America coming apart at the seams?

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by mickojak » May 30, 2020, 5:55 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
May 30, 2020, 5:38 pm
There is good reason to assume that Joe Biden will be replaced at the Democratic Convention in August and Hillary Clinton will be the nominee,
How funny would it be to see ol' sour puss lose to DT again.
She won't have a losers speech "again", but just may have the razor blade at the wrist.

Be F@ckin hillary-ious.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 30, 2020, 6:08 pm

And of course the usual pundits are trying to blame Trump for this killing, interestingly Derrick Chauvin the officer at the center of this, was in 2016 part of a group of officers who shot another black suspect, obviously 14 years ago it was Trumps fault because um um, well it must be his fault.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by jackspratt » May 30, 2020, 7:23 pm

cjd01 wrote:
May 30, 2020, 6:08 pm
And of course the usual pundits are trying to blame Trump for this killing, ......
Which pundits are they?

BTW ..... 2016 was 4 years ago. But if there is any justice in the US system, Chauvin will spend at least 10 years in the clink.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by mickojak » May 30, 2020, 7:40 pm

jackspratt wrote:
May 30, 2020, 7:23 pm
BTW ..... 2016 was 4 years ago. But if there is any justice in the US system, Chauvin will spend at least 10 years in the clink.
Yeah, I can't argue with that.
But, looking at the other side of the story, the cops would be putting up with ----, day and night forever.
It would be hard to keep your cool, especially if the offender had a history with you, (the cop).
Not saying this is an excuse for what he done.

Never the less, I would hate to be in his shoes, or his mates at the time.
Cops don't fair well in jail.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Udon Map » May 30, 2020, 7:40 pm

RLTrader wrote:
May 30, 2020, 4:46 pm
Hmm, Why are White people attacking the White House?
One could guess Joe Biden supporters.
One could, sure. Is that guess based on any facts, or just something you pulled out of the air? Of course, one could just as easily guess that it's Republicans who don't like the President's statement/threat that "When the looting starts, the shooting starts."
jackspratt wrote:
May 30, 2020, 7:23 pm
cjd01 wrote:
May 30, 2020, 6:08 pm
And of course the usual pundits are trying to blame Trump for this killing, ......
Which pundits are they?
Yes, I'm curious, too. I haven't heard anyone blame Trump for this killing. which pundits were you talking about?

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by jackspratt » May 30, 2020, 8:00 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
May 30, 2020, 5:38 pm
..... He suckered the evangelicals into believing he was a Christian, but he is a known Muslim who even betrayed that faith by being a cheerleader for the Feminists and promoting gay rights, gay marriage, abortion rights and transgenderism...the hallmark of his presidency!
I don't know where to start, sfg .... so I will keep it simple, and focus on the "suckering of the evangelicals".

Is it Obama or Trump:

- who is an adulterer on many different levels

- a self confessed "pussy grabber"

- a fornicator with Playboy models and porn stars

- a payer of hush money to all and sundry?

This is a rhetoric question - the answers are already well documented. But those pious, god-loving, hypocritical "suckered evangelicals" don't seem to give a -----.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 30, 2020, 8:08 pm

jackspratt wrote:
May 30, 2020, 7:23 pm
cjd01 wrote:
May 30, 2020, 6:08 pm
And of course the usual pundits are trying to blame Trump for this killing, ......
Which pundits are they?

BTW ..... 2016 was 4 years ago. But if there is any justice in the US system, Chauvin will spend at least 10 years in the clink.
Typo was 2006
MAD MAX Maxine Waters blames Trump for ‘cops killing black people’ and says cop who knelt on George Floyd ‘enjoyed doing it’ The Sun
Try google

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 30, 2020, 8:18 pm

Here's a conspiracy theory for you
daily evidence concerning Obama's government involvement in the Fisa abuses and the unmasking of Flynn etc
are conveniently overshadowed by this current tragedy, You'd almost think they want that news off the front pages.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by jackspratt » May 30, 2020, 8:29 pm

MAD MAX Maxine Waters blames Trump for ‘cops killing black people’ and says cop who knelt on George Floyd ‘enjoyed doing it’ The Sun
Try google
That's one pundit - who are the rest of the "pundits"?

I followed your suggestion, and googled Ms Waters, and the Sun.

I can't find where she blamed Trump for "cops killing black people".

However, in the article, this is what she said:
“I’m reflecting on all of the killings of young black men in particular, but of course black women too, at the hands of the police and at the hands of these white supremacists.”

