U.S. Politics

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 18, 2019, 9:53 am


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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Giggle » September 18, 2019, 10:35 am

Udon Map wrote:
September 17, 2019, 5:07 pm
Seems simple enough. At least, that's how I see it.
It's libellous to make fake accusations in hopes of (as Christine Ford's attorney put it) getting a Barry Bonds style asterisk next to his name. These leftist scumbags are subhuman.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 18, 2019, 4:27 pm

Giggle wrote:
September 18, 2019, 10:35 am
It's libellous to make fake accusations in hopes of (as Christine Ford's attorney put it) getting a Barry Bonds style asterisk next to his name. These leftist scumbags are subhuman.
It gets worse.

The latest smear threat being reported involves a friend of Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

Leland Keyser was named by CBF as being at the party that was wholely and completely unsubstantiated by all of the supposed participants. Keyser stated, “I don’t have any confidence in the story. Those facts together I don’t recollect, and it just didn’t make any sense.”

“It would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she’s getting home. I just really didn’t have confidence in the story.”
Keyser also claimed that she was threatened with being smeared if she did not support CBF's assault story.

CBS's Jan Crawford reported that Keyser informed the FBI that people close to CBF "pressured her” to corroborate the assault accusation against Kavanaugh and threatened her with a “smear campaign.”

The real political kicker in all of this is that at least 6 Democrat presidential candidates exercised extremely poor judgment in immediately calling for the impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh over the most recent fake NY Times story. Biden, Booker, Kamasutra, Castro, Beto and St. Butti all immediately jumped on the fake story. Oooops.

What does that say about their ability to formulate a measured response when time is not critical? Do Democrats continue to believe that their political enemies are not entitled to "due process" under the Constitution?

Within 24 hours, the old and fake NY Times news/book story was crushed into a fine powder by reason and truth.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 18, 2019, 4:29 pm

peril 2.jpg
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 18, 2019, 5:14 pm

All markets watch other markets of course and adjust accordingly.
One reason Japan and China watch closely is that they own $1.2 Trillion of the US's Natioal debt of $21 Trillion sorry $22 Trillion.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 18, 2019, 5:38 pm

The Socialist Democrats are still helping the #WalkAway movement.

"The Democrats have been snakes forever."
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 7:18 am

Larry Elder sees the cheering for recession. Only an idiot wouldn't see it.

Elder recounts the negative economic news in the runup to the 1992 election where GDP in the last quarter was well over 3.5% -- 19 straight months of growth -- BUT the media was claiming that the US was in a recession. It was a damn lie perpetrated by the media.

The drumbeat of negative to affect consumer confidence. This isn't a criticism of negative factual indicators if true. This is a criticism of LIEs and predictions, not backed up with facts, that are echoed for the specific purpose to negatively affect consumer confidence.

Anyone with a reasonable level of education knows that markets adjust to markets. It's also true that countries may be concerned about holding debt of other countries. Those should not be the focus of concern for societies worldwide.

The individual investor, the guy on the street who owns stock personally or depends on stock markets and other financial instruments to grow his/her pension for retirement or just to achieve wealth, is the one at risk worldwide.

When any economy collapses or has a severe debt crisis that implodes, it has an effect on almost every other country in the world in varying degrees. Greece comes to mind. Not a huge country, but their debt crisis affected the portfolios of everyone -- short term or long term. The collapse of any economy also signals a societal collapse and could easily lead to chaos. If it happens at the urging of fake bad news with the expressed effort to impact consumer confidence in a negative way -- it is criminal.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 7:56 am


Donnie Deutsch, MSNBC:
"This is not a president that I think has the stomach or the cojones to do if the right move was a military action and clearly nobody wants to do that. So that should make people feel safe.”
So what happened to that idea that Trump would start a nuclear war? Now because he hasn't pulled the trigger on Iran, Trump doesn't have the cajones.

It's what the nonsense media does.

