America coming apart at the seams?

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Khun Paul
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Khun Paul » June 19, 2021, 6:29 am

Interesting viewpoint and judging by Mitch Mconnells latest tirade , frighteningly near the mark

he G7 meeting focused attention on many challenges facing the world, but it did not address the most dangerous threat of them all, which is the transformation of the Republican Party in the US into a fascist movement.

a blue curtain: American democracy is under threat - Getty© Getty Images/iStockphoto
American democracy is under threat

- Getty
When Donald Trump was in the White House there was much debate about whether or not he could be called a fascist in the full sense of the word, and not merely as a political insult. His presidency showed many of the characteristics of a fascist dictatorship, except the crucial one of automatic re-election.

But Trump or Trump-like leaders may not have to face this democratic impediment in future. It was only this year that the final building blocks have been put in place by Republicans as they replicate the structure of fascist movements in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s.

Two strategies, though never entirely absent from Republican behaviour in the past, have become far more central to their approach. One is a greater willingness to use or tolerate violence against their opponents, something that became notorious during the invasion of the Capitol by pro-Trump rioters on 6 January.

The other change among Republicans is much less commented on, but is more sinister and significant. This is the systematic Republican takeover of the electoral machinery that oversees elections and makes sure that they are fair. Minor officials in charge of them have suddenly become vital to the future of American democracy. Remember that it was only the refusal of these functionaries to cave in to Trump’s threats and blandishments that stopped him stealing the presidential election last November.

Many of them will be unable to perform the same duty in future elections. The Republican Party across the country is replacing or intimidating them so they are giving up their jobs or are being forced from their posts. In Pennsylvania, a state which played a crucial role in Trump’s defeat, a third of county election officials have changed as have numerous others in swing states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Their places are frequently being taken by conspiracy theory zealots who will have the power to nullify election results that are not to their liking. A survey by the Brennan Center for Justice shows that one in three local election officials say that they are being subjected to harassment and other pressures.

Speeding up this exodus are Republican state legislatures that have passed laws mandating heavy fines – $10,000 in Iowa, $25,000 in Florida – for election supervisors who make minor technical mistakes. Republican officials who refused to say that Trump won the election are being removed by their party. The Republicans should be able to do in 2022 and 2024 what they failed to do in 2020, which is to nullify election results at will so the true outcome of a poll can be ignored. Put simply, the will of the people will no longer count for anything.

Authoritarian regimes across the world have found that it is much easier and more certain to announce the election result they would like than to go to all the trouble of suppressing votes and gerrymandering constituencies. Once control of the electoral machinery is obtained then democracy poses no threat to those in power. Fascist leaders may use democratic processes to obtain office, but once there, their instinct is to pull up the ladder and let nobody else climb up it.

Nullification of elections is only the latest step in the Republican Party’s strange voyage towards becoming a genuine fascist party. Other steps have a much longer history, notably the moment half a century ago when President Nixon adopted his “Southern Strategy” whereby the Republicans capitalised on the Civil Rights acts to make a political takeover of the American South. The old slave states became the strongholds of the Republican Party which had once freed the slaves and defeated the Confederacy.

It is worth listing the chief characteristics of fascist movements in order to assess how far they are now shared by the Republicans. Exploitation of ethnic, religious and cultural hatreds is probably the most universal feature of fascism. Others include a demagogic leader with a cult of personality who makes messianic but vague promises to deliver a golden future; appeals to law-and-order but a practical contempt for legality; the use, manipulation and ultimate marginalisation of democratic procedures; a willingness to use physical force; demonising the educated elite – and the media in particular; shady relations with plutocrats seeking profit from regime change.

One by one these boxes have been ticked by the Republicans until the list is complete. The Tea Party movement was an important staging post on the road to Trumpism. Trump himself possesses all the classic features of a fascist leader, though he was somewhat hemmed in by the institutional and political divisions of power. Yet these impediments will be less in future as local legislatures, courts, electoral machinery and Congress itself are colonised by Trumpian Republicans. This erosion of democracy has a precedent, given that Al Gore in 2000 and Hillary Clinton in 2016 were denied the presidency though each won a majority of the popular vote, but it is becoming all pervasive

American fascism differs from its European, Middle Eastern and Latin American variants because of the history of America, with its legacy of slavery, and the Civil War still remaining as a great divider. Slavery was abolished, the Confederacy lost the war, but in many respects the civil war never ended.