“And I’m thinking about the way that the president conducts himself — in a way he’s dog-whistling — and I think that they’re feeling that they can get away with this kind of treatment.” ... lack-cops/
If you interpret that as "blaming Trump" so be it - I guess you have strong grounds, relying on a headline from the Sun. :-s

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by stattointhailand » May 30, 2020, 8:45 pm

Surprised the Sun didnt go for the "Making AmeriKKKa great again" header

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by semperfiguy » May 30, 2020, 8:46 pm

jackspratt wrote:
May 30, 2020, 8:00 pm
semperfiguy wrote:
May 30, 2020, 5:38 pm
..... He suckered the evangelicals into believing he was a Christian, but he is a known Muslim who even betrayed that faith by being a cheerleader for the Feminists and promoting gay rights, gay marriage, abortion rights and transgenderism...the hallmark of his presidency!
I don't know where to start, sfg .... so I will keep it simple, and focus on the "suckering of the evangelicals".

Is it Obama or Trump:

- who is an adulterer on many different levels

- a self confessed "pussy grabber"

- a fornicator with Playboy models and porn stars

- a payer of hush money to all and sundry?

This is a rhetoric question - the answers are already well documented. But those pious, god-loving, hypocritical "suckered evangelicals" don't seem to give a -----.
Sorry Jackspratt, but I'm far from convinced. You're talking about the moral character of one man, and but for the grace of God, there goes you and me. I'm talking about a two-faced Obama who set out to fundamentally change America, and what we got was a fundamental change in the moral landscape of half the country; and it will be the downfall of our nation. He flipflopped on his LGBT+ and gay marriage and anti-abortion stance, and it was his plan all along. An entire generation of youth have been influenced by his political decisions and that will have far reaching affects on the moral integrity of our nation for years to come. What you're talking about it the petty sexual sins of one man, and we all knew his faults when he entered office. When you consider the alternative, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic "deep state" regime, I think Americans made the wisest choice available at the time, and will continue to vote that way in 2020. With Trump "what you see is what you get" which is far better than the enemy with two faces. Evangelicals don't give Trump a free pass, but we understand God's forgiveness and understand that a man can repent and be made new in his heart. Who are you or anyone else to say that hasn't taken place with Trump? I can attest to the fact that my past sins were much worse that those you tag on President Trump, but I know that I am a totally different person now, and Christ has made me brand new. Evangelicals are just ordinary people who have been changed by the power of God and strive to exercise the wisdom of God that we get from the Word of God, and with that we are wise enough to see that the alternative to Trump at this point in time is nothing but pure evil and the Democratic agenda for our future is right out of hell itself. If you don't believe that then turn on the news and see it for yourself as America's cities are being burned to the ground. Where do you think that spirit comes from? I know, and I pray that all the never-Trumpers will wake up before it is too late for America.
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 30, 2020, 9:06 pm

I note you have 11388 posts on this forum, and I note that there were threads in the past before and immediately following the US election 2016, as I know from reading your fair and well thought out posts that you would have given Trump a fair shake at the start of his presidency to current times.
could you please point me to some of your complimentary posts about Trump in this period', I'm sure there are many as a fair minded pundit you surely gave him a chance before deciding he was the worst president in history.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Whistler » May 30, 2020, 9:07 pm

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. As Loony a post as any fundamentalist Muslim.
Best being part of this forum by placing the intellectual challenged on foes list. A lot less post to read and a great time saver.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by anefarious1 » May 30, 2020, 9:10 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
May 30, 2020, 8:46 pm
jackspratt wrote:
May 30, 2020, 8:00 pm
semperfiguy wrote:
May 30, 2020, 5:38 pm
..... He suckered the evangelicals into believing he was a Christian, but he is a known Muslim who even betrayed that faith by being a cheerleader for the Feminists and promoting gay rights, gay marriage, abortion rights and transgenderism...the hallmark of his presidency!
I don't know where to start, sfg .... so I will keep it simple, and focus on the "suckering of the evangelicals".

Is it Obama or Trump:

- who is an adulterer on many different levels

- a self confessed "pussy grabber"

- a fornicator with Playboy models and porn stars

- a payer of hush money to all and sundry?

