Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

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Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by 747man » December 21, 2020, 5:07 pm

Heathrow.... Chaos as hundreds try to cram onto last plane to Dublin after more than a dozen countries ban ALL flights from Britain, Eurotunnel closes and French BLOCK UK lorries for 48 hours after discovery of '70% more infectious' mutant Covid strain
Hundreds of passengers at London's Heathrow Airport scrambled onto the last flight to Dublin, Ireland
France, Germany, Israel, El Salvador, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Turkey, Morocco, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Ireland have banned all flights from Britain.....

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by samster » December 22, 2020, 3:19 pm

My partner came through Manchester airport from BKK on Saturday. It took 3 and a half hours to clear immigration. All that time she was held in a queue with no social distancing. It was chaos.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tamada » December 22, 2020, 3:48 pm

747man wrote:
December 21, 2020, 5:07 pm
Heathrow.... Chaos as hundreds try to cram onto last plane to Dublin after more than a dozen countries ban ALL flights from Britain, Eurotunnel closes and French BLOCK UK lorries for 48 hours after discovery of '70% more infectious' mutant Covid strain
Hundreds of passengers at London's Heathrow Airport scrambled onto the last flight to Dublin, Ireland
France, Germany, Israel, El Salvador, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Italy, Finland, Denmark, Turkey, Morocco, Canada, Belgium, Austria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Ireland have banned all flights from Britain..... ... ublin.html

Bloody lemmings.

All young and probably infectious as well.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 22, 2020, 4:29 pm

Weve got a new strain of CV don't ya know ......

Oh b*gger ........ better shut orf all of London and the SE to make sure we contain it, cant have it getting out to other areas can we.

What da ya mean Jonnie foreigner has stopped all traffic from London & SE (and the rest of Britain) in case it gets out into their area.

Blast it all, didn't think of that .......... Dommmmmmmmmmeeee HELP

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 22, 2020, 4:56 pm

Right on cue statts yer latest dig at Boris ..when this more viralant strain was actually firsttraced in italy and Ozz ..from.testing in september ..but dont ket the truth get in the way of a bojo bash

Maron already come out and says the travel ban was in hindsight a mistake .. and too hasty , but anyone with a modicum of inteligence knows there was more to it then covid was a brexit strong arm tactic ..

Lets hope bojo doesnt cave ..and Britain get out no deal wto full control.of our waters not a %to the eu bullies

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by vlad » December 22, 2020, 5:14 pm

Theve already crumbled and give Consessions to the fishing Deal DM.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 22, 2020, 6:14 pm

Well that must be right then ................... The Express & Mail are blaming the French for BOJO being so incompetent.

Cant find any ref to Macron saying anything about being too hasty

I hear Pritti Patel is now getting involved so any chance of getting it sorted will be scupperred

Scottish fishermen reckon it will cost them GBP5 million a day in lost sales to Spain this week

That is the same fisherman that dont want a deal ............... but after 31 Dec their produce will cost so much in Spain it will be priced out of the market anyway ....... so only an extra week and they have what they want

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by noosard » December 22, 2020, 6:39 pm

Seems they are closing the barn door after the horses have bolted
That will teach you Brits a lesson to have the nerve to leave the EU

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Mosquito » December 22, 2020, 7:14 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 22, 2020, 4:56 pm
Right on cue statts yer latest dig at Boris ..when this more viralant strain was actually firsttraced in italy and Ozz ..from.testing in september ..but dont ket the truth get in the way of a bojo bash

Maron already come out and says the travel ban was in hindsight a mistake .. and too hasty , but anyone with a modicum of inteligence knows there was more to it then covid was a brexit strong arm tactic ..

Lets hope bojo doesnt cave ..and Britain get out no deal wto full control.of our waters not a %to the eu bullies

DM, think you're in error on where the UK strain was first detected. Detected in Dec 2020 and back traced to Sept and it was first seen in England/Britian. ... s-answered

Depending on where you get your info, it'll differ on when the strain was detected (Sep or Dec).....but all indicate it was first detected/reported in Britian. As the UK govt, reported it was detected / identified in Dec and back traced to Sept have to assume that story line is accurate.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 22, 2020, 7:29 pm

Don't bring "truth" or "reality" into the conversation Mossie .......... Bojo doesn't recognise either

The woman from "Public Health England" says they first saw the strain in September in the Medway Towns (a few miles from Italy & Ozzzz I think)

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 22, 2020, 7:41 pm

Next they will be denying that it was Brexit that caused the UK to pay an extra Eur400m for the vaccine ABOVE what we would have paid if we had taken up the kind offer from our friends in the EU several months ago

Never mind ...... we would only have wasted it on things like "free school dinners" and the such like for those in need, or given the NHS nurses a payrise

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 22, 2020, 8:11 pm

Listen to the first section of this vid .. verified on numerous others as accurate .. the same more viralant strain was detected in italy and ozz .. mayhar tousi is a staucnch leaver but his info n reports are accurate ish ..

Now on brexit .. leave or remain a vote was done in 2016 and uts taken over 4 yrs to get it done it ir not the will of the people should be done.. it just so happens Boris is the guy in the hot seat ..and also jughling covid as well .. maybe neither have been handled well but with brexit he was blocked and up against all sorts of dirty tricks by remainers . WHO LOST the referendum.yet still wanted to stop leaving ..

