by Khun Paul » January 20, 2020, 9:22 am
Agree Saint, how many openly criticise the British Roayal Family knowing full well repercussions will probably never occur, whereas here any criticism is taboo, never fails to amaze me. I thought despite some on here we had intelligent people in the main, sadly however those with possible ZERO Morals and certainly ZERO intelligence attempt to score points by ridiculing people who they never know nor in most cases have never met . While the outcome is not what Harry and Meghan really wanted, they have come to accept the decision of HM. Good luck to them I say . let those who seek to makes jokes at their expense understand that many of us view their comments as unacceptable but realise that they probably do not care or worry about them. Shows them just what they are ignorant and uncaring . Karma will eventually catch up .