Will the EU succeed or fail?

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » September 18, 2019, 7:59 am


France and Germany tied with a dubious distinction.

The European Asylum Support Office is reporting that France has received over 90,000 asylum claims just in 2019, which puts them in a virtual tie with Germany. These numbers are still low compared to 2018, when both took in over 180,000 and over 120,000.

France admits that they are getting other EU country's rejects -- especially from Afghanistan.

A report from 2018 claimed that over 300,000 illegals live in the northern suburbs of Paris.

And they wonder why they have problems ...

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by GT93 » September 20, 2019, 2:00 am

The new arrivals are probably settling where they think they have the best chance to better their lives.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » September 20, 2019, 8:07 am


The globalist of all economic globalists has now settled nicely smack dab in the Central Bank of the EU.

Christine Lagarde used to run the IMF. Today she has been tapped to run the ECB beginning November 1.

The EU Parliament really had no choice in the matter. Their vote is to endorse the choice made by the European Commission. Had they voted to reject Lagarde, the European Commission can appoint her anyway and ignore the vote. Where Lagarde is concerned, the vote was 394 to 206 against and 49 didn't vote.

In 2016, Lagarde was found guilty of criminal negligence during her stint as French finance minister. But the Euros love her anyway. In that same year, she injected herself into the Brexit debate by calling the Brits narrow-minded for wanting to leave the EU.

Lagarde was also one of those banging the pots and pans about a UK recession, losing hundreds of thousands of jobs, collapsing real estate prices and GDP in the toilet.

And don't forget her unwavering support for mass migration and no borders. Lagarde lectured Spain on migration economics despite Spain having high unemployment. And let's not forget. The "new arrivals" have shown to be significantly less productive in their new countries. That kinda explains why their home countries were/are failing. None of them want to work.

Amazingly, this genius globalist named Lagarde has been DEAD DAMN WRONG when it comes to almost all of her public advice and public observations -- especially regarding the UK. The British economy has actually outperformed other leading European economies since the vote.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by saint » September 20, 2019, 9:52 am

Shes a piece of work alright . Shame Britain is leaving , her and Corbyn would get on like house on fire . 8-[

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by tamada » September 20, 2019, 10:16 am

Lone Star wrote:
September 20, 2019, 8:07 am

The globalist of all economic globalists has now settled nicely smack dab in the Central Bank of the EU.

Christine Lagarde used to run the IMF. Today she has been tapped to run the ECB beginning November 1.

The EU Parliament really had no choice in the matter. Their vote is to endorse the choice made by the European Commission. Had they voted to reject Lagarde, the European Commission can appoint her anyway and ignore the vote. Where Lagarde is concerned, the vote was 394 to 206 against and 49 didn't vote.

In 2016, Lagarde was found guilty of criminal negligence during her stint as French finance minister. But the Euros love her anyway. In that same year, she injected herself into the Brexit debate by calling the Brits narrow-minded for wanting to leave the EU.

Lagarde was also one of those banging the pots and pans about a UK recession, losing hundreds of thousands of jobs, collapsing real estate prices and GDP in the toilet.

And don't forget her unwavering support for mass migration and no borders. Lagarde lectured Spain on migration economics despite Spain having high unemployment. And let's not forget. The "new arrivals" have shown to be significantly less productive in their new countries. That kinda explains why their home countries were/are failing. None of them want to work.

Amazingly, this genius globalist named Lagarde has been DEAD DAMN WRONG when it comes to almost all of her public advice and public observations -- especially regarding the UK. The British economy has actually outperformed other leading European economies since the vote.
Contemptible woman. I used to think Nicola Sturgeon was bad enough... in her quaint wee parochial "whaur's mine?" Scottish way.

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » September 24, 2019, 8:00 am


Lagarde back in the news. She's starting off on the right foot by blaming something else for EU economic woes.

She claims the US-China trade war is the biggest threat to the global economy. She says the tariffs between the US and China are hurting global economic growth.

“It’s fewer jobs. It’s less business going on. It’s less investment. It’s more uncertainty. It weighs like a big, dark cloud on the global economy.

“I think trade — threat against trade at the moment — is the biggest hurdle for the global economy, yes, indeed.

“The longer this lingers, the more uncertainty sinks in. And if you’re an investor, if you’re an enterprise, whether small, medium size or big, you’re not going to invest, you’re going to wait. You’re going to sit and wonder where the supply chains are going to be organized.”
Tariffs between the US and China don't affect the economies of the EU. Nothing is preventing the EU from trading with anyone. In fact, they're defying the Iran sanctions and trading with Iran anyway, so they have proven that nothing the US does with other countries affects them. Every country in the EU has economic issues that have nothing to do with the US or with China. Gotta blame someone before she takes her new position. She needs a scapegoat.

