The U.K.'s Christmas Election

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by mickojak » December 13, 2019, 8:42 pm

Now the "do-gooder" Germany have to deal with the 1 million deadbeat immigrants and hold the European union together.
Good luck with that.
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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 13, 2019, 8:51 pm

Bearing in mind the Torys took many hard core Labour seats .. even the beast of Bolsover has been slain after 49 yrs as MP there


DMs new slogan .. has a nice ring to it IMO !! ..

Bye bye Corbs .. Diane my left footed shoes Abbot and hoity toity ..Thornberry ....oh yeah n Swinson ..big jugs or not sees jacked as the nit so lib dem leader afetr loosing her seat SHAME ..not .

Full.steam.ahead .. Brexit by Jan 31 2020 .. pound surging lets make Britain great again ... and see just how the EU will fair without the Brits .... this result should seand a few iincluding Merkel.into retirement .. =D>

Dm. :D
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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by saint » December 14, 2019, 5:10 am

A great result for the country , for democracy , and our childrens future in my opinion .
If ever a second referendum was needed , then this election was it .
Corbyn and his cronies forced Borises hand with this election , and it bit them on the arse , big time .
To me this election proved that the general public have had enough of their 16 choice being ignored , had enough of being told they didnt know what they were doing , when choosing to leave the E U , had enough of all the scare mongering , and have decided that freedom to choose who we trade with , who we let into our country , make our own laws that suit only ourselves , is and always will be , the way forward .
If ever more proof was needed by our leaders that this freedom being craved by the public for the past 3 years or so , then the polling figures yesturday dispelled any doubt .
On a cold , wet , dark , winters day just before Christmas , when a normal Election would maybe get 40 % or so of voters out , yesturdays figures were truly outstanding .
I believe in some places as high as 80% turnout . That is all the evidence i need to prove to me that the people want Brxit done , so they can get on with their lives ,without all the political backstabbing , and bitching that weve all had to live with since the original peoples vote to get the ---- out .
I think we are about to see a different , more determined Boris in the future , knowing not only does he have an over whelming majority in parlament , but he has the will of the people , to propel him through all the Brussels nonsense he is about to face .

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Khun Paul » December 14, 2019, 5:33 am

Here , here, well said, interesting to note that the Traitor, Terrorist lover and all round treasonous man will not take any responsibility for his parties dismal showing. glad he is stepping down.

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by joudon » December 14, 2019, 6:58 am

Excellent analysis. Spot on.!

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Old Grumpy » December 14, 2019, 7:10 am

I think Saint summed it up perfectly, echos my sentiments exactly but we have now got to find a way to shut up the ginger haired dwarf from over Hadrian's wall and life can go on as normal, whatever normal is . :-"
Can delete my signature now. \:D/
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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Sateeb » December 14, 2019, 7:15 am

Coming up to panto season so she can just go back to being Jimmy Cranky.

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 14, 2019, 7:54 am

Excellent post saint .. spot on as,always sometimes :-#

The people have spoken .. the only dampner being the SNP gains which will give the hirrid specimen Sturgeon a full arsenal to push her own dreams n adgenda thru .. notably Sottish indelendance .. my take on this is easy ..

Let the Sottish people decide .. stay in or break free from.the UK .. their choice .. as an outsider it would be very interesting to see how they cope as an independant which i presumes staying in the EU .etc ..lots off complex issues involved such as currency etc ..

What do UPs Scottish members think.Tam., Dunroaming ???

Now lets get Brexit done ...Jan 2020

The peoples government ..

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by tamada » December 14, 2019, 10:54 am

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 7:54 am
Excellent post saint .. spot on as,always sometimes :-#

The people have spoken .. the only dampner being the SNP gains which will give the hirrid specimen Sturgeon a full arsenal to push her own dreams n adgenda thru .. notably Sottish indelendance .. my take on this is easy ..

Let the Sottish people decide .. stay in or break free from.the UK .. their choice .. as an outsider it would be very interesting to see how they cope as an independant which i presumes staying in the EU .etc ..lots off complex issues involved such as currency etc ..

What do UPs Scottish members think.Tam., Dunroaming ???

Now lets get Brexit done ...Jan 2020

The peoples government ..

Be under no illusion that Boris Johnson and the Tories won this election on anything remotely tangible and that includes 'getting Brexit done'. Despite the increased majority, it is not a given that he will be able to meet his own, fast-track Brexit deal delivery dates and if there's anything that MP's have shown they're good at... and this includes Tory MP's, it's turning what should be smooth highway into a quagmire. As soon as the very real risk of a hard Brexit resurfaces as the likely option, just watch all the parliamentary toys flying out of the parliamentary pram... again.