How soon Donnie Deutsch forgets about Trump removing Obama's ridiculous rules of engagement and allowing the military to destroy the ISIS caliphate and push them out of their territory; and the military action taken against Syria. LIBs make up nonsense as they go.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 8:18 am


The LIB Thug Mob will never stop unless Americans are willing to do to them what they are doing to Americans.

Democrats are now involved in a revolutionary movement that is anti-Constitution, but it's at the grass roots level. Democrats have conceded their inability to get their agenda done legally. They don't control any of the three branches of government. Their mission now is to pressure people through intimidation, boycotts and physical violence. They are attempting to undo the Constitution at its source: The Individual American. Force Americans into silence and convince them that exercising their rights aren't worth the backlash that they'll receive from the LIB Thug Mob.

Democrats are saying to America:
"You can elect your president, but we're going to do all we can to prevent him from governing by investigating him during his entire term. You can nominate a Supreme Court Justice, you can have hearings and confirm him; but we're going to throw so many accusations at him -- true or not -- that we will emasculate him.

"We know we can't overturn the Second Amendment, but we're going to pressure retailers into not selling you any ammunition or guns. We’re going to pressure banks and credit card companies into not approving any purchases that we don’t like.

"You may be on a college campus where Freedom of Speech is mandated, but we're going to threaten you so much that you will be afraid to exercise your free speech.

"You can say anything you wish on television or radio or online, but when we find out where you live, we will make sure that the LIB Thug Mob is there in your front yard to confront you verbally and loudly and even threatening the safety of you and your family. We intend to intimidate you into silence."

During the Civil War, the Confederacy created a policy whereby every Black Union soldier captured, would be executed -- shot dead.

Abraham Lincoln, president during the war, issued an Executive Order that retaliated against the Confederate practice: For every Black Union soldier shot, the Union will execute one captured Confederate soldier. Lincoln realized, that as distasteful and violent as his order was, you have to do to them what they are doing to you if you ever want them to stop.

The Confederates did stop.

Today, we see that Democrats are boldly promoting socialism and not even trying to hide it. Democrats want to seize assets, seize guns, give away all they can; but it goes further. That’s just what sits on the surface. Democrats want to turn the country into a nation of spineless worms, and they are allied with the LIB Thug Mob.

You'd think that Democrats would be happy. They've not the media, they've got Hollywood, they control academia; but that's not enough. They want to destroy the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, and any other reasonably wholesome activity in American society.

Democrats want that Christian baker in Colorado -- as many times as necessary. If that baker goes to the Supreme Court, and he wins, so what? Sue him again. Why? Not because of him. They need to terrify everyone else who is thinking LIKE him who would stand up for their principles.

It's time for Americans to be like Abraham Lincoln. Be willing to do to the LIB Thug Mob what they are doing to Americans if there is any desire to make them stop.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 8:55 am

Build That Wall!
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 19, 2019, 9:04 am

"Their mission now is to pressure people through intimidation, boycotts and physical violence" Example and data to back up such an accusation, would be appreciated.

"They are attempting to undo the Constitution at its source: The Individual American. Force Americans into silence and convince them that exercising their rights aren't worth the backlash that they'll receive from the LIB Thug Mob."
Again reasoning for such a statement as this.

I started trying to understand this posting but just got to the point that it is nothing more than a piece of someone going on a rampage. Lashing out as a Politician does (thats all of them) saying so much but saying nothing at all.

Hoping you realize there is no end in site even if Donnie gets back in. Good luck in finding out what you want

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 9:12 am

I started trying to understand this posting but just got to the point that it is nothing more than a piece of someone going on a rampage. Lashing out as a Politician does (thats all of them) saying so much but saying nothing at all.

. . .
It's not surprising that you don't get it.