Lagarde is a globalist. Hence, she is a Wall Street/Investor cheerleader. Trump has decoupled Wall Street from Main Street, which is why Main Street is less affected today by setbacks on Wall Street. The stock market is not an economic driver. Main Street drives the markets. The Euros have not decoupled Main Street from the Globalist Investors, which is why they all suffer simultaneously for bad decisions of the globalists.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » September 29, 2019, 10:33 pm


Poland's not buying it.

Poland has rejected the new EU migrant distribution plan. No migrants will be accepted in Poland. The country has reaffirmed that they will only accept migrants who share the language, culture and and traditions of the Polish People.

Ambassador Anna Maria Anders of Poland:
“The EU wants redistribution, but we do not change our point of view. Warsaw is already doing so much. In Poland, there are two million Ukrainians, many of whom have fled from war zones. They integrate well, share in part our language, traditions, and culture.

“The role of Christianity is a glue of the Polish nation. And this must be respected.

“For almost half a century we have not had the opportunity to show our flags, to freely demonstrate, to sing our slogans and anthem. Now, we have the freedom to do so and it is not possible to be dismissed as a nationalist just because we proudly reveal our identity.”
The Poles know oppression. They know communism first hand. They will not lose their sovereignty.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 2, 2019, 8:50 am


Dutch farmers raising hell.

The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people and are starting to take on an identity similar to the yellow vest in France -- without the violence.

Tractors in the hundreds have converged on the Hague along with thousands of farmers protesting the environmental policies being inflicted upon them.

Dutch News NL:
The demonstration has been prompted by a suggestion from coalition party D66 that Dutch livestock farming should be slashed to meet commitments on reducing nitrogren emissions. Farming organisations say their members are sick of being described by politicians, the media and activists as pollutors and animal abusers.
Dutch tractors.jpg
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 2, 2019, 9:31 am


Inflation slipping further south from the goal of the ECB. Eurostat reports that annual inflation eased to less than 1% in September.

Low inflation would usually be seen as a good thing, but with all of the other negative numbers of drivers in the EU economy, this low inflation could be a sign of just more economic weakness.

The ECB had wanted to cut key interest rates and buy up Euros in government and corporate bonds. These measures would have hopefully made credit less expensive and stimulate economic activity and raise inflation. Those against these measures warned of the side effects of weakened savings rates.

Core inflation in the EU has been static around 1% for months.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by tamada » October 2, 2019, 11:35 am

Lone Star wrote:
October 2, 2019, 8:50 am
The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people and are starting to take on an identity similar to the yellow vest in France -- without the violence. ...
So essentially it is totally unlike the gilets jaunes ruckus in France.

VVD, CDA, ChristenUnie and PVV came out in support for the farmers, with CDA parliamentary party chairman Pieter Heerma saying the occasion was a ‘historic’ one. Much of the party’s support traditionally comes from farmers. Geert Wilders climbed a tractor and called the farmers ‘the heroes of society’.

https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2019/10/m ... the-hague/

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 2, 2019, 11:43 am

tamada wrote:
October 2, 2019, 11:35 am
Lone Star wrote:
October 2, 2019, 8:50 am
The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people and are starting to take on an identity similar to the yellow vest in France -- without the violence. ...
So essentially it is totally unlike the gilets jaunes ruckus in France.
Are you that desperate? Image

And then you even quoted me. Mr. Doodoo? Is that you?

The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people . . . Just as the French protests did.

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by tamada » October 2, 2019, 11:52 am

Lone Star wrote:
October 2, 2019, 11:43 am
tamada wrote:
October 2, 2019, 11:35 am
Lone Star wrote:
October 2, 2019, 8:50 am
The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people and are starting to take on an identity similar to the yellow vest in France -- without the violence. ...
So essentially it is totally unlike the gilets jaunes ruckus in France.
Are you that desperate? Image

And then you even quoted me. Mr. Doodoo? Is that you?

The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people . . . Just as the French protests did.

Can you post a link to a news report that specifically says that "The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people and are starting to take on an identity similar to the yellow vest in France -- without the violence" ?

Just in the interests of keeping your news reporting fair and balanced you understand.

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 3, 2019, 5:55 am

tamada wrote:
October 2, 2019, 11:52 am
Can you post a link to a news report that specifically says that "The protests appear to have widespread support of the Dutch people and are starting to take on an identity similar to the yellow vest in France -- without the violence" ?

Just in the interests of keeping your news reporting fair and balanced you understand.
Apologies for my delayed response. Was on the road south and enjoying some late-night entertainment. A story for another venue.