It was the collective missteps of the traditional opposition parties, the non-event of Farage's latest vehicle and notably Labour's implosion that gifted the Conservatives the size of their majority. Even Johnson knows this with his own acknowledgements of the significant 'borrowed' vote from the former Labour heartlands. His frequent exhortation of representing some idyllic 'One Nation', apart from being a cool name for a boy band (and the name of Pauline Hanson's odious nationalists downundah), it means nothing until we see him delivering on anything OTHER than Brexit. His ability to keep this borrowed vote will be the real gauge of the Conservative's election success, not 'getting Brexit done'. Don't forget that since before 2016 and under the tutelage of Cameron, the Tories were the Remain party and only under May did they become (the reluctant) Leave party.The Tories have never, ever been the 'party of the people' and I don't see it happening anytime soon and certainly not over the next 5 years. Something in there about leopards and spots.

Regarding the Scottish First Minister's renewed claims for independence, emboldened by the proportionally larger SNP gains (or significant Tory and Labour losses... take your pick) north of the border (+22%) and in Westminster (+2%).

How can a 56% Tory election win be taken as a mandate to leave the EU while the 81% SNP win north of the border is NOT taken as a mandate for the Scots to get Indyref2? Less than 24-hours after the 'win' and the new PM's hypocrisy is already apparent.
Last edited by tamada on December 14, 2019, 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by joudon » December 14, 2019, 11:18 am

The 2016 referendum is the mandate to quit the EU. The result was successfully scuppered for 2 years by remainers and a dodgy Commons speaker, most of whom are now without jobs.LOL .,
The 2015 Scottish referendum, once described by Alex Salmon as a 'once in a lifetime vote' delivered a 55/45 remain in UK result. ,
So its the EU commissions version of voting is it,?' You will vote, vote and vote again until you get it right !' Just like they did in Ireland.

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by BillaRickaDickay » December 14, 2019, 11:42 am

Maybe l got it wrong, but l thought this election was ALL about Brexit, l hope Boris and co keep throwing a spanner in the works just to screw up that arrogant bitch's ambition to be queen of the Scots, just as she has done to the English for the past 3 years.
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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by sometimewoodworker » December 14, 2019, 12:11 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 7:54 am
Excellent post saint .. spot on as,always sometimes :-#

The people have spoken .. the only dampner being the SNP gains which will give the hirrid specimen Sturgeon a full arsenal to push her own dreams n adgenda thru .. notably Sottish indelendance .. my take on this is easy ..

Let the Sottish people decide .. stay in or break free from.the UK .. their choice .. as an outsider it would be very interesting to see how they cope as an independant which i presumes staying in the EU .etc ..lots off complex issues involved such as currency etc ..

What do UPs Scottish members think.Tam., Dunroaming ???
Unfortunately Scotland will be leaving the EU as they have no chance of leaving the UK before Brexit.

So then they would have to apply to join the EU (probable but no guarantee) after leaving the UK if they ever get a mandate to do that (far from a certain outcome) so any significant change in status is years away
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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 14, 2019, 12:16 pm

I was pleased to.see Boris recognised the labour northern votes were lent to get brexit done if n its a big if he keeps to all.his other tory manifesto.pledges as getting a swift n satisfactiry brecit outcome then i would say alot of those lent votes will.vecone perminent ..and looking at the shambolic pposition at the present time the Torys could be in power for a long time to.come .

I see Emily Thornberry all teary as the election result was announced n gave a rousing speech so its fair to say her name in the mix to take over from.the battered n jezza ...more good news for the Torys .. all the candiates already sounding out to take labour leader job are fookwits coin a phrase gran .

On the subje t of s ittish indendance i say let em hoose n go.if the want .. i will just curb my haghis onsimption ..stop.weari h my che ked skirt n refrain from.wat hing se ond rate SEPL footy in protest ...

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 14, 2019, 12:19 pm

sometimewoodworker wrote:
December 14, 2019, 12:11 pm
Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 7:54 am
Excellent post saint .. spot on as,always sometimes :-#

The people have spoken .. the only dampner being the SNP gains which will give the hirrid specimen Sturgeon a full arsenal to push her own dreams n adgenda thru .. notably Sottish indelendance .. my take on this is easy ..

Let the Sottish people decide .. stay in or break free from.the UK .. their choice .. as an outsider it would be very interesting to see how they cope as an independant which i presumes staying in the EU .etc ..lots off complex issues involved such as currency etc ..

What do UPs Scottish members think.Tam., Dunroaming ???
Unfortunately Scotland will be leaving the EU as they have no chance of leaving the UK before Brexit.

So then they would have to apply to join the EU (probable but no guarantee) after leaving the UK if they ever get a mandate to do that (far from a certain outcome) so any significant change in status is years away
6 or 7bweeks is a long time in politics n ms Sturgeon may have a trick up.her sleeve ..the Scotts could leave with the uk in January and rejoin when they vote for independance .

