Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

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Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by RLTrader » June 2, 2020, 8:02 am

So, What's Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’ a video ... e=emb_logo

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by DuiDui49 » June 2, 2020, 1:22 pm

Thanks for your post RLTrader.

Well me coming from Sweden i miss the CLEAN streets/air and nature for shure.And i understand that people want to go out as soon as the air gets little bit warmer.If i agree or dissagree whith how the Swedish Goverment handel this matter Covid..not sure..time will tell.

Haven't been home for 19 years now and the thing i miss the most is Spring time and Autum with it's colors..Clean air and fishing trout in the moutains..But i living here now so have to adapt,every day ;-)

Take care everyone..God bless..:-)

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by GT93 » June 2, 2020, 2:11 pm

Interesting. The social distancing seems fairly limited to me although if you come from a much larger city than Gothenburg (in the link) you might say it's good.

I thought I had read that the economic disruption in Sweden was similar or even worse than some countries such as Denmark that have had a lock down.
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by RLTrader » June 2, 2020, 2:36 pm

GT93 wrote:
June 2, 2020, 2:11 pm
Interesting. The social distancing seems fairly limited to me although if you come from a much larger city than Gothenburg (in the link) you might say it's good.

I thought I had read that the economic disruption in Sweden was similar or even worse than some countries such as Denmark that have had a lock down.
No. What they were/are saying is that Sweden was worst than Denmark as far as deaths go, period.

The only mistake that Sweden made was the failure to protect old folks in homes, by not checking workers / visitors ... and when it got in, It was bad news and drove the deaths up.

At least thats what I read.

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by RLTrader » June 2, 2020, 2:39 pm

DuiDui49 wrote:
June 2, 2020, 1:22 pm
Thanks for your post RLTrader.

Well me coming from Sweden i miss the CLEAN streets/air and nature for shure.And i understand that people want to go out as soon as the air gets little bit warmer.If i agree or dissagree whith how the Swedish Goverment handel this matter Covid..not sure..time will tell.

Haven't been home for 19 years now and the thing i miss the most is Spring time and Autum with it's colors..Clean air and fishing trout in the moutains..But i living here now so have to adapt,every day ;-)

Take care everyone..God bless..:-)
Thanks. Nice to get positive feed back.

Is there a Blue Moon tonight?

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by maxeboy » June 2, 2020, 3:40 pm

Have just read in a Danish Morning Paper that 12 students from highschool i Roskilde (Town in Denmark) visited Sweden during Pentecost. They had parties and did not take care of distancing from other persons. They returned to Denmark to attend their highschool and 5 were found infected with the covid19. Result the 12 students and all their classmates were quarantined and not allowed to attend school class for 14 days. No story of referred to hospital yet.
That is life like in Sweden during Coronavirus.

Kind regards from maxeboy.
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by DuiDui49 » June 2, 2020, 3:59 pm

RLTrader wrote:
June 2, 2020, 2:39 pm
DuiDui49 wrote:
June 2, 2020, 1:22 pm
Thanks for your post RLTrader.

Well me coming from Sweden i miss the CLEAN streets/air and nature for shure.And i understand that people want to go out as soon as the air gets little bit warmer.If i agree or dissagree whith how the Swedish Goverment handel this matter Covid..not sure..time will tell.

Haven't been home for 19 years now and the thing i miss the most is Spring time and Autum with it's colors..Clean air and fishing trout in the moutains..But i living here now so have to adapt,every day ;-)

Take care everyone..God bless..:-)
Thanks. Nice to get positive feed back.

Is there a Blue Moon tonight?
This is what i found on Google:

"The next Blue Moon will come on October 31, 2020. "...Maybe you meant something else,dunno..:-)

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by Whistler » June 10, 2020, 9:46 am

The last 10 days have seen a big surge in the infection rates in Sweden, 8657 new cases. The death rate has fallen a lot, down from an average of 60 since April 1 to 34 in past 10 days.

The drop in death rate is understandable, Sweden is much more cautious about protecting older people, but the surge in infections is up by around 30%. The weather is getting warmers, so I am guessing more people are out and about, so more people interacting.

It will be interesting to see if fatalities start to rise in the next two weeks based on surging infections.
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by Whistler » June 23, 2020, 7:28 pm

Reporting from Sweden is very erratic, today they report 2889 new cases and 69 deaths. Previous three days zero cases or deaths.

