Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

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Re: Brexit: the 11th-hour brinkmanship kicks off.

Post by Drunk Monkey » January 2, 2021, 7:50 am

jackspratt wrote:
January 2, 2021, 6:54 am
A different view from The Economist:
To anyone not obsessed with romantic notions of sovereignty, it is clear that the deal leaves Britain worse-off than with EU membership. European officials distributed graphics explaining what Britain would miss, ranging from the big stuff (financial passporting for banks, Britons losing the right to live and work in 27 countries) to the small (no more pet passports, no guaranteed cheap mobile-phone roaming). ... nl_today_1
Cue some harrumphing. :D
Time will tell if the pros weigh out the cons or vice versa .... whatever it brings sovereignty / being independent again was the biggest issue , it is what the people voted for in 2016 .

You should get a job with the failing out of touch woke BBC Jack .. as them only proclaiming everything negative about Brexit , the post Brekky arrmegeddon ..nothing positive.


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Re: Brexit: the 11th-hour brinkmanship kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 2, 2021, 9:50 am

^ There ya go, our DM's an old romantic.

WRT the notion that the BBC isn't as fair and balanced as they claim, one of their weekly Radio 5 morning shows decided to hold the last of their weekly "Brexit Phone-in" sessions. The host wanted listeners to call-in and regardless of their stance on the original vote or subsequent deal, to suggest ways and means to bury the hatchet and work together to make Brexit actually work. The host ended up with about four Remainers who could not countenance any sort of way where the U.K. would ever succeed with one particularly gloomy and bombastic caller saying that laying the groundwork for rejoining the EU at the earliest opportunity was the imperative. At no time was this gobby jerk shouted down or moderated, much to the obvious (open microphones) exasperation of the show's host. The feeling of being betrayed by a hugely ignorant British voter was the enduring message. With no significant contribution from the vote Leave callers, I can only assume they were, like myself, still celebrating the U.K.'s grand flounce.

If anyone has been listening to the BBC with any sort of consistency during the last year (for me, it's at least two hours daily since last May), you will know that they have no bias or stance WRT Brexit. I cannot vouch for the endless, short attention span loops of BBC television that we can see on local cable channels but it seems that Euro-scepticism is the remit of most of the presenters on Sky News.

I voted to Leave and love him or hate him, Boris Johnson delivered the pig in a poke which in all reality was the best we could expect. I have absolutely no love for the current PM, especially when I consider the coterie of spineless yes-men and women he stuffed his Cabinet with. There are some that have already been rinsed through previous Tory leaders ineffective administrations and didn't do themselves any favors then.

I see the big test is for Johnson to keep the promises he made to the older "borrowed" northern red vote at the same time as delivering on policy and projects that keep the younger, first-time voters onside. For now, the former are probably very happy with Brexit while the latter see leaving the EU as an impediment to their future. The next UK election could be in around two years from now (?), right in the middle of all these post-Brexit special committees that have been enabled to keep the U.K.'s tariff-free access to the single market while not being a member. I think 2021 is another write-off due to imponderables of any rapid escape from the pandemic's grip but 2022 onwards it will be "game-on".

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Re: Brexit: the 11th-hour brinkmanship kicks off.

Post by Drunk Monkey » January 2, 2021, 10:26 am

hay see youz jammy .. , dunno what planet youve been watching the BBC on Tam but they have been so anti Brexit at every juncture , from radio to newsnight .. even now after its done .. seems they are hoping it fails n goes tits up ..

The very level headed SIR John Redwood pulled them only yesterday for another post Brexit doom n gloom scarmongering and blatant anti brexit bias

A sherry too far perhaps ?? best you stick to the ironing and swishing parkanoo leaky flange monitoring..

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 2, 2021, 12:36 pm

Maybe it is because I can keep my own counsel and don't fear being misled by any media? Maybe I unconsciously disregard this media bias hype that the Sun, Daily Express and other rags-for-the-masses sell to their torpid readership? This also lends to the argument that maybe the average British prole can no longer differentiate between FACT and OPINION when it is published, whether it be it in the Telegraph, Guardian, Independent or Pravda? They don't know the difference so they revert to the affirmation chambers of YouTube channels and political bloggers who are ALL about opinion and very low on fact... so they STILL can't tell the difference. The fake news protagonists are their own worst enemy.

I am a Leaver but I can see where all this OTT happy-clapping and "Good job Bojo!" nonsense leaves the door wide open for the died-in-the-wool Remainer, with many of them still retaining political clout, to easily undermine the work done so far and derail this born-again sovereign nation's Christmas train set. The Tories have a majority. Let's see how they maintain that while trying to keep everyone happy.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 2, 2021, 2:16 pm

Meanwhile, while we celebrate our departure into uncharted waters, let's also thank Macron for sharing his huge Brexit butthurt with us.