Cranky will.not let this a dog with a bone n she dreams of being Nicola Queen.of Scots ...

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by tamada » December 14, 2019, 1:04 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 12:16 pm

I see Emily Thornberry all teary as the election result was announced n gave a rousing speech so its fair to say her name in the mix to take over from.the battered n jezza ...more good news for the Torys .. all the candiates already sounding out to take labour leader job are fookwits coin a phrase gran .


On the 13th, the only thing that Corbyn claimed he would do is not be available to lead the next election. In essence, he won't be relevant in 5 years or so. That's an awful long time to be 'reflecting' on their recent, huge losses IMHO.

On the 14th, his grief replace by anger, he stated firmly that he is not standing down until a new Labour leader is selected. If you listen very closely to the ensuing silence and ignore Emily snuffling in her Kleenex tissues, you can just about hear the sound of sloping shoulders.

How can a leader who led the largest political party in Europe (by membership) to its lowest electoral ebb in 80 years not throw himself on his sword? How can the party membership even allow him to do this?

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 14, 2019, 1:21 pm

tamada wrote:
December 14, 2019, 1:04 pm
Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 12:16 pm

I see Emily Thornberry all teary as the election result was announced n gave a rousing speech so its fair to say her name in the mix to take over from.the battered n jezza ...more good news for the Torys .. all the candiates already sounding out to take labour leader job are fookwits coin a phrase gran .


On the 13th, the only thing that Corbyn claimed he would do is not be available to lead the next election. In essence, he won't be relevant in 5 years or so. That's an awful long time to be 'reflecting' on their recent, huge losses IMHO.

On the 14th, his grief replace by anger, he stated firmly that he is not standing down until a new Labour leader is selected. If you listen very closely to the ensuing silence and ignore Emily snuffling in her Kleenex tissues, you can just about hear the sound of sloping shoulders.

How can a leader who led the largest political party in Europe (by membership) to its lowest electoral ebb in 80 years not throw himself on his sword? How can the party membership even allow him to do this?
Most of the current labour front benchers dont k ow their atse from.their elbow Tam....Diane Abbot struggling to get dressed properly wearing 2 left shoes can u expect any of know wtf is going on ... n i suspect none ov give a toss about jezza now after that shambolic result .

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by tamada » December 14, 2019, 1:23 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 12:19 pm

6 or 7bweeks is a long time in politics n ms Sturgeon may have a trick up.her sleeve ..the Scotts could leave with the uk in January and rejoin when they vote for independance .

Cranky will.not let this a dog with a bone n she dreams of being Nicola Queen.of Scots ...

As a former Conservative but a confirmed Unionist who despises the SNP, the 'wee wumman' from north of the border has suddenly got a boatload more credibility IMHO. Albeit if only by benefiting from the same 'Never Labour' sentiment of the Englanders with the added bonus of 'Never Conservative either'. With the main southeast-centric parties paying lip service to the provinces (I mean allowing three years of Stormont suspension simply reeks of misplaced priorities) recently laid bare by Brexit, I reckon the name calling can be reserved for her predecessor Fat Alec who did truly want to be K i n g of Scotland.

Despite having no obvious or visible leverage over #10, as someone just commented on UK radio, "Nobody's made any money betting against Nicola Sturgeon."

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 14, 2019, 1:24 pm

From.what ive seen ..they the labour front benchers are blami g everythi g else other than their ---- leader n policiesx.. most using Brexit as the excuse for their miserable failure

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by tamada » December 14, 2019, 2:12 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 1:24 pm
From.what ive seen ..they the labour front benchers are blami g everythi g else other than their **** leader n policiesx.. most using Brexit as the excuse for their miserable failure

I see that. The Bloody Ostrich Party!

Corbyn has cleverly built this cult of personality that the leadership has allowed him to do. This is no mean feat considering he doesn't bloody have one in the first place. Maybe he fancies having a marble-slabbed mausoluem or tombstone next to Karl Marx's where all the seagulls can ---- on him forever.

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Re: The U.K.'s Christmas Election

Post by saint » December 14, 2019, 2:19 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 14, 2019, 1:24 pm
From.what ive seen ..they the labour front benchers are blami g everythi g else other than their **** leader n policiesx.. most using Brexit as the excuse for their miserable failure

What the ---- ! This election was in truth only about one thing , Brexit .
They chose to ignore this fact and take a different path . The British public did not .
If Labour do not sort themselves out a bit sharpish , im afraid as a political force , they will be history , and a good start would be to bin Corbyn A S A P , to prove to the public that they are a serious political force .
That man is poison ,and should not even be leading a dog on a short lead , let alone the countries opposition . =;

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