I have been contacted by a few people both in person and on UM who are suffering with apparent GB problem symptoms and contemplating the same surgery .. in turn 3 ppl asked me to post the pics .. not a problem
Here are the stones ..11 in total came out 2 large plus below .. 1bt size 9 of the blighters.
SORRY .. next is the DM shaven 6 pack .. apologies to any tattoo haters but i had this done in 1995 when my mother passed away and she was a very religious person ... in fact the last quip by the GB surgeon was .. quote : i never performed surgery on Jesus Christ before .. which thought was rather amusing .. at that point i passed out.
3 small higher incisions approx 1cm plus and in my case a larger 4 cm cut in the naval where the GB comes out.
Very pleased .. no relieved to get this done as the consequences of a ruptured GB are really serious .. can be fatal in many cases and i appeared to have caught it just in time.
Ive already put quite a bit of info ref this subject on the PCT test thread if anyone needs more details.