COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

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COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by RLTrader » March 23, 2020, 3:23 pm

COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer
Due to COVID-19’s sensitivity to UV light and heat (just like the normal influenza virus), it is very likely that it will “burn off” as humidity increases and temperatures rise.
Released on March 10th, one study mapped COVID-19 virality capability by high temperature and high humidity. It found that both significantly reduced the ability of the virus to spread from person-to-person. From the study,
“This result is consistent with the fact that the high temperature and high humidity significantly reduce the transmission of influenza. It indicates that the arrival of summer and rainy season in the northern hemisphere can effectively reduce the transmission of the COVID-19.”
The University of Maryland mapped severe COVID-19 outbreaks with local weather patterns around the world, from the US to China. They found that the virus thrives in a certain temperature and humidity channel. “The researchers found that all cities experiencing significant outbreaks of COVID-19 have very similar winter climates with an average temperature of 41 to 52 degrees Fahrenheit, an average humidity level of 47% to 79% with a narrow east-west distribution along the same 30–50 N” latitude”, said the University of Maryland.
“Based on what we have documented so far, it appears that the virus has a harder time spreading between people in warmer, tropical climates,” said study leader Mohammad Sajadi, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine in the UMSOM, physician-scientist at the Institute of Human Virology and a member of GVN.
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Last edited by RLTrader on March 23, 2020, 3:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by noosard » March 23, 2020, 3:28 pm

So climate change good now

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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by Whistler » March 23, 2020, 4:14 pm


Its summer here and getting hotter and the spread is rocketing upwards. Hopefully the tropical weather has some value, but it is not killing off the virus here, the relatively mild North American summers offer little hope for this theory. Pity, I was hoping this was the case myself, but it seems not
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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by RLTrader » March 23, 2020, 4:22 pm

The Thai Gov needed to lock down travel With-in the country and they failed Big Time. Learned Nothing From China! So of course it will spread, but less so.

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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by noosard » March 23, 2020, 4:32 pm

Read about Indonesia
2 case as 2 of March
514 cases now death rate at 9%
but only 1717 test done total end of last week 1 for 156000 people
again little testing no virus
sound familiar

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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by Khun Paul » March 23, 2020, 4:51 pm

noosard wrote:
March 23, 2020, 4:32 pm
Read about Indonesia
2 case as 2 of March
514 cases now death rate at 9%
but only 1717 test done total end of last week 1 for 156000 people
again little testing no virus
sound familiar
Yep and the Mosques NOT shut.insane !!
They also state that if you go out doing whatever, when you come home, clothes that cannot be wasjed easily, hang out in the sun as that kills any residue on your clothes, everything else wash and then shower yourself when you come home, otherwise you are constantly stand the horror of re-infecting yourself .

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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by Giggle » March 23, 2020, 4:56 pm

noosard wrote:
March 23, 2020, 4:32 pm
Read about Indonesia
2 case as 2 of March
514 cases now death rate at 9%
but only 1717 test done total end of last week 1 for 156000 people
again little testing no virus
sound familiar
TDS will not allow posters here to accept those facts. They would sooner believe Indonesia's good fortune was due to a voodoo doctor's spell than a warm climate owing to geography. Trump said coronaviruses don't survive as well in warm weather. That means the virus thrives in warm weather. Watch the spakkers quiver and shake.
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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by jackspratt » March 23, 2020, 4:58 pm

Or Not.

The original article is here: ... r-hysteria

and was written by Aaron Ginn a Silicon Valley technologist.

The refutation is here:

and was written by Carl Theodore Bergstrom, a theoretical and evolutionary biologist and a professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington.

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Re: COVID-19 will likely “burn off” in the summer

Post by RLTrader » March 24, 2020, 1:17 pm

High temperatures and humidity can 'significantly' slow the spread of coronavirus, but won't completely stop it, study find. Of course, common sense and hard to find, these days. ... virus.html

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