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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 7:36 am


Lizzie Warren: Millionaires Have to Pay a ‘Fair Share,’ Taxpayers Helped Create Their Success

Date: March 10, 2019
Source: Face the Nation

In the tradition of Obama and socialists everywhere, "You didn't build that!"

The only difference between a LIB member of the Entitlement Class and a thief on the street is that the LIB is a coward and votes for someone to take the assets of others. Socialism enslaves one man for the benefit of another.
Those great fortunes were built here in America with workers that all of us paid to educate, with their goods got to market on roads and bridges that all of us helped to build. They were protected in their factories by firefighters and police officers that all of us helped to support. So what we’re really saying is look, just put a little bit back in the kitty. This is what we’re asking for. Pay a fair share, so the next kid has a chance to build something great and the kid after that and the kid after that.
And all of those corporations and their employees paid state and local taxes for those roads and bridges and firefighters and policemen. They also purchased products and services from merchants in their communities, who also employed people, paid taxes and purchased products and services from other merchants. And on and on and on goes the voluntary exchange of goods and services in the free market.

Lizzie doing her best to warp the facts and extend another LIB Myth.

The top 1% of taxpayers only requires a minimum income of $389,000 annually. The top 10% minimum income is only $90,000 annually.


The top 50% of wage earners pay 97% of federal income taxes. The tip top wage earners pay enough.

Time to cut big government's budget and eliminate waste. Time for freeloaders to get a job. The US has more jobs available than unemployed.

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Re: Trump and the Stock Markets

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 7:51 am

Larry Kudlow tackles several topics and lays it out well.

On international trade, he notes that deficits remain because other world economies are flat and consumers in other countries aren't buying.
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Re: Trump addresses EU trade deficit

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 7:57 am

John Bolton talks almost everything China.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 8:05 am


It's also true with government health care in other countries. It's why those who can afford it opt for private health care services.
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 8:07 am

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 8:08 am

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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Doodoo » March 11, 2019, 8:32 am

Time to cut big government's budget and eliminate waste. Time for freeloaders to get a job. The US has more jobs available than unemployed

Pass a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Nothing would be more powerful in getting both parties to compromise and cut spending than making all spending dependent on having a balanced budget.
Unless its balanced you don't spend

Get rid of the Board of Education and let the States handle it

Get rid of Saturday Mail delivery

Publicize every cent of government spending, including the senator/congressman's district that headquarters a program. Transparency will subject any wasted spending to the wrath of voters.

Eliminate all pensions and benefits for Senators, Congress people, and Presidents after they leave office. Taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for a lifetime of pension costs for someone who serves a few years in office.

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by jackspratt » March 11, 2019, 8:51 am

BREAKING (though unsurprising) NEWS.

The same poll that rated Obama the worst president in July 2014 has since updated (March 2018), and:
A new Quinnipiac University National Poll released Wednesday showed that 41% of voters named Trump as the worst of the 13 presidents who have held office since then. He was then followed by Barack Obama, who received 21% of votes.
I am sure the Orange Bloviator will be happy with that, because he hates coming second in anything. And the poll also shows he is twice as "good" as Obama. =D>

Funnily enough:
But while Obama came in second for worst president, he was also came in second for best president since that time, too. For his part, Trump came in fifth.
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol ... 404118002/

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 9:13 am


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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 9:15 am

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Doodoo » March 11, 2019, 9:51 am

Bringing in more Refugees

LS are you proclaiming ALARMISM ??????????????????


Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Natas » March 11, 2019, 12:52 pm

Haha. The Meme Thread

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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 3:19 pm

Very interesting discussion among young Black American liberals and conservatives.

- The liberals were mostly silent and victims. There was an excuse for everything.
- The conservatives were outspoken and victors. They didn't blame anyone stopping them other than themselves.
- Some admitted that they voted for Obama only because he was black or multiracial, and they admitted that he let them down.
- It was telling that when one liberal female said she voted for Obama's policies, she didn't name any.

