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Lone Star
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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Lone Star » March 8, 2019, 7:59 pm

AlexO wrote:
March 8, 2019, 5:51 pm
Lone Star wrote:
March 8, 2019, 2:43 pm
newtovillagelife wrote:
March 8, 2019, 2:31 pm
If the dems push the green deal they will fail...are they that stupid.....if so....I vote Trump all the way!!!!
The old guard Dem leadership is afraid of the enthusiastic freshmen Marxists who co-opted the Dem base. Dems are split, running wild and unchecked.
Absolute same problem in the UK. Labour leader before Corbyn was Jewish, they lost the General Election (not because he was Jewish I might add), just the Labour Party were/are an unfunny joke. Now they are trying to play the mini Marxist, Save The Refugee card and are going to loose big style again. What next? only ethnic minorities and halfwit students are allowed to vote.
Newt explains things very well.

Newt Gingrich states the obvious about Democrats in the House.

Pelosi can't afford to make the freshmen Marxists angry.

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Doodoo » March 8, 2019, 8:01 pm

"Doing what NK has done for generations -- messing around and delaying. I'm sure he was told to wait it all out through the next election or until and if the Dems ever finish all of their investigations."

Not a time to concentrate on what the Democrates will or may do in what another 6 years after another Presidential election and Donald Duck gets back in. Do something now, Put up or shut put. Mr T wants America to be great again so be it do something about Ping Pong. What is left? He has sanctioned him to the end , talked to him to the point where they gave up and walked out.
"I'm sure he was told to wait it all out through the next election or until and if the Dems ever finish all of their investigations."
I don't believe you were there with Mr. T and Ping Pong or I could be wrong but I didnt see you in any news releases or do you have a direct line to the conference More Fake news

One option is to leave him alone like was done in Vietnam walk away, move on
There are more important issues at hand

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Doodoo » March 8, 2019, 9:55 pm

U.S. adds a disappointing 20,000 jobs in February

Emily McCormick
Yahoo FinanceMarch 8, 2019

There is UPS and DOWNS This a DOWN


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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » March 8, 2019, 10:27 pm

Optimism and Pessimism both drive the market. Jobs are one of the big market drivers. Pessimism is everywhere. No deal yet with China. No deal yet with NK. The border mess. Democrats starting all of their investigations now because Mueller will probably come up empty with Trump, obstruction and Russia conspiracy (collusion isn't a crime).

It's disappointing, but it's one month. I never thought it would last forever, especially with there being more jobs available than potential employees.

This will most likely add to the pessimism, and you will probably see more pullback in the stock market. Disappointing.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Sabai » March 9, 2019, 3:41 am

Lone Star. Will you please give over on you're Americanism posts. I have been on this board a lot longer than you, at this stage when I see a Lone star post in the heading I take NO notice. I very rarely post but enough is enough. Open your own American Bull++it forum somewhere. Nobody is interested in what you profess. Period.

Let the forum get back to social postings and not constant drivel about a buffoon you elected.

Lone Star , Lone star on every second post.

Get yourself a life, and give us our forum back.

Hopefully that is clarified enough for you.

And no I will not involve myself in conversation with you , I am above that, thank god.

Try Thai Visa,, the'll eat you up.

Have a good day.
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by SJP17 » March 9, 2019, 5:57 am

Sabai wrote:
March 9, 2019, 3:41 am
Lone Star. Will you please give over on you're Americanism posts. I have been on this board a lot longer than you, at this stage when I see a Lone star post in the heading I take NO notice. I very rarely post but enough is enough. Open your own American Bull++it forum somewhere. Nobody is interested in what you profess. Period.

Let the forum get back to social postings and not constant drivel about a buffoon you elected.

Lone Star , Lone star on every second post.

Get yourself a life, and give us our forum back.

Hopefully that is clarified enough for you.

And no I will not involve myself in conversation with you , I am above that, thank god.

Try Thai Visa,, the'll eat you up.

Have a good day.
He is entitled to his opinion though and is posting on threads relevant to the content he submits.

