peanuts, coconut oil, nutritional yeast, tapioca,[4] and rice, among other ingredients.

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by rjj04 » October 8, 2018, 1:01 pm

16kgs, you'd think that was a lot, but when I look straight down I still can't see my sleeping willy. Stop right there people, I know what you're thinking... I've been told it has perfectly acceptable dimensions, thank you very much :lol:

Thanks for the tips on locating those items. Keep going on the diet and I'm sure you can avoid the meds. The problem I see is that once you start taking the meds, it is never ending and then it will be another med, and another. No thanks!!

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Re: Coffee and Health

Post by glalt » October 9, 2018, 1:05 pm

I too have ordered a 250 gram bag of Red Cliff beans. Time will tell. I don't use PayPal so going to the bank to make a transfer is a pain. I hope it will be worth it. If it is good, I'll order a kilo the next time.

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