This is a rhetoric question - the answers are already well documented. But those pious, god-loving, hypocritical "suckered evangelicals" don't seem to give a -----.
Sorry Jackspratt, but I'm far from convinced. You're talking about the moral character of one man, and but for the grace of God, there goes you and me. I'm talking about a two-faced Obama who set out to fundamentally change America, and what we got was a fundamental change in the moral landscape of half the country; and it will be the downfall of our nation. He flipflopped on his LGBT+ and gay marriage and anti-abortion stance, and it was his plan all along. An entire generation of youth have been influenced by his political decisions and that will have far reaching affects on the moral integrity of our nation for years to come. What you're talking about it the petty sexual sins of one man, and we all knew his faults when he entered office. When you consider the alternative, Hillary Clinton and the Democratic "deep state" regime, I think Americans made the wisest choice available at the time, and will continue to vote that way in 2020. With Trump "what you see is what you get" which is far better than the enemy with two faces. Evangelicals don't give Trump a free pass, but we understand God's forgiveness and understand that a man can repent and be made new in his heart. Who are you or anyone else to say that hasn't taken place with Trump? I can attest to the fact that my past sins were much worse that those you tag on President Trump, but I know that I am a totally different person now, and Christ has made me brand new. Evangelicals are just ordinary people who have been changed by the power of God and strive to exercise the wisdom of God that we get from the Word of God, and with that we are wise enough to see that the alternative to Trump at this point in time is nothing but pure evil and the Democratic agenda for our future is right out of hell itself. If you don't believe that then turn on the news and see it for yourself as America's cities are being burned to the ground. Where do you think that spirit comes from? I know, and I pray that all the never-Trumpers will wake up before it is too late for America.
Respectfully, if you were reading Trump's Twitter feed everyday you'd know that he hasn't repented and hasn't been "made new in his heart". He is a truly awful person and also quite childish.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by jackspratt » May 30, 2020, 9:33 pm

cjd01 wrote:
May 30, 2020, 9:06 pm
I note you have 11388 posts on this forum, and I note that there were threads in the past before and immediately following the US election 2016, as I know from reading your fair and well thought out posts that you would have given Trump a fair shake at the start of his presidency to current times.
could you please point me to some of your complimentary posts about Trump in this period', I'm sure there are many as a fair minded pundit you surely gave him a chance before deciding he was the worst president in history.
Trump was a dick before the election, during the election, after the election, and he is still a dick.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 30, 2020, 9:42 pm

Well done Jack, was like pulling bears teeth to get your true self out
it was as I suspected all along.
so can I know assume you'll be supporting him this Nov
back in the corner now, there's plenty of diatribe to reflect on possum

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 30, 2020, 9:44 pm

sorry forgot
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by anefarious1 » May 30, 2020, 9:50 pm

jackspratt wrote:
May 30, 2020, 9:33 pm
cjd01 wrote:
May 30, 2020, 9:06 pm
I note you have 11388 posts on this forum, and I note that there were threads in the past before and immediately following the US election 2016, as I know from reading your fair and well thought out posts that you would have given Trump a fair shake at the start of his presidency to current times.
could you please point me to some of your complimentary posts about Trump in this period', I'm sure there are many as a fair minded pundit you surely gave him a chance before deciding he was the worst president in history.
Trump was a dick before the election, during the election, after the election, and he is still a dick.

I imagine that is why you can empathise so readily with him.
Makes sense. Also, remember that Trump rightly stated, "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and not lose any voters." Some folks on this forum should realize that he was referring to them!

Anyone who is still a fan of Trump, other than for pure entertainment, simply does not have their head on straight.

Disclosure: Not a democrat, Not a neocon

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Drunk Monkey » May 31, 2020, 12:04 am

Trump will wangle his way thru to another term..

Claret n Blue all way thru .. Up the Iron
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by TJ » May 31, 2020, 1:02 am

The riots, arson, looting and related violence has spread from Minneapolis Minnesota to several urban areas around the nation. From ground reports it appears Antifa groups have organized and infiltrated activist and protest groups in Minneapolis and beyond.

Democrat strongholds in Atlanta (GA), Washington DC, Houston (TX), New York City (NY), Los Angeles (CA), and other deep blue metropolitan areas are now seeing organized riots, anti-police violence and chaos.

Many people are calling for federal intervention; however, that type of confrontation is the intended goal of the social anarchy crowd. The leftist chaos is purposeful bait.

Politically speaking, the merging of Antifa (revolution communists) & Black Lives Matter (sub-text political Islam), has a purposeful agenda unknown to the standard brick thrower. Suburban white liberals, essentially modern affiliates of the former Bill Ayers Weather Underground, are the organizing entities. Most of the people on the street are oblivious.

Local authorities in/around the urban danger zones have the primary responsibility to maintain domestic tranquility. Federal intervention to replace local political ineptitude, and lack of desire to confront a crisis of their own creation, is short-sighted.

If local officials and/or state governors are not going to take action; factually they do not want to take action because they are fearful of backlash from their own tribe; then federal assistance doesn’t work. It is better for President Trump to watch from a distance and keep reminding the U.S. electorate how he supports, but will not replace, local officials. ... ore-193059

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