The civil rights legislation of the 1960s provoked a white counteroffensive that still goes on. Opposition to racial equality has never ceased. The key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which declared that changes in state election laws must have federal approval, was invalidated by Republican appointed judges on the Supreme Court in 2013. “Our country has changed,” said chief Justice John G Roberts in a majority opinion, which declared that racial minorities no longer faced barriers to voting in states with a history of discrimination. The absurdity of this was immediately demonstrated as Texas introduced a previously blocked voter ID law.

Voter suppression has ballooned ever since, but never more than this year. Some 14 Republican controlled states have passed 24 laws criminalising, politicising and interfering in elections to their own advantage.

What explains the descent of the Republican Party into fascism? Racial division explains much. The division of American culture along the same geographical lines as the civil war explains more. Add to this the frightening dislocation imposed on white working- and middle-class Americans by technological change and globalisation. Powerful forces are let loose similar to those that once propelled the rise of European fascism and is now doing the same in America.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Giggle » June 19, 2021, 7:20 am

Hitler, too. You forgot Hitler.
Ashli Babbitt -- SAY HER NAME!

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Whistler » June 19, 2021, 10:14 am

Khun Paul. All of this is frightening but true. There has always been this propensity in the USA. Intellectualism has played second fiddle to the 'I believe' nature of the American Psyche.

I believe in American supremacy, I believe in God, often I believe in Christian fundamentalism. I believe that Satan wants to take over my nation. I always believe there is a world leader who is our sworn enemy (Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Noriega, Castro, Saddam, The Ayatollah Kohima, Ho Chi Minh) but never Pol Pot, Idi Amin or other murderous world leaders who were incredibly evil but the USA never lifted a hand to stop. They protected oil interests in the middle east on the pretext of expanding democracy, but atrocities in the Congo, Mali, Sudan, Cambodia, Burma, Sudan etc attract little if any interest.

It is a peculiar mindset that demonises any alternative view from that of the WASP mentality or American interests. A fertile ground for developing Fascism.
Best being part of this forum by placing the intellectual challenged on foes list. A lot less post to read and a great time saver.

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Declan MacPherson
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 19, 2021, 11:28 am ... -into-law/
Texas Governor Signs Constitutional Carry Into Law

good people with guns save lives .

* * * ... isgusting/
The FBI’s Role in the Jan. 6 Capitol Fracas Is Absolutely Disgusting
The FBI is a goon squad of un-American thugs who have taken the worst elements of East Germany’s Stasi police state and Cosa Nostra‘s organized crime and turned them into a blueprint for exercising and keeping illegitimate power over their enemies. They aren’t a law enforcement organization, and they certainly don’t give a rat’s rear end about justice. They’re regime enforcers with badges.
* * * ... bombshell/
Matt Gaetz and Paul Gosar Lead Congressional Charge for “Real Answers” After Explosive Revolver Investigation of Jan. 6th

* * * ... americans/
HUGE DEVELOPMENT: NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans

it was always true . if they go after a president they will go after you .
Throughout 2020 the Black Lives Matter terrorist group was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history

There were zero Trump rallies that turned violent during that same time period.

Then on January 6, after one million Trump supporters rallied with President Trump at the Ellipse outside the White House, some 900 individuals went inside the US Capitol. Over 400 have since been arrested, including those who were waved into the US Capitol by the police standing at the exits.
* * *

Parent Gives Incredible Speech Debunking Critical Race Theory
Ty Smith absolutely shutdown CRT and his example about kids with lunch cards and lunch lines was spot on!
* * * ... sic-audit/
‘We Stand Ready to Defend Federalism’: Arizona AG Issues Ultimatum to Biden Administration Over Forensic Audit
Brnovich made it clear that Arizona officials will interpose themselves against federal tyrants in order to protect the integrity of the ongoing audit.

“It is important to remember that the states created the federal government, not the other way around. America’s founders intentionally restrained the federal government’s constitutional boundaries to ensure that each state could flourish in unique ways. Today, our federal government has largely forgotten the Founders’ intent, but my office has not,” he said.
* * * ... tion-fraud
Over 7,000 affidavits delivered to Michigan lawmakers claim election fraud
Protesters said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's audit only recounted votes and didn't go far enough.
it does not do any good to recount fraudulent ballots .

* * * ... m-its-bad/
Raffensperger’s Team Turns On Him, It’s Bad…
Today, John Solomon and Just The News reported that an audit of documents found that more than 100 batches of absentee ballots are missing in Fulton County Georgia!