I don't copy & paste unless quoting directly from the source. In my compositions, I make my own comparisons, contrasts and analyses when I provide information. My posts are almost always original thought that includes reporting of factual information. My composition habits also include the consultation of several sources, in the interest of accuracy, before I post material in my own words.

Your information request was not quoted in my post (please note what was quoted). I referenced the Yellow Vests based on the popularity only of the Dutch protests, and I stated it in that fashion to include "without the violence."

As I have stated many times, I purposely do not post sources (unless I feel like it) due to all of the whining and red herring attempts that are made to discount information based solely on the source. If a reader is truly interested in the topic, they will do their own research through their own sources. That keeps the focus on the topic.

In actuality, I should have been more specific about the popularity of the Dutch Farmer's protest compared to the French Yellow Vests.

The Dutch Farmer protest is actually MORE popular than the French Yellow Vests!!!

Polling shows almost 90% of the Dutch public supports the farmers. As I recall, that is MORE than -- if not equal to -- the French support for the Yellow Vests at the start of the protests in France. Today, French support is much lower.

https://www.hartvannederland.nl/nieuws/ ... n-protest/

https://dutchreview.com/news/dutch/chao ... -jam-ever/

The above are two sources of 5 that I referenced before posting.

It is with great pleasure that I enthusiastically support my claim and provide evidence of an even larger public outpouring of support from the Dutch People than originally reported.

Good luck to all in their future research.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by tamada » October 3, 2019, 9:35 am

Both your links reference the same article about a single poll by a single publication. A single poll of at best less than 0.025% of the eligible Dutch population indicated that 89% agree that the farmers should take action.

Maybe you are looking for something to replace your adulation for the faltering gilets jaunes protest in France but I hardly think that suddenly carrying a torch for the Dutch agriculture sector is it.

Thanks for an interesting diversion though.

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 3, 2019, 9:53 am

tamada wrote:
October 3, 2019, 9:35 am
. . .
You're always entitled to your opinion. I provided the basis for my factual statement. If you don't like it, up to you.

Have a wonderful day.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 3, 2019, 12:42 pm


Eurostat data is reflecting a rising rate of unemployment in Sweden despite promises from the prime minister to reduce it to the lowest level in the EU by 2020.

Sweden has the 5th highest unemployment among the 28 member nations.

Some believe that Sweden's migration policies have been a big factor in the unemployment spike.

Migrants have had a difficult time getting jobs in Sweden. Almost 20% unemployment for migrants has put a tremendous burden on local governments.

Stig Bertilsson, Swedish politician:
"Costs in municipalities that have received new arrivals have continued to be substantial even when government revenues have stopped. This creates a large negative hole in the municipal cash register.”
Expressen further reports that what has hurt some municipalities even more is that as migrants have come in, gainfully employed Swedes have left for other cities. This hurts the local tax revenue base and puts cities at greater financial risk.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by yartims » October 4, 2019, 9:04 pm

watch simon reeve doco on greece and its an alarming mess .72% unemployement in greece ,,no recycling going on and burning coal like its going out of style ..in hok to the EU for biggest arms procurement in europe and no enemy's and now going to drill for oil in the med so say goodbye to tourism ,,german arms factories supplied them and they cant pay the bill for all the tanks ..more german tanks than anyone else in europe . italy and france also in a dire mess and the EU is fast tracking albania and Macedonia into the EU to replace blighty ..and they havent a pot to pi55 in ..fail fail
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by Lone Star » October 4, 2019, 9:18 pm

yartims wrote:
October 4, 2019, 9:04 pm
watch simon reeve doco on greece and its an alarming mess .72% unemployement in greece ,,no recycling going on and burning coal like its going out of style ..in hok to the EU for biggest arms procurement in europe and no enemy's and now going to drill for oil in the med so say goodbye to tourism ,,german arms factories supplied them and they cant pay the bill for all the tanks ..more german tanks than anyone else in europe . italy and france also in a dire mess and the EU is fast tracking albania and Macedonia into the EU to replace blighty ..and they havent a pot to pi55 in ..fail fail
I had no idea about Greece being THAT bad. Knew it was bad, but ...

Albania and Macedonia ... that'll be two more on the EU tit. Man ... Didn't know that either.

Thanks for those updates.
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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by yartims » October 4, 2019, 9:41 pm

the only good Tory is a lavatory

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Re: Will the EU succeed or fail?

Post by tamada » October 5, 2019, 1:56 pm

yartims wrote:
October 4, 2019, 9:41 pm
https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/11 ... ory-brexit

VW moving to turkey
Ford have been making cars in Turkey since 1960. The omnipresent, tradesman's white Ford Transit van seen around the world.... and parts of Croydon, has been exclusively been assembled there since 1965.

Honestly, these German's would be late for their own funeral.

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