Emmanuel Macron says Brexit is result of 'many lies and false promises'

The French president questioned the strength of Britain's sovereignty in his new year's address ... born-many/

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by vlad » January 2, 2021, 3:19 pm

As well as Wee Jimmy saying its a bad day for Scotland. After all is said and done WE voted to leave and now we have left so its all done and dusted now time to move on.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 2, 2021, 9:47 pm

vlad wrote:
January 2, 2021, 3:19 pm
As well as Wee Jimmy saying its a bad day for Scotland. After all is said and done WE voted to leave and now we have left so its all done and dusted now time to move on.
Exactly. That's why I handily re-named the thread. Now we can debate the twisting and turning of post-Brexit life. No deal is perfect but if this one comes close and there's earnest intent to move forward with it and improve it, then there's plenty to talk about. A great example is that Erasmus thingmie for students that has been replaced with the brand new Turing gadget. Not many people seemed to be aware of it's existence. I wasn't until DM posted the recent YouTube fraught as it was with dodgy numbers. Even as late as the day the Trade and Cooperation Agreement was signed, Boris lamented that it was a "tough decision" to include it among the bits of the EU cadaver left behind. In dodgy financial numbers context however, it was as significant to the U.K.'s GDP as the 'fush' that everyone is still blathering about.

But why waste bandwidth on why the EU allegedly shafted us for xx billion Euro's over xx years WHEN WE HAVE FULFILLED THE PEOPLE'S WILL AND LEFT THE BLOODY DISCO?! It is OVER! If we keep digging up bits about how bad it was, how can we focus on making all the new bits work? Macron has already made his Brexit butt hurt public and the French already see it for what it is; an excuse for his mismanagement; a performance that makes Johnson's look absolutely Oscar-winning. The only thing more counter intuitive and redundant is dragging the SNP's pipe dreams into this debate.

Got to wonder about your persistence in griping about things north of Hadrian's though. Is there some deep personal trauma that feeds this fixation? An unfortunate family incident? A sister that got shagged by a Scotsman out of wedlock? Fear that a suppressed urge to wear a kilt in public maybe construed as cross-dressing by the neighbors?

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by vlad » January 2, 2021, 11:10 pm

Nah ive moved on now shame you can't.

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Re: Brexit: the 11th-hour brinkmanship kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 3, 2021, 7:40 am

Drunk Monkey wrote:
January 2, 2021, 10:26 am
hay see youz jammy .. , dunno what planet youve been watching the BBC on Tam but they have been so anti Brexit at every juncture , from radio to newsnight .. even now after its done .. seems they are hoping it fails n goes tits up ..

The very level headed SIR John Redwood pulled them only yesterday for another post Brexit doom n gloom scarmongering and blatant anti brexit bias

A sherry too far perhaps ?? best you stick to the ironing and swishing parkanoo leaky flange monitoring..

I see your beluvved SIR John is STILL banging on about the BBC's bias on something that has already passed (but he notably abstained from voting on). Not exactly the sort of "in for a penny, in for a pound" sort that the Tories need, eh?

In days of yore, he would probably have been known around the Houses as John the Abstainer.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by Drunk Monkey » January 3, 2021, 9:21 am

Totally agree Tam .. :shock:

Brexit is done .. i just hoped that all parties and even media outlets would have given it a fair and balanced chance and allow things to move on and see how things pan out ..alas no , already the fossil Lord Heseltine is hell bent of stirring more sh8te calling for a hard fought rejoin campaign to be started ..this on DAY ONE of Brexit ..

All thats happened is remainers have become rejoiners and the political BS will continue ..hence my comment about needing strong government not weak kneed pussies.

BTW ..talking of weak... looking like Starmer is on his way out ..serious moves to oust him and Diane Abbot linked to his job .. :lol: :lol: YCMTSU .. hope so great theater and will doom Labour to even more ridicule.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 3, 2021, 10:13 am

I didn't see that old dinosaur Heseltine talking about rejoining anywhere on the BBC but they do have this overall favorable post-Brexit article central to their European news.

BBC News - Brexit: 'We welcomed the deal like a Christmas present'

In fact, when I wanted to read about Heseltine's latest ruminations, I found it on the Daily Express and Sun. How come these staunchly pro-Brexit tabloids are STILL giving Remainers aka Rejoiners so much bandwidth? If the primary source of the news for the great unwashed can't move on, the unproven and unprovable "great disaster" myth will prevail, no?

As for this alleged "threat" to Starmer with Abbott being touted as the usurper-in-chief... as you say YCMTSU.

But without a credible citation, you just did. ... der-260133

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by Drunk Monkey » January 3, 2021, 10:25 am

Mutings of Starmers POSSIBLE resignation surfaced overnight ... alas my Diane Abbot was indeed made with tongue in cheek..