Just one more instance/topic confirming your lack of knowledge and intellectual ability to discuss almost anything regarding America. Anyone can copy & paste, but you routinely fail in being able to articulate a position with original thought.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Giggle » September 19, 2019, 9:32 am

Lone Star wrote:
September 19, 2019, 8:18 am
Be willing to do to the LIB Thug Mob what they are doing to Americans if there is any desire to make them stop.
Good post, Lone Star. I've been saying for at least five years, the time for civility has passed.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 9:52 am


"You finally have a president who understands that I’m not supposed to be president of the world; I’m supposed to be president of the United States of America. Obama is more popular in Germany than Trump. He's got to be. I'm making people pay their bills. The day I'm more popular than him, I'm not doing my job. They like him more in Europe than they like Trump. I think they should."
Euros and LIBs everywhere tend to love Obama because he bashed America and Americans just as the Euros and LIBs love to do.

Obama mocked patriotism, mocked spirituality and mocked the Constitution -- to the delight of LIBs and Euros.

Obama also allowed foreign countries to take economic advantage of the US. Euros, LIBs, globalists and communists loved him for that too.

Trump is correct. Euros and LIBs should love Obama for being the feckless, elegant do-nothing that he was as president.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Doodoo » September 19, 2019, 10:53 am

"Just one more instance/topic confirming your lack of knowledge and intellectual ability to discuss almost anything regarding America. Anyone can copy & paste, but you routinely fail in being able to articulate a position with original thought."

Here are some of my thoughts and positions on the ramlbings that come out regarding the Land you call America

America is a comsumer and will consume until there is no more

America has very little regard for the overall success of the world. As you have written many time "America Great" Down with others that oppose us Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Venezula, Canada, Mexico, Denmark, the list goes on

America has more lunatics/fanatics than most countries in the world both Political, and Religious. There are 939 hate groups currently operating in the United States, many of which are religiously driven. It’s not what they believe that makes them fanatics but how they believe it, that they have final word, no need to consider further evidence, no need to ever wonder or doubt themselves again. But once again they are protected by 1st, 2nd, and so on with the Ammendments which have many faults with in and are not perfect, which so many believe.

America will never learn from its previous actions. Examples being Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and maybe soon Iran. These counties are not like the wars of WW1 and 2 where the enemy knew how to be beaten and surrender.
I remember once watching a pole being taken on a street in the USA and the question was "Once we have won the war over Iraq who should we invade next?" One gentleman said "FRANCE!" of course the researcher was taken back and asked "Why, France?"
answer "We have invaded them yet"

You mentioned "Anyone can copy & paste, but you routinely fail in being able to articulate a position with original thought." I say what is wrong with that? Is it then you cant ridicule me and others is some other manner or is it not the Lone Star way?? When will you understand I will not lay down and argue in your way and never will.
I find it, well I wont go there.

But in the end you know as I have written before "I dont give a Rats A....."

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by thaiguzzi » September 19, 2019, 12:11 pm

Lone Star wrote:
September 19, 2019, 8:55 am

Build That Wall!
No problem. As long as US taxpayers pay for it.
Whose gonna pay?
We are. 55555.
Plus it keeps Americans in.
Win win.

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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 12:12 pm

. . .
. . .
Based on all of your previous one-line posts, I could've written all of that hate-America drivel for you. You're always entitled to your opinion.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 12:16 pm


Trump beats 'em all in Florida. A genuine oddity for any poll to have Trump on top.

Sleepy Joe and Gramma Lizzie run away with the Democrat Primary vote.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 1:26 pm


Oc-Co Loco doing all she can to create an implosion in the Democrat party. Strange for a team player, but not surprising for someone out for herself.

Oc-Co Loco is backing a Democrat challenger AGAINST a Democrat Dan Lipinski, who is already in Congress. Nancy Pelosi can't be happy with this, but Oc-Co Loco is running that party.
Last edited by Lone Star on September 19, 2019, 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: U.S. Politics

Post by Lone Star » September 19, 2019, 1:29 pm


Gramma Lizzie shows up on Colbert's TV show and Colbert ain't buying her answer as to how she's going to pay for her Medicate-For-All idea. Why? Because Lizzie never answers the damn question.

That's how it is with candidates selling snake oil. You will never know the ingredients until it's too late.
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