Who ever had been in the PM seat would have struggled up.against all.the obstacles faced .. i personally think the **** in the woodpile are the remainers who still are whinging fir an extention to delay the will.of the people again ..

Leave means leave .. taking back control.of borders waters and laws .. soveriegnty has no price .. and anyone wishing to stay in the EU can always move there .

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 22, 2020, 8:59 pm

Query last sentence ...........breaking news .... guy had booked flight to Germany to restart business in EU as it was impossible for him to trade after Brexit. Needs to register in Germany by 31 Dec or will loose all his status as an EU citizen ........... Bojo has now arranged for him to be stuck in London (Tier 4) for the forseeable future.

If the promises made in 2016 were kept there would not be any problem with leaving the EU, the problems have only arisen because of of lies that were told to "get the vote they wanted" and the gullible public that believed them then, and worse still, continue to believe them. How many times do some people have to walk into a glass window before they realise its not the door they thought it was?

The only "obsticles" Bojo & Co are facing are the ones they themselves created with their lies and b*llsh*t

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Mosquito » December 22, 2020, 9:03 pm

DM........................come on, quit changing your narrative.

Initially you stated, " viralant strain was actually firsttraced in italy and Ozz."

Now you state. " the same more viralant strain was detected in italy and ozz" which I concur with and can easily be confirmed by the links I provided.

Your link/video, only states that the virus was present in other countries beside Britian (no, surprise there). It doesn't state that the virus was first traced to Italy and Australia.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by AlexO » December 22, 2020, 11:50 pm

stattointhailand wrote:
December 22, 2020, 8:59 pm
Query last sentence ...........breaking news .... guy had booked flight to Germany to restart business in EU as it was impossible for him to trade after Brexit. Needs to register in Germany by 31 Dec or will loose all his status as an EU citizen ........... Bojo has now arranged for him to be stuck in London (Tier 4) for the forseeable future.

If the promises made in 2016 were kept there would not be any problem with leaving the EU, the problems have only arisen because of of lies that were told to "get the vote they wanted" and the gullible public that believed them then, and worse still, continue to believe them. How many times do some people have to walk into a glass window before they realise its not the door they thought it was?

The only "obsticles" Bojo & Co are facing are the ones they themselves created with their lies and b*llsh*t
You spout some amount of bovine excreta statto. Failure to have an agreement is nothing to do with EU intransigence or the wish to punish the UK for daring to leave a corrupt self interested dictatorship, run for the benefit of 3 or 4 rich northern European Nations. Their efforts to keep control of the UK has shown just what an anti democratic organisation it really is.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 23, 2020, 3:00 am

Like in the US ..the UK had a piss poor choice at the last 2 elections ... gird help us if Theresa May was non10 .

Bojo n co im.sure are doing there best ..brexit n covid its nit been the dream.job Boris but lets just hope he stays string and out means out deal wto then at least he has delivered what the people voted fir over 4 yrs ago ..

These remainers are sore loosers and still.think the unwashed masses got it wrong .. n that includes you statts .

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tamada » December 23, 2020, 7:39 am

stattointhailand wrote:
December 22, 2020, 8:59 pm
Query last sentence ...........breaking news .... guy had booked flight to Germany to restart business in EU as it was impossible for him to trade after Brexit. Needs to register in Germany by 31 Dec or will loose all his status as an EU citizen ........... Bojo has now arranged for him to be stuck in London (Tier 4) for the forseeable future.

If the promises made in 2016 were kept there would not be any problem with leaving the EU, the problems have only arisen because of of lies that were told to "get the vote they wanted" and the gullible public that believed them then, and worse still, continue to believe them. How many times do some people have to walk into a glass window before they realise its not the door they thought it was?

The only "obsticles" Bojo & Co are facing are the ones they themselves created with their lies and b*llsh*t
Query first sentence. What sort of businessmen waits till the last week of the four year Brexit circus to find out that he needs to register in his chosen new home first? Even without Covid (which wasn't invented by the Tories), it's Christmas week for goodness sakes (which also wasn't invented by the Tories).

A British guy I know has a job offer in Norway starting in January. He too needs to get registered IN Norway before 31 December so he can pursue this. He's currently in Thailand and Norway isn't even an EU member so who should he blame for this missed opportunity? Santa?

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tamada » December 23, 2020, 9:37 am

More than 40 countries have suspended flights as a result of a new virus strain found in the UK... ... ond-122220
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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tomboy » December 23, 2020, 11:21 am

Boris Johnson's attempts to reassure look like distress flames from a clown marooned on fantasy island.The pathetic messages he issues by way of reassurance look more like distress flares.Many Tory MPs know that Johnson is unfit to lead the country but the dumb people voted for him.Everyone knew who he was,what he is.You don't hire a clown and then complain that his nose is too red.His unshakeable habit of crass levity. Even in the midst of national tradegy he adopts the sombre pose awkwordly,like a football mascot observing the minute's silence on Remembrance Sunday.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 23, 2020, 11:43 am

Seems Nigel Farage does not now think countries "having control of their borders" is such a good idea anymore.
Strange , he seemed all for it when the Danes were having a problem with their Covid (mink) strain

tam, the guy didn't "leave it to the last minute", he had the flights and everything booked

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