Sweden is probably the bellwether on the potential for the Herd Immunity to be a real tactic to handle COVID-19, if they are not reporting accurately, how can we understand if this approach is working. With over 5000 deaths in a small country, it looks like the HI tactic may not be worth it. With such erratic reporting, are we seeing a cover up?
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by Whistler » August 6, 2020, 8:08 pm

A bit of an update, quite interesting

Death rate in Sweden has dropped a great deal, average is 6 per day, but fluctuation day by day is hard to believe, from 28 on one day to 0 on other days. I suspect that reporting procedures are lax. Infections rates have also dropped but still averaging 250 new cases a day.

Ignoring the fluctuations, there has been a huge drop in new cases that peaked at around 1000 a day in mid June, death rates peaked at around 80 a day in May. What has happened?

1. The country was poor protecting the aged, doing better now but the the peak death rate was when older Swedes were dying at a high rate.
2. New infections are in a younger age group supporting the view that healthy people will survive better (with of course long term impacts on their health).
3. If 2 is correct, the average longevity in Sweden will drop a lot over the next few decades.
4. Swedes took it upon themselves to socially distance, the lack of government regulations was offset by people taking personal responsibility.
5. The overall death rate and infection rate in Sweden is amongst the worst in the world, the death rate per capita is around 70 times that of Thailand.
6. The Swedish economy is still shrinking at about the same rate as other Scandinavian economies, so the no-lockdown policy did not save the Swedes from a significant regional and worldwide economic downturn.

However, while the infection rate has remained high, the death rate is low, is herd immunity working to some extent? If herd immunity is working, is it being offset by shortening the lives of those that were infected?

If we have to live with COVID, does this mean average life expectancy in the world is in for a big fall?
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by samsam » August 6, 2020, 9:09 pm

Sweden has about 1620000 people over 70 year`s old, even if it is terrible that about 5000 older people died of corona i really dont think that number will make any difference on the life expectancy, the number is to small compered to 1620000!

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by Whistler » August 7, 2020, 10:13 am

samsam wrote:
August 6, 2020, 9:09 pm
Sweden has about 1620000 people over 70 year`s old, even if it is terrible that about 5000 older people died of corona i really dont think that number will make any difference on the life expectancy, the number is to small compered to 1620000!
The oveall death rate in Sweden has increased by more than 1000 a month since COVID. I would suggest the death rate from COVID is the only explanation for this huge increase.

True deaths from COVID ytd is probably 8,000 to 9,000.

However I was referring to the known 82,000 who contracted the virus, a number that will swell to about 120,00 by the end of the year if growth trend is sustained. Again with limited testing, the real number is much higher than known cases.

People who survive the virus have been shown to have significant damage to organs, and a shortened life expectancy.

120,000+++ people having a decade or two knocked off their life expectancy will be significant.
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by tamada » August 7, 2020, 10:48 am

^ But think of the governmental windfall in forsaken pensions after the premature death of all those claimants.
Last edited by tamada on August 7, 2020, 8:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by samsam » August 7, 2020, 11:35 am

Whistler, the tests will in a couple of weeks, cover 10% of the population, a big batch of these tests are done in the same way as election forecast, not 100% accurate but close, 120000 people are not about to desese of corona they tested positive and that’s it! About the presumption made about people surviving corona and the life expectany, that’s the really sick people and they don’t even make up for moore than a couple of % of your nr 120000,we are talking about people who been treated in intensive care and that nr is about 2500 total, i dont know where you get your numbers and info from but you should try to process the info given a bit moore careful next time! Are you Norwegian?

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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by Whistler » August 8, 2020, 8:25 am

Data comes from John Hopkins. Not Scandinavian, some of my info comes from a good friend a professor in Oslo.
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Re: Life like in Sweden During the Coronavirus

Post by noosard » August 8, 2020, 9:14 am

Sweden's gross domestic product took its largest tumble in a single quarter in modern history during the second quarter of this year, despite the country's decision to not shut down its economy.

The nation's GDP fell 8.6% during the three-month period ending in June, according to preliminary figures from Statistics Sweden. Yet, Sweden's economic output declined at a lower rate than that of many other European countries.

Swedens normal death rate per annum approx 90k
monthly approx 7.5k
this year monthly average 8.4k
so yes the 5.7k death toll for corana has pushed their death toll up slightly
The their death toll was averaging 25 a day in mid June, now it is averaging 1-2 a day

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