From December, but an excellent read.
Interview with The Voice of Europe
Geert Wilders: “In 2018 we’ve seen the rise of the people’s movement in several European countries and this is only the beginning”
-What does Christmas mean for you?
It used to be all about the festive season. But since the elites decided it was a great idea to import a terrorist ideology, Christmas is overshadowed by the Islamic hunting season.
So, on the one hand Christmas is about Western joy for life and harmony, but on the other hand it’s about Islamic-inspired individuals who hate us and cherish death more than life, resulting in a constant threat of a terrorist attack. I can not think of a better wish for Christmas: remove Islam from our Western societies.
Wilders is forever persecuted for his stance. His fight against the globalist left has been courageous.-Which ghost from Scrooge would you like to send to EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker: The Ghost of Christmas past, present or future (and why)?
The ghost of yet to come, of the future. Scrooge feels sorrow at past memories. He feels remorse for having treated people badly. I don’t expect Mr. Juncker to be capable of having such feelings. Because then he would have changed his ways by now.
But maybe, when he sees what his personal future will be like, all alone, empty inside and detested by everyone, maybe just for selfish reasons, he will finally take the well-being of the people into consideration.
-What is the most hopeful change you’ve seen in 2018?
Scrooge had a journey to renewal and I believe the Western world is on such a journey as well. Citizens are becoming more and more aware of the need to stand up for themselves and for their children and grandchildren.
In 2018 we’ve seen the rise of the people’s movement in several European countries. And this is only the beginning.