Later this morning John Solomon told the War Room that Brad Raffensperger’s own team was saying that “bad, bad things” were coming out of Fulton County.
* * *

"The vast majority of DC republicans want to see the MAGA base destroyed just like they wanted to see the Tea Party base destroyed so they could get back to the business of self-indulgence in 2012.

"Remember the Weissmann/Mueller special counsel was created while Republicans held control over the House and Senate in 2017. It was republicans as well as democrats who wanted to see President Trump removed. Republicans held both chambers of congress in 2017, and supported the special counsel appointment then demanded it be protected. The January 6th commission would be organized with the same motives and intents. Only they wouldn’t be erasing Trump, they will be erasing YOU."

The Last Refuge

* * * ... o-the-gop/
The Rise of ‘Bull Moose’ Populism Is What’s Giving Life to the GOP
“Bull Moose” populism is America First, economic nationalism. Its energizing factor will be unstoppable.
* * *
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
Afghanistan and Iran are not part of the EU, but they would be very worthy totalitarian members.

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Declan MacPherson
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 20, 2021, 5:53 am ... e-garbage/
America’s Rotten Academic Establishment Vomits Out More Demented Anti-White Rhetoric
There is no charitable way to spin what Khilanani said or what Moss wrote, though many of course are already trying. This is race hatred. The very fact of being white is equated with parasitism, turning one into a hideous, warped monster. The rhetoric is sexualized — “insatiable” and “voracious” are both directly used to describe sexual appetites, while “perverse” evokes “perverted” — to represent white people as metaphorical and perhaps literal rapists. And of course, this evil is “nearly impossible to eliminate.” And even if controlled or suppressed, whites are ready at a moment’s notice to “regress” back into their evil ways, with no “permanent cure.”

Or, to rephrase Moss’s words slightly, there is not yet a “final solution” to the Whiteness Question.

This is genocidal rhetoric, and it would be obvious to everyone if it were written about any other group. Nobody writes about “Asianness” as a condition. Nobody talks about needing “effective treatment” for “brownness.” The academic who wrote about “parasitic blackness” as a “voracious” and “perverse” force would lose his job instantly.
* * * ... p-113.html
AN INSIDE JOB? Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep 113
In this episode, Dinesh explores an explosive question with Darren Beattie, publisher of the Revolver News expose: Was January 6 a set-up job by the FBI and the Deep State? Biden loses it with a CNN reporter and—surprise! surprise! -- Dinesh comes to the defense of CNN. Dinesh gives his unique take on comedian Jon Stewart's late discovery that the Wuhan virus might have come from the Wuhan lab. And Dinesh reveals why the Left hates Christianity so much; it has something to do with the holiness of God.
* * *

Bill Maher . blind squirrels and broken clocks . adjust your masks because it is covering your eyes .

New Rule: Progressophobia

* * * ... breach?amp
Democrats learn hard truths about Capitol breach
FBI Director Christopher Wray punched a sizable hole in the Democrats' narrative about the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol complex. He reminded Democrats that the event was nothing like the "horror" of 9/11. He taught them that the word "insurrection" has a precise legal meaning and that he can't use the term in the same way that Democrats hug the word. He also noted that there were three groups at the Capitol that day, and not all of them were committing violent crimes.

Since Jan. 6, 2021, most Americans have moved on with their lives, trying to deal with newfound inflation, open borders, schools that are still closed, an economy that is underperforming, rioting in Portland on a nightly basis, and the desire to move past the pandemic and return to normalcy.

While Americans are more concerned with violence in their neighborhoods, especially if they live in a Democrat-controlled city trying to defund the police, the leftists in Congress want to focus on the violence at the Capitol that occurred on Jan. 6, 2021.

Because the Biden administration and its co-conspirators in Congress (the Democrats) have no policy ideas that will get America back to work, secure our borders, and acknowledge the greatness of freedom in America, they still want to attack anything that they can tenuously associate with President Trump.
* * * ... ion-night/
EXPLOSIVE DEVELOPMENT: Election Worker Ralph Jones Is Now Caught Double-Counting Ballots at the State Farm Center on Election Night!
Ralph Jones was the person who sent home all of the election observers. Then his crew, including Ruby and daughter Shaye, went to work on election night!
* * * ... informant/
Holy Crap! Protester in MAGA Hat Spotted Next to Antifa’s John Sullivan on Jan. 5 Urged Protesters to Storm US Capitol on 6th — Is Identified — Smells Like Informant??
Who is this man?
On the eve of the January 6th protests, a middle aged man in a MAGA hat showed up, defended Antifa and told the crowd they needed to “go into the Capitol” on Jan. 6.