I found it odd that one of the discussion members listed government funding of programs that was stopped and called that stoppage a violation of "rights".
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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 3:34 pm


Deep blue New York City looking at bankruptcy after a five-year socialist wallow

Source: Monica Showalter

Ready to go back to the 'Shattered' era, New York? The old 'drop dead' epoch and 'fun city' times?
Looks like that's what's on the cards, based on this New York Post report, warning that the socialist-led city is in dire danger of bankruptcy if there's an economic downturn:

New York City is careening closer to all-out financial bankruptcy for the first time since Mayor Abraham Beame ran the city more than 40 years ago, experts say.

As tax-fleeced businesses and individuals flee en masse, and city public spending surges into the stratosphere, financial analysts say Gotham is perilously near total fiscal disaster.

Long-term debt is now more than $81,100 per household, and Mayor de Blasio is ramping up to spend as much as $3 billion more in the new budget than the current $89.2 billion.
Yeah, that's how everyone deals with overspending and debt. They spend more. LIBs are famous for it.
“The city is running a deficit and could be in a real difficult spot if we had a recession, or a further flight of individuals because of tax reform,” said Milton Ezrati, chief economist of Vested.

I've got some news for New York: The New York Fed is forecasting just that downturn. Here's a Daily Mail report that ran a few days ago:

The US economy is likely to slow 'considerably' in 2019, the president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank warned on Wednesday.

Amid a time of economic uncertainty, John Williams said the Federal Reserve may 'wait' before raising interest rates again.

The Fed may or may not be right about this, but it shouldn't take the spotlight off New York. Why on earth should one of the world's great cities go bankrupt solely because of an economic downturn? That's the sort of thing you might expect from Greece or Uruguay, both of which endured huge financial crises based in part on the financial behavior of their much larger neighbors. New York ain't small.

It's also the kind of thing you expect from places such as Venezuela or Ecuador, both of which relied on one-commodity economies - oil - and saw their fortunes tumble when the price went down, having put all their eggs in one basket. New York's no undiversified economy.

What the city does have in common with all four places through is that 's' word: socialism, and sure enough, they're looking at the same kind of crisis.

Socialist Bill de Blasio has been mayor of New York for going on six years now, and he hasn't held back on what socialists specialize in, which is government spending. According to the Washington Examiner, the state of New York shells out 32 cents from every taxpayer dollar that comes in for welfare payments to those who can't or won't work.

According to the State of New York's Office of the State Comptroller, which pays attention to New York City's government spending, in just the last year, New York City has outspent the rest of the state in public assistance (up 3.7%), safety net assistance (up 6%), family assistance (up 1.7%), while assistance for other programs, such as SNAP, decreased at lower rates than the state as a whole on all fronts.

You can bet that New York city's percentage is likely above the state's averaged 32%.

And all this at a time when the U.S. has seen its best economic performance since the Reagan years.
LIBs can't even snatch Victory from the jaws of defeat when things are good nationwide.
Bill de Blasio has been spending up a storm as the socialist mayor of New York City, and with every expansion, driving out another piece of the productive sector. Instead of jobs expanding, welfare has expanding. And residents are fleeing. Amazon, after all, got chased out, thanks to his fellow socialist, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a move that is going to cost the city a pretty penny in lost tax revenue. Nice work, socialists.

And now the famous Other People's Money is running out, which is likely to signal the demise of the socialism itself if it can't keep a money stream from the productive sector with which to shovel out the socialist welfare. It shows that socialism is a parasite system, always needing some kind of sugar-daddy to glom off on - whether it's Castro in Cuba seeking a new patron every few years or de Blasio seeking a new corporate sponsor to keep the tax money rolling in. Yet once socialism kills its host as the cash runs dry, the collapse commences.
Socialism enslaves one man and takes his assets to give to another man.
Anybody out there could see that that was what was going to happen.

