Google Assistant

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Google Assistant

Post by parrot » February 11, 2019, 7:57 pm

My favorite toy of late is a free smartphone assistant. Getting my smartphone to provide info without going through my password/face recognition....without doing a bunch of finger typing or finding the right icon......makes a smartphone so much smarter. ok google (or whatever you choose as your catch phrase) puts the app to, ok google, how do you say 'evidence' in thai language.......takes my phone from sleep mode to the answer without as much as pressing a button/key. ok google, turn on/off my last music........or, naturally, ok google what's 25 times 2.54 or what's 30,000 baht in dollars? my wife or call Mike or call the vet. Hundreds of others. ... ds-4158256

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Re: Google Assistant

Post by tamada » February 12, 2019, 9:19 am

Mind numbing IMHO. Personal choices but after maybe a month of having automated news feeds and other 'handy' little helpers, I disabled anything that google thinks I need on my smartphone to give me what it thinks I need to read, see and hear. Right now, I don't need any assistance.

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Re: Google Assistant

Post by Gar » August 4, 2019, 3:38 pm

And Google assistant just keeps getting better too. In my case, I decided to fully embrace the NSA. I've got two Google Home Hubs, one on my desk, and one on my headboard, and two Google Home Minis, one by the treadmill and one by the living room TV. Asking it questions is nice, but I've found the most often used function (for me) is as a voice-controlled whole house, or single location music player.

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