It would be better if, the Thai Government had one Official spokesperson, to deliver a weekly/fortnightly message of what is or might be the Thai Gov current thinking at that time, pertaining to, the opening of borders, opening airports, incoming & outgoing flight, business openings, re-entry of various Foreign Visa holders (and under what conditions), Visa Extensions & Medical Insurance, etc.. They started with something this, but the spoke person seems to have disappeared recently.
If not one person then two or three standing up at a weekly/fortnightly, conveying a unified government message on all related matters. No doubt this will avoid some of the miss information and speculation within the social media and general media, on where the Government may be heading with their various policies on this.
It would also prevent certain individuals in the various government departments, from opening their mouths without facts, purely to get their faces and names on TV, from time to time.
At present, the message comes across as one from a disorganized rabble, with members from department promoting a new idea or simply their own views, on what might be the future direction (particularly as it relates to tourism), when cameras are close to them. TAT say one thing, Thai Immigration another and then there are the Individuals.
If one reads between the lines of what is being said by the Thai Gov and what is released by the Thai media, one can probably surmise what the Thai Government thinking, but it is not absolutely clear.
From a personal point, I would like to see the Thai Gov lay out their steps for all groups of returning Foreigners and Tourist a like, initially just advising the order of priority that will be given to each Group. They don't have to define dates at this stage, just the order in which they will be permitted to re-enter. They have done part of it, but not all from what I have read.
Just my 2 cents worth