As I wrote back in 2013, when I was an editorial writer for Investor's Business Daily:

Largely appealing to identity politics to win (his Italian name is of his own making and his African-American wife and children have been paraded as political props), the only thing that passed for a political plan from him was his vow to "tax the rich," to end the policing that has made New York safe, and to expand welfare.

"Make no mistake: The people of this city have chosen a progressive path, and tonight we set forth on it, together," de Blasio said on his election night.

Problem: These are ideas that have been tried before — in New York's recent past. The rubble of the South Bronx, the crime waves Mick Jagger sang about, and the municipal bankruptcy from which Gerald Ford told New York to "drop dead" rather than rescue, were all the result of corruption and incompetence, which were reversed with the election of Rudy Giuliani in 1993.

Well, now that specter is appearing, and it came in all of five years.

Will New Yorkers and others enamored of socialism ever learn from this? Maybe that's the question to start seeking answers about. How bad does it have to get and why must it always get bad for anyone to wake up?
And this article doesn't touch on the $850 million that the mayor's wife has misplaced. That's all over the news. Look it up.

The differences between NY's mayor and Trump -- a product of NY -- are staggering. While Trump seeks to elevate those who have not with jobs and optimism and programs and policies that have the US almost fully employed in its history, NY's mayor eats the rich. What's worse, as New Yorkers flee the state, the NY Department of Revenue is auditing all of them after they leave to try to squeeze every nickel out them for fleeing. Like the EU says, "If you don't try to escape, we won't shoot you."
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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 4:10 pm


While the US Department of Labor report on the 20,000 meager job gains in February was disappointing, Tim Mahedy, an economist at Bloomberg, revealed the silver lining.
"... while employment gains in February were well below even the lowest consensus forecast, it is too early to sound the alarm on the labor market. Beyond the usual disclaimer that this is just one month of data, the January number -- already incredibly high -- was revised up and the net upward revision to the prior two months was 12k. Today's report looks more like payback from a strong January gain. It will, and should, raise some eyebrows, but we'll need a couple more months of data before we have a clear picture of where the labor market is headed in 2019."
Other positive details in the Department of Labor report include:

- Employment in professional and business services continued an upward trend
- Health care continues to add jobs
- Durable goods wholesalers led the wholesale trade employment upward trend
- Year-over-year, construction has added over 230,000 jobs
- Manufacturing employment is steady and still rising

Wages are surging and growing at a 3.4% rate. This is the highest growth since the end of 2008.
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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by AlexO » March 11, 2019, 5:22 pm

Doodoo wrote:
March 11, 2019, 8:32 am
Time to cut big government's budget and eliminate waste. Time for freeloaders to get a job. The US has more jobs available than unemployed

Pass a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Nothing would be more powerful in getting both parties to compromise and cut spending than making all spending dependent on having a balanced budget.
Unless its balanced you don't spend

Get rid of the Board of Education and let the States handle it

Get rid of Saturday Mail delivery

Publicize every cent of government spending, including the senator/congressman's district that headquarters a program. Transparency will subject any wasted spending to the wrath of voters.

Eliminate all pensions and benefits for Senators, Congress people, and Presidents after they leave office. Taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for a lifetime of pension costs for someone who serves a few years in office.
Wish there was a 'like' button available. Same as Maggie Thatcher used to say " The trouble with Socialists is that they soon run out of other peoples money to spend" truest statement ever said. UK MP's qualify for a pension after about 8 years service but the taxpaying workers have now to work well in excess of their 65th birthday to get any of the contributions made over 50 years back??

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Re: Will Trump make the Grade.

Post by Lone Star » March 11, 2019, 5:43 pm


Quite a good article by Spencer Morrison on Trump being Trump.

