Water Pipe Repair

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Khun Paul
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Re: Water Pipe Repair

Post by Khun Paul » March 30, 2021, 11:31 am

tamada wrote:
March 30, 2021, 7:11 am
^ The suggestion that Thailand has time-served artisans and trade professionals is truly heartwarming.

It also gave me a bloody good laugh.
Well to put it in some perspective , it was the old men of the village that not only laid the pipe but also checked it thropughly and tested it at each stop cock, to make sure sealed , so calling them elderly experts was a kindnessand it showed me that the older generation here do think, unlike their younger counterparts, same as a Poer propblem I had the older man inspected the connection and told me useless, very quickly used NEW ( up-to-date cabling ) rejoined my power to the grid, narry a problem since .

One may laugh but it is still working, more than can be said for the town water which according to a neighbour is muddy and horrible. , I smiled in sympathy then through my friend told him what was wrong, he has gone off to the PWA and complained. We wait with bated breath for a knee jerk fix .

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Re: Water Pipe Repair

Post by tamada » March 30, 2021, 11:44 am

Khun Paul wrote:
March 30, 2021, 11:31 am
tamada wrote:
March 30, 2021, 7:11 am
^ The suggestion that Thailand has time-served artisans and trade professionals is truly heartwarming.

It also gave me a bloody good laugh.
Well to put it in some perspective , it was the old men of the village that not only laid the pipe but also checked it thropughly and tested it at each stop cock, to make sure sealed , so calling them elderly experts was a kindnessand it showed me that the older generation here do think, unlike their younger counterparts, same as a Poer propblem I had the older man inspected the connection and told me useless, very quickly used NEW ( up-to-date cabling ) rejoined my power to the grid, narry a problem since .

One may laugh but it is still working, more than can be said for the town water which according to a neighbour is muddy and horrible. , I smiled in sympathy then through my friend told him what was wrong, he has gone off to the PWA and complained. We wait with bated breath for a knee jerk fix .
It's OK Paul. Thank Buddha that there's some diamonds in the rough, eh? My late father-in-law was a journeyman in construction. Made his mint during the condo boom years in Bangkok. He closely oversaw the building of our family pile here and after nearly 14 years, and a surprising lack of R&M while we lived elsewhere, it's still rock solid, original plumbing, drainage, the works. Even the paint is still awesome. Of course his son followed him into the business but based on his motivation, maybe Thailand doesn't do the "chip off the old block" thing either.

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Re: Water Pipe Repair

Post by Celso » September 13, 2022, 4:04 pm

All guys,
For expat, is bit difficult to find answer on your Question, give me a call as we have experience on all you questions
Tel 0831208146, k. Celso

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Re: Water Pipe Repair

Post by parrot » September 14, 2022, 9:51 am

Dave, here are a few possibilities:
http://www.xn--r3cavfwqb6c3dsi.com/cate ... 9%E0%B8%B5
http://www.xn--q3cbzto0c8j.net/category ... 9%E0%B8%B5
May be one and the same company, but they advertise for a variety of home repair jobs

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