You know seven years ago it was rare to see farrang in Udon, today when I go to the complex it feel very little different then when I wa in the states, where I was very careful about invading someone elses space. I'm still friendly.
One of my favorite stories when I moved to Orand County in California while goign through a devoirce I moved into an apartment complex. I took a few mins to introduce myself to my new neighbors,everyone had that look what does this guy wnat, wahat is he going to do to me. I now have that feeling in the complex.
In the evenings I my wife and I take walk in our complex, if i run across a farrang I know they will chat a bit. One couple I have sen in these walks I try yo be frindly and say hello I get a grunt for the American husband and they change directions. On the other hand the Thais are always where yuo going. did have had dinner, what did yuio aet, somehthign alwy ay. So be very honest about his I really don't care that farrang doesn't want to talk, My Thai neighbors are friendly and it was Thiland came to get know not California, so it doesn't bother me a bit.
I have never refused to help someone new here, but in all honesty it it can be a very frustration experience, you explain how to do something. The first thing a lot want to do is challenge what you have told them. Well if you know or thought you did why bother me about it.
I have been hustled by a few Thai for a few baht, but nothing compared to the losses generated from farrang association's from my own country.
I have seen what these farrang community does to one another, both personally and to others that I know. Why I don't know maybe they are bored and it adds a little excitement to se another peson go through hell. I don't know. I don't know one thing I'm very careful about who I associate with today.
There are guy on this forunm, that say what on thier minds and don't talk about others behind thier backs, I don't see them nearly as much as I would like to. I respect them if they don't agree with me they say so and that is OK. As these people do it without flamming. But we don't share many common interests, IE they don't ride
Am I friendly these days yes but I have learned to cautious as well.
So if you see me walking around and I smile and say hello an you don't want to it's OK I have friends here.
For those new here, it is up to yuo form yuor life one of the most wonderful things about living here. You make an effort and you will find freindly people, Walk aroun d with yuour head ahnging down with a semi pissed off look on your face I don't want to ruin my good day with your mood, sorry.
Personally I don't recommend the bars, booze is a depressant, the end result of hanging around bars is yuor around a lot of derpressed people
Finding common activite scan be difficult, but the best way to do it is go do what you like doing and you will meet people that share that interest and make friends that you can share things with.
I never snub another rider, hey that is what I like doing they like to do to and can share that activity. Later I may find tha he likes to drag his pegs in corners at 140. I don't so he can wait for me or go on and do what he wants and I'll do what I want, No harm in that.
A lot of the bike weekend are really big parties I don't drink, but I can enjoy it until everyone gets to drunk and I ease on down the road. I still have fun, but at the level I feel good about.
In the end it's all up to me to make my life a good as I can here and no different for anyone else, so maybe if you just keep making the effort you will find the friendly guys. Good luck to you all, not easy moving someplace where you know no one,