This was the night before the Trump rally of a million patriots. This was the day before VP Mike Pence stabbed President Trump in the back and approved the fraudulent 2020 election results.

The man made the comments while standing next to Jayden X, or John Sullivan – a known Antifa provocateur and organizer. This man in a MAGA hat defends Antifa and Black Lives Matter, “Tomorrow… we need to go INTO THE CAPITOL!”
a guy in a MAGA cap praising Antifa and hanging with Jayden X . right . LOL

* * * ... pers-life/
MUST WATCH: Amazing story of how a Good Samaritan with a GUN saved a State Trooper’s life

good people with guns save lives .

* * * ... ence-death
Women Who Disagree With The Pro-Trans Movement Are Met With Threats Of Violence
It might surprise you that the group of activists known to demand acceptance and tolerance are also capable of using death threats and bullying to attack their critics.
full disclosure the author is a friend .

* * * ... press-vote
Atlantic Magazine Writer Admits Voter ID Does Not Suppress the Vote

* * * ... n-takeover
STUDY: Nets Blast State Election Laws, Ignore Dem Election Takeover
An analysis of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage from March 1 through June 10 found nearly 52 minutes of airtime spent on a variety of Republican-sponsored state election laws. That compares to a meager 2 minutes, 40 seconds for Democrats’ so-called “For the People” Act, national legislation that would override a host of state election laws, including popular voter ID rules, in favor of a national scheme that would make voting less secure.

A study released last month by MRC Latino found the same skew at Spanish-language networks Telemundo, Univision and CNN en Español: nearly 35 minutes of coverage about new state laws, vs. barely a minute about the Democrats’ federal legislation.

On ABC, CBS and NBC, our study found that the coverage was relentlessly — almost unanimously — negative. Taking into account statements from reporters, anchors, and non-aligned sources (such as soundbites from voters and experts), but excluding identified Democrats and Republicans, we found just three positive statements about the Republican-sponsored laws, vs. 75 negative statements.

* * *
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
Afghanistan and Iran are not part of the EU, but they would be very worthy totalitarian members.

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Declan MacPherson
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 21, 2021, 12:19 pm ... egal-basis
Feds accused of seizing $85 million from safe deposit boxes without 'any legal basis'
Hundreds of people storing valuables in safe deposit boxes in Los Angeles may never see their cash, precious metals and heirlooms again, unless a federal judge intervenes in the next week.

Several are suing the government for seizing the contents of about 800 boxes as part of a March raid of the storage provider, U.S. Private Vaults (USPV), which was indicted for conspiracy to sell drugs and launder money.

The Institute for Justice (IJ) is seeking class-action status for a May lawsuit by several owners alleging "shocking, unconscionable, and unconstitutional" behavior by the government. IJ attorney Robert Frommer accused the feds of an "$85 million cash grab" from people who were not accused of wrongdoing.
one word - stasi

* * * ... ill-event/
Glenn Greenwald Asks Reasonable Questions About the FBI’s Involvement in January 6th Capitol Hill Event
“If the FBI had advanced knowledge of what was being plotted yet did nothing to stop the attack, it raises numerous possibilities about why that is. It could be that they just had yet another “intelligence failure” of the kind that they claimed caused them to miss the 9/11 attack and therefore need massive new surveillance authorities, budget increases, and new Patriot-Act-type laws to fix it. It could be that they allowed the riot to happen because they did not take it seriously enough or because some of them supported the cause behind it, or because they realized that there would be benefits to the security state if it happened. Or it could be that they were using those operatives under their control to plot with, direct, and drive the attack — as they have done so many times in the past — and allowed it to happen out of either negligence or intent.” (continue reading)

Greenwald’s points, and his historic references, are well taken; actually, Greenwald’s outline reminded CTH of an event in 2015 that in hindsight has a very similar pattern and reference point(s).

Do you remember the 2015 Waco, Texas, Twin Peaks shooting/massacre?
the more the fbi hides the more people dig .

massive arrest numbers . all of the bikers arrested had their charges dropped .
Little evidence has been made public, but details obtained by the Associated Press suggested that four of the bikers were struck with bullets from .223-caliber rifles – the only type of weapon used by Waco police that day.

