America coming apart at the seams?

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by parrot » May 31, 2020, 3:51 am

There have been times over the past 24 years where it seamed the US was coming apart at the seems.....dotcom, 2001, 2008, 2016-2020.......and plenty of times when it seemed Thailand was coming apart at the seams.....1997, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014. I'm not confident that the turmoil between the reds and yellows has been put to rest....rather, it's probably stewing on low heat on the back burner, just like the problems in Minneapolis and Central Park. Someone dies in plain view on camera, not in a death chamber because we'd never allow that to be shown publicly...creates enough of a spark to start the fire.
On the positive side, Bob and Doug are in space.....thanks to innovators like Elon Musk who left South Africa at 17 to avoid compulsory military service because, "I don’t have an issue with serving in the military per se, but serving in the South African army suppressing black people just didn’t seem like a really good way to spend time.” Hat's off to you, Elon.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by saint » May 31, 2020, 5:10 am

The whole world is coming apart at the seams right now . Thanks to China and its lies a deception .

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by cjd01 » May 31, 2020, 9:05 am

TJ wrote:
May 31, 2020, 1:02 am
The riots, arson, looting and related violence has spread from Minneapolis Minnesota to several urban areas around the nation. From ground reports it appears Antifa groups have organized and infiltrated activist and protest groups in Minneapolis and beyond.

Democrat strongholds in Atlanta (GA), Washington DC, Houston (TX), New York City (NY), Los Angeles (CA), and other deep blue metropolitan areas are now seeing organized riots, anti-police violence and chaos.

Many people are calling for federal intervention; however, that type of confrontation is the intended goal of the social anarchy crowd. The leftist chaos is purposeful bait.

Politically speaking, the merging of Antifa (revolution communists) & Black Lives Matter (sub-text political Islam), has a purposeful agenda unknown to the standard brick thrower. Suburban white liberals, essentially modern affiliates of the former Bill Ayers Weather Underground, are the organizing entities. Most of the people on the street are oblivious.

Local authorities in/around the urban danger zones have the primary responsibility to maintain domestic tranquility. Federal intervention to replace local political ineptitude, and lack of desire to confront a crisis of their own creation, is short-sighted.

If local officials and/or state governors are not going to take action; factually they do not want to take action because they are fearful of backlash from their own tribe; then federal assistance doesn’t work. It is better for President Trump to watch from a distance and keep reminding the U.S. electorate how he supports, but will not replace, local officials. ... ore-193059
I see AG Barr has come out and said basically all of the above.
I also saw a picture on one of the sites of a group of black people shielding a lone police officer from being attacked, now that's my idea of true patriotism, also picture of mixed races helping to clean up the mess made by rioters (protesters) in their area.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by glalt » May 31, 2020, 9:24 am

I think the cop was obviously wrong, BUT, I don't believe this violence was because of that guy's death. These were very organized riots designed by terrorists who just needed an excuse.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by TJ » May 31, 2020, 10:56 am

Here are some live shots of the looting and arson.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by mech_401 » May 31, 2020, 12:15 pm

Khun Paul wrote:
May 30, 2020, 4:14 pm
Judging by reading many news outlets from the US of A, America is just fine but the leadership has lost the plot big time , not surprising when they elect an idiot and a moron. They get what they deserve.
you mean like the U.K.' s medical expert sneaking
out for a quick shag breaking lockdown? or boris's
chief advisor going on a day tour of dunham castle violating rules? lost the plot indeed. how
many more simpletons do you have in the wings

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by pipoz4444 » May 31, 2020, 12:15 pm

glalt wrote:
May 31, 2020, 9:24 am
I think the cop was obviously wrong, BUT, I don't believe this violence was because of that guy's death. These were very organized riots designed by terrorists who just needed an excuse.
Have to agree. Countries as a whole should not and do not normally just spontaneously erupt, over the death of a single individual. Individual states might. :-k

My guess is that there are obviously individuals/possibly groups that use any incident, such as this, for their own opportunity to take to the streets, for their own underlying reasons, whatever they might be. They tag along for the chance to change the direction of that protest.

Many probably do take to the street for a legitimate protest, which I have no issue with, but there are others that do it for the sole purpose of rioting, looting and burning. You can see some of these individuals in the Videos, they are clearly there for their own reasons and it has nothing to do with the death of G F in this case.

Some and I say some, of these individuals out on the streets, who demand democracy, advocate the need for rule or law and accountability for the actions of others (in this case for that of the police office), openly go out there to violently riot, then proceed to burn and destroy property, with total disregard for other people and with no accountability/consequences for their actions, that night.