Cant find the Hesletine news link it was on a news network you tube channel .. urging a rejoining campaign on day one of Brexit ... TWOT.

Fancy a Sunday lunch today .. Yorkshire pud fest !!!!! ..Ooops cant call it Sunday Lunch as may upset the other days of the week and not Yorkshire pudding .. ALL COUNTIES Pudding before the snowflakes begin melting .

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 3, 2021, 11:16 am

^ Can't even call it lunch these days lest breakfast and dinner take us to the human rights courts so yes, a non-diurnal and chronologically indifferent refection sounds brill. I believe that PF will have plenty of stateless refugee puds.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by jackspratt » January 3, 2021, 1:11 pm

I doubt if Starmer would be having too many sleepless nights if these numbers are correct:
Boris Johnson would lose majority and seat in election tomorrow – poll

Results suggest public are deeply unhappy with the government’s handling of Covid and Brexit

......The poll predicts that if a general election were held tomorrow neither the Conservatives nor Labour would win an outright majority. Disturbingly for Boris Johnson, the survey says the Conservatives would lose 81 seats, wiping out the 80-seat majority they won in December 2019......

.......The prime minister is on course to lose his own seat of Uxbridge and Ruislip South, if the insight is accurate......

.....Results in Scotland would see the Scottish National party achieve a near complete sweep, winning 57 of the 59 Scottish seats......

....The findings clearly suggest new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is making headway in rebuilding support for his party. In the last six months Labour has steadily hauled in the 26-point lead the Conservatives held...... ... y-majority

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by vlad » January 3, 2021, 4:52 pm

Here we go Newspaper reports its all fake news and Scaremongering. I live in the Uk and i can assure you no one has called for anyones's head be it Starmer or Boris. As for Abbot she isnt even on the front Bench next minute you will spread a tale talling all Blair is running against Starmer for the leadership. Sorry guy's its fake news because theres no bad news so you have to spread fake new.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by Drunk Monkey » January 3, 2021, 8:25 pm

jackspratt wrote:
January 3, 2021, 1:11 pm
I doubt if Starmer would be having too many sleepless nights if these numbers are correct:
Boris Johnson would lose majority and seat in election tomorrow – poll

Results suggest public are deeply unhappy with the government’s handling of Covid and Brexit

......The poll predicts that if a general election were held tomorrow neither the Conservatives nor Labour would win an outright majority. Disturbingly for Boris Johnson, the survey says the Conservatives would lose 81 seats, wiping out the 80-seat majority they won in December 2019......

.......The prime minister is on course to lose his own seat of Uxbridge and Ruislip South, if the insight is accurate......

.....Results in Scotland would see the Scottish National party achieve a near complete sweep, winning 57 of the 59 Scottish seats......

....The findings clearly suggest new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer is making headway in rebuilding support for his party. In the last six months Labour has steadily hauled in the 26-point lead the Conservatives held...... ... y-majority
The Guardian .. :lol: :lol:

Yes i agree Jack .. who ever took over labour would inherit a total mess taking years to clear up and become any real political force .. perfect time for a third party to be formed.... Enter Farage n Tice .

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by tamada » January 4, 2021, 8:52 am

vlad wrote:
January 3, 2021, 4:52 pm
Here we go Newspaper reports its all fake news and Scaremongering. I live in the Uk and i can assure you no one has called for anyones's head be it Starmer or Boris. As for Abbot she isnt even on the front Bench next minute you will spread a tale talling all Blair is running against Starmer for the leadership. Sorry guy's its fake news because theres no bad news so you have to spread fake new.
You've got that right vlad. With EU membership having expired only about 5 days ago, the Remainers have no tangible evidence of the immediate collapse and the Brexiteers have no tangible evidence of a land of milk an honey. Thus the immediate void will be filled with repetitive "What if?" scenarios, worthless comments on what the UK used to pay, idle speculation, gossip and OPINION. The Rejoiners seem to hold the floor at the moment. Bless them, they're more to be pitied than scorned.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by jackspratt » July 9, 2021, 9:44 am

Oh! dear ........ looks like the divorce is going to cost more than previously anticipated by the jolly Brexiteers.
EU says UK liable to pay 47.5 billion euros to EU in post-Brexit settlement ... 021-07-08/
That sort of dosh will have Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates thanking their lucky stars.

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by stattointhailand » July 9, 2021, 2:07 pm

That's OK Jack ....... they can just deduct it from the Trillions that Brexit now owes the NHS (If you include the unpaid interest)

BTW, I heard that they found someone who had a "positive" experience from Brexit, but he soon withdrew it as soon as they said they would check his story [-X

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Re: Brexit: the post-Brexit circle-jerk kicks off.

Post by noosard » July 9, 2021, 6:11 pm

Jack you should get a job with Sky news
You high light the big number
the article reports a minor difference in agreed numbers 2b euro

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