I dont see why that's a problem ?

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by papafarang » March 9, 2019, 7:56 am

SJP17 wrote:
March 9, 2019, 5:57 am
Sabai wrote:
March 9, 2019, 3:41 am
Lone Star. Will you please give over on you're Americanism posts. I have been on this board a lot longer than you, at this stage when I see a Lone star post in the heading I take NO notice. I very rarely post but enough is enough. Open your own American Bull++it forum somewhere. Nobody is interested in what you profess. Period.

Let the forum get back to social postings and not constant drivel about a buffoon you elected.

Lone Star , Lone star on every second post.

Get yourself a life, and give us our forum back.

Hopefully that is clarified enough for you.

And no I will not involve myself in conversation with you , I am above that, thank god.

Try Thai Visa,, the'll eat you up.

Have a good day.
He is entitled to his opinion though and is posting on threads relevant to the content he submits.

I dont see why that's a problem ?
one thing , it's not opinions , if it is an opinion it's, some nobody that no one has ever heard of that he cuts and pastes . then of course there's the propaganda/fake news peddling. so I will be blunt , I cannot see a reason to be an advertiser on a forum dedicated to American politics, it would simply be a waste of time and my money . if I wanted to read this moronic junk news I would be heading to a forum that's dedicated to that sort of thing, because that's where he would be able to mix with like minded people. me I like to read about udon , maybe Thailand. these posts have no relevance even to asia..junk mail. Has anyone noticed the drop off in advertisers ?
As for trump making the grade , no wall, no peace in North korea, no withdrawal from syria and now imports have increased to America. so no plain and simple , he has not made the grade
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 12:36 pm


Larry Kudlow: February jobs number is very ‘fluky’

Date: March 8, 2019
Source: CNBC


https://www.cnbc.com/video/2019/03/08/l ... fluky.html
Director of the United States National Economic Council Larry Kudlow joins “Squawk on the Street” for the first White House reaction to the February jobs report.
Strange stuff. Almost 157 Million employed. Wages up 3.4% year-over-year. Unemployment under 4%. More blue collar jobs created than white collar jobs. Productivity at almost 2% the last 4 quarters after being flat.

Strange stuff.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 12:39 pm


There will be a great opportunity to cut government spending.

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Doodoo » March 9, 2019, 12:42 pm

More for the downward trip

Payless Shoe Stores is set to close all its remaining North American stores, 2300 stores to close by May

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 12:46 pm

Sabai wrote:
March 9, 2019, 3:41 am
Lone Star. Will you please give over on you're Americanism posts. I have been on this board a lot longer than you, at this stage when I see a Lone star post in the heading I take NO notice. I very rarely post but enough is enough. Open your own American Bull++it forum somewhere. Nobody is interested in what you profess. Period.

. . .
Only one started by me. Other members started the rest. I'm only posting in topics that interest me.

Kudos for ignoring topics that don't interest you. I do the same.

Have a great weekend!
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Doodoo » March 9, 2019, 12:47 pm

Governments never learn ECONOMICS

If you aint got it don't spend it

Maybe one spot would be the WALL I know its just a measly $5 Billion to start but what the heah its a place to start

Governments are easy to work for because if a contractor overruns his budget you just go and get some more cash from the Big Room out back

They have to start someplace

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 1:16 pm

This is probably why Bloomberg chose not to run. He would be a good candidate for Democrats, but the Dems have lurched too far to the left. That lurch will damage ALL Democrat candidates -- including Bloomy. He sees the handwriting on the wall. He's a pragmatist and a capitalist. He knows what America is about, which is how he amassed all of his great wealth.

Yesterday, Dems in the House voted to allow illegals to vote. Add that to all of the other catastrophes that they are proposing.

Bloomberg already thinks Trump will win in 2020 if for no other reason than the Dems have created a stark contrast between the parties -- socialism vs America.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 2:14 pm


Still hopeful for a solid agreement in the trade negotiations. Need more economic optimism for world economies.