Incitement to riot is illegal under U.S. federal law. Rioting is an indictable-only offence, with individuals who are convicted possibly subject to imprisonment for any term not exceeding ten years. Arson or willfully/ maliciously setting fire to property is a crime, as is, destroying another person’s property.

Ask yourself honestly, what would you do, if you came home/went to work, only to find a group of thugs, burning your business/livelihood/house and or destroying your car, just because it happened to be parked in that street. Would you calmly walk past them and say have a nice night, you have a right to your legitimate protest?? I don't think so. :-k :-k

That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by RLTrader » May 31, 2020, 1:54 pm

Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 13.53.31.png

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by RLTrader » May 31, 2020, 2:12 pm

Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 14.08.50.png
and One was murdered and the other taken to McDonalds because he was hungry. Killing 9 people is hungry work.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by glalt » May 31, 2020, 2:17 pm

This would be a good time to find out who is funding and organizing these terrorist groups.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by RLTrader » May 31, 2020, 2:55 pm

‘Light em up!’ WATCH National Guard patrol residential area in Minneapolis & shoot paint at people on their OWN FRONT PORCHES ... int-shots/

and then click on the twitter link, talk about PoliceStates put the Gestapo to shame

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by semperfiguy » May 31, 2020, 3:06 pm

I think it's time someone had a stab at assessing what was really going on between the Minneapolis cop, Derek Charvin, and his victim, George Floyd, so I want to give my theory on this. Firstly, if you will study the video carefully you will see the cop intentionally placing his knee on Floyd's neck to make sure that he does maximum damage, and he continually looks down to make sure he still has the pressure in the right place. There is no doubt that he fully intended to kill him, but then we have to ask ourselves why. According to reports he was involved with another group of cops a few years ago who murdered another black man, and in the current instance the other three cops in the group were standing guard for Cop Chauvin and knew exactly what he was doing. It's highly possible that these cops are part of a rogue group of cops that are involved in murder for hire, drugs and all sorts of corruption. Now add in the fact that Chauvin and Floyd worked together for 17 years as bouncers in a club, and it's highly probably that they were both involved in some sort of gang drug activity or vice of other kinds. It's also possible that this could have been an ordered hit on Floyd or a revenge killing for whatever reason and it was done in broad daylight to set an example, and Chauvin felt confident that he would be protected from prosecution by other rogue higher-ups in the department who are part of his same corrupt group, and it all back-fired on them.

I know that for some this may sound far-fetched, but how else would you explain how something as bizarre as this happened? Now, if this really is the case then their is absolutely no reason to assume that this was about RACE because it was strictly personal and had nothing to do with Floyd's skin color. It completely changes the narrative on why Floyd was killed. If this is the case then it proves once again that the Black community and their other supporters have overreacted before the facts of the case were revealed, and all of these protests and riots are for nothing and totally bogus in retrospect. The very same thing happened in Ferguson, Missouri with the Michael Brown shooting and the white policemen was found to be totally innocent. And, the same for Treyvon Martin when George Zimmerman was found to be not guilty in this killing. In both of these cases the protests and riots started before the facts of the case were in, and it was all a sham which led to major destruction of cities in the US.

Calm heads should have prevailed, but that's not what the Globalists, the Democrats and the news media wanted. They wanted a story to start a race war so they could blame it all on Trump and use it to further destroy his Presidency, and they got what they wanted when the video of the killing was discovered. They have been sitting back waiting for an incident that would give them cause to sow the seeds of anarchy and mayhem to take down America and her President. If the Minneapolis leadership really wanted to quell the violence early on, they could have fired and indicted all 4 cops immediately before things got out of hand, but they purposely took their time to allow the anger to fester to a flashpoint all around the nation.
Last edited by semperfiguy on May 31, 2020, 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Colossians 2:8-10...See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ. For in HIM dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD bodily; and you are complete in HIM, who is the head of all principality and power.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by RLTrader » May 31, 2020, 3:33 pm

Point taken, just can't buy your conclusion.

That said, there are now earlier videos of the arrest. In those videos it shows he was Not resisting and they (not sure who 2 officers were without re-watching) they cuff him and were walking him to the car. There was no problem. Next video, has him (the dead guy) in the car, but something is wrong, can't see into car. Then there is the last video. Of course there needs an investigation and putting all the videos together by an independent civilian group. But that will never happen in the USA, Never. And this whole thing will be covered up, same as the other ones you seem to know about.

