Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tamada » December 23, 2020, 12:37 pm

^ Sorry but if I knew I had to be in another country ahead of the 31st of December in order to secure my rights to open a business or be employed there, I am sure i wouldn't have chosen the last 10 days of the year to go and do it. More so when there's a global pandemic that's been on it's 'second wind' for the best part of two months already.

And there was me thinking that I was the last great procrastinator.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 23, 2020, 2:11 pm

tamada wrote:
December 23, 2020, 12:37 pm
^ Sorry but if I knew I had to be in another country ahead of the 31st of December in order to secure my rights to open a business or be employed there, I am sure i wouldn't have chosen the last 10 days of the year to go and do it. More so when there's a global pandemic that's been on it's 'second wind' for the best part of two months already.

And there was me thinking that I was the last great procrastinator.

Dunno, perhaps as a businessman he assumed that no PM would be stupid enough to leave without a deal over such a piddly thing as 0.1%GDP fishing rights, especially as its the fishermen who will end up worse of if we leave with no deal.
Obviously he didn'y allow for the right wing "ultras" having such a firm grip of OHNOBOJOs balls :-k
He'd have been a lot dafter to have wound up his business and moved several months ago and then found out a deal had been done and he needn't have bothered :lol:

The great procrastinator ??? wasn't that by the Platters

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by AlexO » December 23, 2020, 3:00 pm

stattointhailand wrote:
December 23, 2020, 11:43 am
Seems Nigel Farage does not now think countries "having control of their borders" is such a good idea anymore.
Strange , he seemed all for it when the Danes were having a problem with their Covid (mink) strain

tam, the guy didn't "leave it to the last minute", he had the flights and everything booked
Did Boris cancel his flights or stop entry into other EU Countries? Did Boris introduce the new strain of the Chinese Virus? Did Boris tell him to wait until a day or two before Europe traditionally shuts down for Xmas and New Year before he travelled to do business? Did Boris close down the Italian Ski Resorts and all of Europe's Xmas Markets etc? (why not blame him for that as well) Spouting more brown stuff as usual.

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by pipoz4444 » December 23, 2020, 4:43 pm

Drunk Monkey wrote:
December 23, 2020, 3:00 am
Like in the US ..the UK had a piss poor choice at the last 2 elections ... gird help us if Theresa May was non10 .

These remainers are sore loosers and still.think the unwashed masses got it wrong .. n that includes you statts .

Touch’e – the World needs more Theresa May’s

I think you have just about captured most, if not every World leader and possibly most Politicians on this Planet Earth, your first and last sentences.

Off the top of my head, I can only think of several exceptions, that don't fit into this description, although I freely admit that I don’t socialize with those in the political circle, unlike some other “Political Expert Wantabe’s”, profess to. =; Not referring to you DM

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tamada » December 23, 2020, 9:21 pm

Luftwaffe saves the day!!!

'The German airline said it was carrying a cargo of lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries and citrus fruits, and considering whether to put on additional special cargo flights to meet demand.

It said a B777 freighter aircraft would arrive at Doncaster Sheffield airport at lunchtime on Wednesday.

The flight comes as supermarkets and their suppliers scramble to find alternative ways to stock shelves as thousands of lorries and vans remain stuck outside Dover." ... h-blockade

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 23, 2020, 10:56 pm

Will they know what lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli strawberries and citrus fruit are in Yorkshire?

Previously those items would only have ever been seen in alchopops

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by tamada » December 24, 2020, 7:02 am

^ Since London and the southeast doth have the pox and are thus starved of the very vegetables and fruits that doth vex the Yorkshireman so much, do you think they will launch covert strawberry raiders and cauliflower bandits northwards to secure their share of the German care packages?

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Drunk Monkey » December 24, 2020, 7:39 am

Hope the plane doesnt stand at Donny airport to long ... the local prevelent xxxxx population will have the wheels will be off and it up on blocks quicker than it takes to boil a cauli and steam a cabbage.

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8 minutes is the point of lift off !!!!!!!

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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by Niggly » December 24, 2020, 1:48 pm

I once read about the mythical things called fruit & vegetables. I’ll stick to not reading in the future
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Re: Chaos at London Heathrow Airport...

Post by stattointhailand » December 24, 2020, 2:37 pm

German pilots .......... Donny schoolgirls ............ what could possibly go wrong?

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