* * * ... nti-racism
‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Antiracism

crt is a religion without grace . very true
“A Religion Without Grace”

Baucham dissects over several chapters how CRT and the social justice movement twist traditional religious categories into a means by which to assert power. Characterizing the battles facing the U.S. as fundamentally spiritual, he deftly traces such philosophies to their origin in what he describes as the “demonic ideology” of Karl Marx, Antonio Gramsci, and their neo-Marxist successors in the Frankfurt School.

“This talk of antiracism and this talk of critical social justice is very much religious in its overtones,” he said, explaining how it “borrows from the Judeo-Christian worldview in terms of the words that it uses.” With its emphasis on slavery and reparations, he pointed out, the so-called antiracism of Ibram X. Kendi, for example, is replete with notions of original sin and atonement.
* * * ... -much-600/
Amazing New Website Confirms YouTube Is Suppressing Dislikes on Joe Biden Videos by as Much as 600%


why would google have to do this for a president with 81 million votes ? LOL

* * * ... ales-year/
As Left Pushes Gun Control and Defunding Police, Smith & Wesson Has First Billion Dollar Sales Year

good people with guns save lives .

* * * ... -to-cheat/
Georgia’s Election Reform Makes It Easy to Vote and Hard to Cheat

Election laws should make it hard to cheat.

* * * ... thing-eat/
MUST SEE: Mom From Soviet Union Destroys Marxist Critical Race Theory: This “Equity For All” Propaganda “Quickly Ended With Nothing To Eat”

Good evening everyone. I am a mother of three children in district. And I am very concerned. The proposed “Anti-racist program” is just a prettier name for racial Marxist teaching. You don’t need to sugar coat it for me. I lived it. Same methods , same vocabulary, same preferential treatment to certain groups. That’s why equity is packed with good causes like diversity and inclusion, so nobody can challenge it. But I know.

Ask me how I know?

I was born in Soviet Union and my family has seen it all. Suffering first from Nazi and then from tyrannical Soviet Ideology. Back there, what started with Equity for All - quickly ended with Nothing to Eat for my people. And now my family is here because of it, because equity doesn’t work . We did not come here for a blanketed synthetic equity – we had enough of that one, we came here for Equal opportunity under the Law and freedoms in this country.

Soviets extinguished all the excellence and opportunity. They told us they were advocates for equity and enemies of privilege, people believed and we paid the awful price. this ideology killed millions of people worldwide. And now you bringing it here to indoctrinate our children. Equity was just a tool used by communists to make sure everyone was equally poorly educated, so people didn’t question authority. While in definition it was about fairness, In reality it means same outcome - nobody excels, mind-boggling sameness. The key tactic is to remove all the incentive and motivation to succeed for all the students.

Is this why Student Committee proposing less homework and audit of AP classes? Why are you trying to demotivate students and lower the standards instead of directly helping underperforming students? that’s exactly what equity means in reality, making everyone mediocre.

Yesterday I got a letter from school. The Marxist Equity mentioned 14 times. I have a message for everyone here, this is not a Bolshevik Central Schoold District in Soviet Union, this is Bedford Central School District in the United States of America. I was born in Siberia, I had to switch the continents because of equity, I can and I will switch a school district if the equity gets pushed , but I will never switch on American Dream and equal opportunity for my chilldren, the very unique, which uplifts, gives second chances to people like me, motivates, and brings the best in the people regardless race and ethnicity and we have to protect it. I know because I ve seen the other side, im here to warn you it’s not pretty.

On June 16th '21 I put my words to action and took a stand for every hardworking immigrant, who came to this country with simply nothing, just a hope for the better future. Who seen the atrocities of Marxism and Communism first hand. For whom America was the most accepting, freedom loving, peaceful bay until the very latest events.

After communists failed on all grounds, impoverished and killed millions of people worldwide, they all moved to Academia. We can not let school indoctrinate our children, we have no other country to escape like we did once already.

Let people know Equity is anti-American. Please share the message, many people are focused on CRT. But if schools deny they use CRT and still have Equity written all over their policies, this is it - the end of freedom loving America !! Thank you for keeping the good fight for future of our kids !
* * *
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
Afghanistan and Iran are not part of the EU, but they would be very worthy totalitarian members.

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Declan MacPherson
Posts: 1601
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 22, 2021, 7:14 am ... =economics
Top Democrat Admits The REAL Reason For Probe Of The So-Called “Insurrection”
But the real reason for the Soviet-style inquisition is not to probe a mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol. The events have been blown out of proportion as an “armed” attempt by Trump supporters to overthrow the government. No, the real reason is to punish the ex-POTUS, and more importantly, to prevent him from running again in 2024.