What was happening in the car only they know, maybe they told him "the Hit" was sanctioned as you say, and then ...
Last edited by RLTrader on May 31, 2020, 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by RLTrader » May 31, 2020, 3:53 pm

wants to make it a parade not a protest and join them as the crowd cheers
Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 15.50.43.png
might have figured out how to send the link to video, then again maybe not. ... 6735956996

we need to hire this guy for a National change.

Bet he is a Trump supporter, any takers?

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Whistler » May 31, 2020, 4:24 pm

RLTrader wrote:
May 31, 2020, 3:53 pm

Bet he is a Trump supporter, any takers?
What a stupid statement
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Whistler » May 31, 2020, 4:44 pm

semperfiguy wrote:
May 31, 2020, 3:06 pm
I think it's time someone had a stab at assessing what was really going on between the Minneapolis cop, Derek Charvin, and his victim, George Floyd, so I want to give my theory on this. Firstly, if you will study the video carefully you will see the cop intentionally placing his knee on Floyd's neck to make sure that he does maximum damage, and he continually looks down to make sure he still has the pressure in the right place. There is no doubt that he fully intended to kill him, but then we have to ask ourselves why. According to reports he was involved with another group of cops a few years ago who murdered another black man, and in the current instance the other three cops in the group were standing guard for Cop Chauvin and knew exactly what he was doing. It's highly possible that these cops are part of a rogue group of cops that are involved in murder for hire, drugs and all sorts of corruption. Now add in the fact that Chauvin and Floyd worked together for 17 years as bouncers in a club, and it's highly probably that they were both involved in some sort of gang drug activity or vice of other kinds. It's also possible that this could have been an ordered hit on Floyd or a revenge killing for whatever reason and it was done in broad daylight to set an example, and Chauvin felt confident that he would be protected from prosecution by other rogue higher-ups in the department who are part of his same corrupt group, and it all back-fired on them.

I know that for some this may sound far-fetched, but how else would you explain how something as bizarre as this happened? Now, if this really is the case then their is absolutely no reason to assume that this was about RACE because it was strictly personal and had nothing to do with Floyd's skin color. It completely changes the narrative on why Floyd was killed. If this is the case then it proves once again that the Black community and their other supporters have overreacted before the facts of the case were revealed, and all of these protests and riots are for nothing and totally bogus in retrospect. The very same thing happened in Ferguson, Missouri with the Michael Brown shooting and the white policemen was found to be totally innocent. And, the same for Treyvon Martin when George Zimmerman was found to be not guilty in this killing. In both of these cases the protests and riots started before the facts of the case were in, and it was all a sham which lead to major destruction of cities in the US.

Calm heads should have prevailed, but that's not what the Globalists, the Democrats and the news media wanted. They wanted a story to start a race war so they could blame it all on Trump and use it to further destroy his Presidency, and they got what they wanted when the video of the killing was discovered. They have been sitting back waiting for an incident that would give them cause to sow the seeds of anarchy and mayhem to take down America and her President. If the Minneapolis leadership really wanted to quell the violence early on, they could have fired and indicted all 4 cops immediately before things got out of hand, but they purposely took their time to allow the anger to fester to a flashpoint all around the nation.
How many conclusions can you make given you have no knowledge of what happened byeond what we have seen in the press.

If you cannot find a conspiracy theory on the net, you fabricate your own. If this then that, then this, and maybe that, so probably that or this but I might be. A ridiculous attempt to build your own narrative based on 100% speculation.

Why don't you put it up on half a dozen crackpot sites so it can be your very own, brand new, potty conspiracy theory. Then can circulate all over the net, and sustain the view that American's are the world champion conspiracy theorists.
Last edited by Whistler on May 31, 2020, 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Doodoo » May 31, 2020, 4:46 pm


The Sheriff Chris Swanson actually is a Democrat What difference that makes when it comes to enforcing the laws I have no idea

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Whistler » May 31, 2020, 4:53 pm

Doodoo wrote:
May 31, 2020, 4:46 pm

The Sheriff Chris Swanson actually is a Democrat What difference that makes when it comes to enforcing the laws I have no idea
Because Right Wing nutters are incapable of understanding that Progressives can be moderate, they can only maintain a single view. If you don't think the sun shines out of every right wing nut job's ar$e, you are a communist.
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by papafarang » May 31, 2020, 5:04 pm

New video of what happened before ,no sign of resisting arrest
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Khun Paul » May 31, 2020, 5:16 pm

Trump is winning as he operates divided I rule scenario, his tweet regarding shooting looters has been linked to a previous playbook of a Police Chief following looting, enraged the public then as now .

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