Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

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Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by NongKhaiLee » May 26, 2020, 2:49 pm

Around three years ago I asked you all where to buy a self-propelled or self driven lawn mower. You guys were great and the mower I bought as a result has been great.

I have been here for twelve years now, and I already know I am going to get hit with the usual barrage of "why don't you just hire Som-Chai and his sons to mow your yard for you instead?" answers. Let me just say ahead of time that my wife is not Thai, so we don't have a bunch of relatives here. And we have nearly two Rai of lawn and for various reasons, most concerning safety and security, I would just as soon keep mowing it myself.

Up here in NongKhai the only ride-on mower I can find for sale is an MTD 420/38 dual blade 38" cut at Global House for 98,900b plus extra for the grass catcher.

I found a little Australian made Rover Mini-Rider single blade with 30" cut on HomePro's website for 99,900b and a bigger Rover with a 42" cut for 136,500b. I tried to find out when and where the mini-rider was available but couldn't get an answer. I stopped by the HomePro on the Ring Road and they haven't had any ride-on mowers for years they said.

I figured I would put the question of what to buy and where best to buy one to you fine fellows at UM.

Thanks in Advance,
Lee @ NongKhai
Last edited by NongKhaiLee on May 28, 2020, 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by 747man » May 26, 2020, 3:16 pm

Lee, Have You tried MEGA Home ??

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by glalt » May 26, 2020, 5:32 pm

This one is on Baht Sold. It looks like a great piece of machinery and is a fuel savings diesel. I'd jump on it if I needed a big mower.

https://www.bahtsold.com/view/kubota-ze ... sel-389864

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by parrot » May 26, 2020, 9:01 pm

I'd call Bob Manthey in Buriram. He runs a big shop there, ships everywhere in Thailand, services everything he sells. He's capable of discussing differences in models with you over the phone.
ruangsangthai@gmail.com 081-069-8324

FWIW.......I'd be concerned about parts for most of the riding mowers sold here. They're not as readily available and tend to be very pricey. Bob is capable of discussing those type of concerns with you.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by Khun Paul » May 27, 2020, 6:49 am

While I understand the need for a mower, have you thought about , some goats, who will do the job nicely, all you need to do is top pick up the poo and take care of the goats, a plus for a person who is getting older .

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by dunroaming » May 27, 2020, 7:15 am

Khun Paul wrote:
May 27, 2020, 6:49 am
While I understand the need for a mower, have you thought about , some goats, who will do the job nicely, all you need to do is top pick up the poo and take care of the goats, a plus for a person who is getting older .
And you can sell the poo, I wanted a goat but was worried the Rotties would hurt it. They also make good guards

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by Drunk Monkey » May 27, 2020, 7:26 am

I tried the goat route .. 2 of the buggars , not a good outcome as they dont just stick to grass and will eat everything , i did get milk off one of them .. tried the other but he just gave me a funny look like i was a perv so left him alone.

Back to mowers .. as parrot suggest call Bob at Rungsangthai hes a very helpful and knows his stuff , huge shop just off the Buriram ring road they stock an American made ride on mower as well as others sold to order.

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8 minutes is the point of lift off !!!!!!!

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by parrot » May 27, 2020, 7:37 am

There was a guy nearby our daughter's house in Texas.....years ago, invested in a few goats and they ate the grass down to the dirt. He didn't have to worry about mowing the lawn......but he ended up with a mudpatch.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by NongKhaiLee » May 27, 2020, 11:07 am

Thanks for the Goat idea...I am quite sure they would eat the grass...and all of my wife's plants and vegetables that she dearly loves...then I would have to look for a new home.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by NongKhaiLee » May 27, 2020, 11:08 am

Thanks 747 man, I did try Mega Home, they had one a couple of years ago, but none now.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by NongKhaiLee » May 27, 2020, 11:38 am

Thanks glalt,
That looks like quite a machine. I am trying to figure out how I would get to Sa Keao to look at it, it also looks just a little too wide to fit in a normal size pickup bed. I'll have to think on that one, might give the fellow a call and see if the mower deck is detachable and also how many hours it has on it. Price sure looks good compared to the prices of the little non-commercial mowers though.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by NongKhaiLee » May 27, 2020, 11:40 am

Thanks for the tips on Bob Manthey in Buriram, I will give him a call. Buriram kept coming up in the internet searches on riding mowers in Thailand, but I couldn't find any specific information like what brands they carried or prices.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by glalt » May 27, 2020, 1:01 pm

NongKhaiLee wrote:
May 27, 2020, 11:38 am
Thanks glalt,
That looks like quite a machine. I am trying to figure out how I would get to Sa Keao to look at it, it also looks just a little too wide to fit in a normal size pickup bed. I'll have to think on that one, might give the fellow a call and see if the mower deck is detachable and also how many hours it has on it. Price sure looks good compared to the prices of the little non-commercial mowers though.
The best part about that mower is that it is a Kubota. You will always be able to get parts and service for it.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by TicToc » May 27, 2020, 2:25 pm

Tool Pro sell them.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by Airportwo » May 27, 2020, 11:43 pm

I have one of these! - don't buy one, unless you enjoy constantly working on crappy machinery! been a bloody nightmare, I would try the Burriram chap as suggested, when I get sick of working on current piece of crap that is where I will try, let us know how you get on.

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by NongKhaiLee » May 28, 2020, 8:48 am

Thanks Airporttwo, information like this is so very valuable!

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by WimH » May 28, 2020, 11:44 am

NongKhaiLee wrote:
May 27, 2020, 11:38 am
...also how many hours it has on it...
Says so in the ad :
...AROUND 3000 HRS...
Vliermaal, Belgium

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by Drunk Monkey » May 28, 2020, 12:09 pm

I looked at these machines awhile back .. you will find ahuge difference in price .. from the Polo crap to John Deer 300 k plus units , i went to Rungsangthai in Buriram as close to my home and the American made unit looked great , i recall was 139k ... but as previously pointed out by gliat the Kubota is a good solid brand with all spares readily available , i ike the look of that on bahtsold.

A change of circumstances led to me not buying and getting in 4 ladies to cut the grass using 2 brush cutters and they do all the garden nick named the spice girls , and 1200 for the day for all 4..they do a great job

Claret n Blue all way thru .. Up the Iron
L2 Season 19/20 Codheads 0 Scunny 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2qrsItFUug
8 minutes is the point of lift off !!!!!!!

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Re: Ride-on (or Riding) Lawn Mower?

Post by Airportwo » May 28, 2020, 1:55 pm

NKL, one lesson I learnt the hard way was to keep battery on a trickle charger when not in use, went through a couple of batteries in no time, (they don't like the heat and infrequent use), keep the trickle charger on, unit starts every time and battery will last for many years.

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