Do the Math: Trump’s Wall Is $25 Billion, Illegals Cost $165 Billion

It outlines how he was able to one-by-one eliminate all contenders for POTUS in the GOP primaries.
Scott Adams, the creator of the popular cartoon “Dilbert,” transformed himself into a persona non grata in 2016 by exposing how Donald Trump manipulated the media by using sophisticated persuasion techniques. History proved Adams was correct and Trump won the election. As it turns out, Trump was not the bumbling blowhard of CNN’s fever dreams. He was a marketing mastermind whose words went far beyond “resonating” with ordinary Americans—they stuck. Epithets like crooked, lyin’, and low-energy were not just insults, they were silver bullets spoken by a silver tongue. Hillary, Ted, and Jeb didn’t know what hit ’em.

Two years on and Trump’s word-wizardry is as potent as ever—Pocahontas‘s racial fraud is now common knowledge, and Trump’s little rocket man jab arguably set the stage for North Korea’s denuclearization summit. At this point, Trump’s language is indistinguishable from political magic. For example, Trump’s push for “the wall” has turned ardent socialists into laissez-faire economists on the issue of illegal immigration—who cares if migration hurts America’s most vulnerable? We need aliens to grow the economy!
Yes, Trump has caused the Dems to expose themselves for the hypocrites that they are and show America that they are more interested in illegal aliens than Everyman in the US.
This flip-flop has made it clear to ordinary Americans: the Democratic Party cares more about illegal aliens than it does the common citizen.

Another Brick in the Wall
The Democratic Party shut down the government to avoid funding President Trump’s border wall with Mexico. In the meantime, the media has harped incessantly on the wall’s futility. The wall is too expensive, they claim. And in any event, the wall won’t work!

Nonsense. Illegal aliens cost American citizens more in three months than the wall will cost to build in its entirety. What’s more, the available evidence suggests that walls are fantastically effective at arresting migrant flows.

To begin with: how much will Trump’s wall cost to build?

In her informative piece, statistician Liberty Vittert estimates that Trump’s wall will cost some $25 billion to build. Vittert breaks her estimate down as follows:
Size of the wall: 1,150 miles long; 40 feet high; 10 feet deep into the ground; 1 foot wide

Total volume of material: 11.2 million cubic yards

Materials: Approximately $8.7 billion in concrete (97 percent of the materials); approximately $3.6 billion in steel (3 percent of the materials)

Labor: Approximately $12.3 billion (given the labor costs on the original 654 miles of barriers we can assume a conservative 1:1 ratio of materials to labor)

Land acquisition: About 60 percent of the border is privately owned land. While the federal government has the power to take privately owned property for public purposes, it must provide “just compensation.” Based on previous purchases from the 2006-2009 wall construction, the cost at most would be $300,000 per mile acquired, or approximately $200 million altogether.

In total, the actual physical cost of the wall would be about $25 billion.
Conservative and Liberal estimates range from $16 billion to $60 billion. Still a one-time pittance for the billions lost by local, state and federal programs and societal institutions.
The Democrat’s Dilemma
Illegal aliens cause economic harm to Americans because they consume far more in government services than they contribute in taxes. We make: they take.

According to a 2017 report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), illegal aliens and their children cost American taxpayers $135 billion annually—$8,075 per alien per year. These costs are partially offset by taxes collected from illegal aliens, which total around $19 billion. Thus, the net cost of illegal immigrants to American taxpayers is $116 billion annually.

The report also details how those billions are spent. Unsurprisingly, state and local governments bear the majority (two-thirds) of the costs, spending $88 billion annually. The federal government has it relatively easy, spending just $45 billion. This is ironic, given that the federal government created this problem. What’s more, the federal government receives the lion’s share of taxes paid by illegal aliens ($15.4 billion), while state and local governments receive just $3.5 billion in annual taxes from illegal immigrants.

