Without migration I would never have met some of the people I call my best friends, nevermind the more intimate contacts.

Without migration I would never have met some of the people I call my best friends, nevermind the more intimate contacts.
Jobs exist. Unfilled. Until filled by someone to do the job.papafarang wrote: ↑April 1, 2019, 1:31 pmlost jobs of citizens going to migrants willing to work for less (which also causes a reduction in wages).
you can't lose a job. it either exists or it does not, and how can you create a job if there is no one to fill it. capitalism is a bitch ain't it, it needs migrants.
Except YOU are the one who asked questions of me regarding EU weakness. I provided my answers and had questions of you, but you ducked them.
Whats not democracy is trying to weasel out of a leave majority .Zico wrote: ↑April 3, 2019, 7:41 amWow Mr. Lone Star that's a pretty left wing view of labour supply and demand. Bordering on Communism.![]()
The political spectrum is a horseshoe rather than a straight line, the further left or right you go the closer you get to the other extreme.
Anyway the topic is Revoking Article 50
Right now a handful of zealots are holding the country to ransom. That's not democracy.
Any chance you'd bother to check this information before posting it?joudon wrote: ↑April 3, 2019, 4:36 pmArticle 50 can only be revoked by the unanimous approval of the heads of the other 27 countries, AFTER a request from the UK Government is received. To quote the then PM David Cameron on announcing the referendum ' the decision the people make will be honoured and acted on by Parliament '. Of course everyone believed , as I did that the remain option would win. If the UK does not leave and leave soon, it will be the biggest betrayal of democracy in our history. As a footnote.the UK IS a democracy, unlike the EU as a whole which certainly is NOT. None of its leaders have been voted into power, but ''appointed''. The question is ''appointed by whom''?
History is not Britain’s friend in international relations generally and specific events or timelines should definitely be avoided. Referencing WW2 negatively towards European countries is just moronic at any time never mind when you’re trying to negotiate with them.Bonanza wrote: ↑April 6, 2019, 6:44 amIn 1940, Britain in the guise of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) was kicked out of Europe by Nazi Germany and France, led by Petain became an ally of Nazi Germany which went on to conquer the rest of Europe.
When Britain was kicked out it had no backup plan!!
So now, Germany under Merkel with its ally France under Macron want to make sure Britain stays out, so they and the unelected EU commissioners can rule Europe. Does this sound familiar?????????![]()
I suspect that now (as then) Britain with survive![]()
Agree.Bonanza wrote: ↑April 6, 2019, 6:44 amIn 1940, Britain in the guise of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) was kicked out of Europe by Nazi Germany and France, led by Petain became an ally of Nazi Germany which went on to conquer the rest of Europe.
When Britain was kicked out it had no backup plan!!
So now, Germany under Merkel with its ally France under Macron want to make sure Britain stays out, so they and the unelected EU commissioners can rule Europe. Does this sound familiar?????????![]()
I suspect that now (as then) Britain with survive![]()
All as true as your previous declaration about revoking A.50joudon wrote: ↑April 7, 2019, 9:26 pm''Prisoner to the past'' probably preferable to ''prisoner to failed EU''
Leaders appointed NOT voted in. Deicsions made without consultation
Financial irregularity, the books have never been balanced and millions of euros go missing every year.
Bureacuratic red tape at an unprecidented level
Quite simply over staffed
Nepotism and cronyism rampant
I wanted to be part of a modern democratic EU, not one that closely resembles feudalism.
Where in your phony concern for silencing voices do you allow yourself to ignore the vote of the majority?