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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 2:23 pm


Mark Levin

Date: March 7, 2019
Source: Mark Levin radio
The hate-America Democrats passed a resolution telling you that America sucks, and I am telling you, as an American Jew, I pray to God every day and thank Him for being a child of this country — as we all do, from all walks of life. This is not about America. This is about Islamic fundamentalists who have now, as a result of our immigration policies and lack of assimilation, been elected to the United States House of Representatives. They hate America, they hate Jews, and they hate the state of Israel. That’s a fact.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Doodoo » March 9, 2019, 2:26 pm

So this must mean you are also an Alarmist

Hoping don't do squat Words are words Actions and Results are what move us along

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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 2:32 pm


AOC's Policies Are An Indictment of American Economic Education

Date: March 8, 2019
Source: Townhall
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a walking indictment of economic education in the United States. And I’m not just referring to Boston College where AOC received her economics degree. The fact that AOC’s socialist policies receive widespread support among today’s youth demonstrates there is an economic education crisis in this country. Below are AOC’s top 5 economically ignorant policies that haven’t received nearly the derision they deserve:

The Green New Deal: This policy would fundamentally transform the U.S. economy in a socialist direction. It would force American households and small businesses to transition to far more expensive and unreliable energy sources. This would act as a major new tax, raising prices, reducing disposable income, and acting as a major drag on the economy. Eliminating plane travel would significantly reduce interstate commerce.

Medicare for All: Medicare for All, which is also a facet of the GND, would nationalize the healthcare system. This would create healthcare shortages and rationing because demand would increase and doctor supply would decrease. Government bureaucrats, not doctors and medical entrepreneurs, would determine healthcare policies and procedures, limiting much-needed medical advancement.
Oc-Co Loco's enthusiasm is infectious. Sadly, she has become the poster child of higher education in America today. She is full of passion, feelings and self-righteousness, yet utterly devoid of information, knowledge, wisdom, experience or the slightest accomplishment.

Yes, Oc-Co Loco has a degree in economics. Boston University must be so proud.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 3:12 pm


Source: Yahoo News
https://news.yahoo.com/blood-knees-defe ... 42423.html

'Blood up to your knees': defeated IS jihadists still defiant
The SDF are closing in on diehard jihadists and their relatives holed up in a makeshift encampment inside the village of Baghouz.

More than 7,000 people have fled the bombed-out bastion over the past three days, escaping shelling by the SDF and air strikes by the US-led coalition against IS.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by pal52 » March 9, 2019, 3:29 pm

Lone Star wrote:
March 9, 2019, 2:14 pm

Still hopeful for a solid agreement in the trade negotiations. Need more economic optimism for world economies.

Now read the full story.
The main reason exports fell so much was because of Chinese New Year falling on Feb 4th.
We all know China basically shuts down for 2 weeks at the New Year.

http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/chi ... ?li=AA54rU

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 9, 2019, 3:57 pm

pal52 wrote:
March 9, 2019, 3:29 pm
Lone Star wrote:
March 9, 2019, 2:14 pm

Still hopeful for a solid agreement in the trade negotiations. Need more economic optimism for world economies.

Now read the full story.
The main reason exports fell so much was because of Chinese New Year falling on Feb 4th.
We all know China basically shuts down for 2 weeks at the New Year.

http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/chi ... ?li=AA54rU
The full story was on the graphic that I provided at CNBC. Google it. Did you bother?
Holiday distortion, but outlook still gloomy
Analysts also caution that data from China at the beginning of the year may be distorted by week-long Chinese New Year public holidays, which started in early February this year. In 2018, Chinese New Year holidays started in mid-February.

But, February’s China trade data were “downbeat, even accounting for seasonal distortions,” said Julian Evans-Pritchard, senior China economist at Capital Economics.

“The upshot is that today’s downbeat data provide further evidence that global demand is cooling and remains consistent with subdued domestic demand,” Evans-Pritchard wrote in a note on Friday.
Thanks for participating in the news thread!

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