Unsurprisingly, the single greatest cost associated with illegal immigration is educating their children ($46 billion a year). Not only is this expensive, but it reduces school quality for American students. Consider that one-in-five California students is an illegal alien or anchor baby. This crowding is the main reason why California’s public school system is one of America’s worst: California has one of the highest student-teacher ratios and among the lowest per-student spending in America. Government also spends $29 billion on medical expenses, $23 billion on law enforcement, and $9 billion on straight-up welfare programs (some of which actually favor illegal aliens over American citizens).
I have first-hand knowledge and experience of the burden of illegals in the classroom.
Illegal aliens also cost Americans indirectly by sending $30 billion in remittances abroad per year—this is the “hidden tax” that Americans pay for illegal labor.

Functionally there is little difference between these remittances and a maximally inefficient tax. Consider: you hire a gardener who then remits five cents to the government as a sales tax. Now imagine that the government spends this money in Washington building marble monuments—none of the money returns to your community. This tax is maximally inefficient because you get no return for your “investment” in the common weal.

How is this any different than remittances? Americans hire illegal aliens, who then remit a large portion of their income back to their homeland. This money is spent abroad, never to return to your local community. Hypothetically it may return—a decade from now. But realistically, the velocity of money is reduced to nil. In this way, the remittances sent by illegal aliens are effectively a tax that Americans pay for the privilege of hiring “cheap” illegal labor.

For this reason, it is reasonable to bundle the remittances sent by illegal aliens in with America’s tax burden. This means that illegal aliens cost Americans $165 billion annually.
Walls aren't immoral. They are just like the doors on the homes of private citizens. They protect the people inside.
There is plenty of international evidence that walls work. For example, Hungary has claimed that fences along its borders with Croatia and Serbia have stemmed the flow of migrants by 99.7 percent since 2015. Specifically, “the number of successful attempts to illegally cross the border fell from 391,000 in 2015 to 18,236 in 2016 and only 1,184 in 2017” according to Gyorgy Bakondi, the Hungarian prime minister’s chief security advisor. Neighboring Austria refused to build a fence, and now their nation’s social services are being abused by migrants to a terminal degree.

Finally, even left-leaning Politico was forced to admit that walls are effective. Specifically, it found that the construction of a 150-mile long border wall between Israel and Egypt cut the number of illegal border crossings from 16,000 in 2011 to less than 20 in 2016. Basically, Israel’s wall was 100 percent effective.

America could build a highly-effective border wall for some $25 billion. Meanwhile, illegal aliens cost Americans $165 billion worth of taxes and remittances every year. Do the math.
The Americans who voted for Trump did so because he despised the political class as much as the Everyday American. They voted for Trump because they had an idea that he wouldn't take any crap, would get things done and would call out those hypocrites in the swamp who ignore the People and undermine the security of the country. They voted for Trump, despite his imperfections and issues in his private life, because he is the right guy for the job at the right time. I'm betting they do it again in larger numbers in 2020.
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Re: Democrats, Republicans and Elections

Post by Doodoo » March 11, 2019, 6:24 pm

If you want to follow a Model Mayor who ran a city it would be >Hurricane"Hazel McCallion Ran Mississauga (Canada) for 36 years as Mayor

McCallion earned the nickname Hurricane Hazel not only for her brash manner but also because of the manner in which she got things done. When asked whether she liked the moniker, she said: “I’ve been called other things too, and some of them uncomplimentary and sexist like the ‘Queen of Sprawl’, ‘Attila the Hen,’ ‘The Mom who runs Mississauga’ and the ‘Mississauga Rattler’, so it’s little wonder that my favourite nickname is Hurricane Hazel.”
She seldom, if ever, raised property taxes, instead relying on developers’ fees to pay the city’s bills. She once described her philosophy as mayor: “Trying to run a city like a business. Paying for things up front. Trying to stay out of debt.”

98 years old now and still on the move

Now there is someone who I would vote for, not just words but actions

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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by papafarang » March 11, 2019, 10:27 pm

Natas wrote:
March 11, 2019, 12:52 pm
Haha. The Meme Thread
Haha. The Meme Thread :lol:
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Re: Lone Star News *Trigger Warning*

Post by Natas » March 12, 2019, 12:36 am

We can find more funny Meme's.
This will be fun now.

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