South Carolina Democrat Rep. James Clyburn made it clear what the commission was really about. He joined the shrieking liberal harpies in the daytime TV snakepit that is ABC’s “The View” on Friday and spilled the beans.

“I believe that the 45th President of the United States made some gross errors in judgment.”
* * * ... documents/
Lawfare Activists Apoplectic Because The Arizona Senate Will Not Provide Advanced Details of Internal Audit Documents
The Lawfare activists are screaming foul because the Arizona Senate is not turning over documents from ongoing investigative measures taking place during the audit of Maricopa County. The group known as American Oversight is a Lawfare group working on behalf of the DNC and allied left-wing activists. They have filed suit against the Arizona senate trying to find evidence they can use to marginalize the audit before the findings are made public.

Seemingly pretending not to know about the separation of power between the state legislative body and the state judicial branch, the activists are filing suits to get access to the evidence in an ongoing Senate investigation. Essentially, this is akin to demanding to sue for legislative content before the Senate can create the law and/or the harm from that law.
* * *
National Security Agency to release records about Americans illegally spied on by FBI
As you may recall, Admiral Mike Rogers tried to shut down FBI access to the NSA database in 2016 (while he was serving as NSA director) after learning that FBI contractors were illegally searching the database. Over at The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance has built a solid case that FBI contractors were exploiting the NSA database for opposition research on political enemies (also see here and here and here). One of the contractors with access to the NSA database, for example, appears to be Fusion GPS, which helped Christopher Steele produce the infamous “Russian collusion” dossier. In fact, it appears that one of the mistakes in Steele’s report, i.e., that President Trump’s personnel attorney Michael Cohen made a trip to Prague, was the result of an illegal search of the NSA database (which produced travel records for the wrong “Michael Cohen”).

Given the history of animosity between the FBI and NSA over misuse of the database, I cannot help but wonder whether the NSA is taking a shot at the FBI by preemptively producing the records that the FBI refused to produce, i.e., records of the FBI’s ongoing illegal surveillance of U.S. citizens. The FBI is downright dangerous, and perhaps some patriots at the NSA recognize that. Consider, for example, the growing evidence that the FBI not only infiltrated but helped orchestrate the January 6, 2021 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.
* * * ... y-fbi-too/
Green Beret: Numerous Patriots Have Told Me They Were Contacted by FBI Too


* * *

Teenager gives brilliant speech against Critical Race Theory...

* * * ... a-lawsuit/
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Leaked Emails Show Democrat-run Government Of California Colluded With Twitter In Order To Suspend Pro-Trump Accounts — They’re Are Now Facing A Lawsuit

* * * ... rans-view/
CRT Infiltrating The Ranks, A Latina Veteran’s View
It came approximately 90 days after Joe Biden was installed into office. Almost immediately word came from the unit CO that a mandatory training was to be completed throughout the units…the timing is just a little too perfect. The new training for the military and civilians alike that has recently popped up is called “Anti-Extremism Awareness”. While I thought ,”ok, this is new…” I was horrified to notice subtleties unlike any anti-terrorism or extremist training I had ever been through.

I couldn’t help notice that the only type extremism that was discussed was specifically Nazism and white supremacy. It completely ignores that extremists exist in every major racial or cultural group. Supremacist ideology exists in every group of homogenous people. This feeling can be stronger or weaker depending on the individual. In fact, the conclusion of the “Anti-extremism” training addresses frequently asked questions they have received from service members. One of those is if a military member is affiliated with Black Lives Matter, that it is perfectly ok to speak about it. Uh, Portland is burning.
* * * ... h-n2591233
That Loudmouth Troublemaker Is An FBI Snitch
And for those huffy bureaucrat defenders who insist our glorious premier investigative agency would never stoop to framing people, I give you “FBI Agent Kujtim Sadiku [who] admitted last week in an ongoing trial in Knoxville that federal agents:

Falsely accused former UTK associate professor Dr. Anming Hu of being a Chinese spy.

Falsely implicated him as an operative for the Chinese military in meetings with Hu’s bosses

Used false information to put Hu on the federal no-fly list.

Spurred U.S. customs agents to seize Hu’s computer and phone and spread word throughout the international research community that Hu was poison.

Used false information to justify putting a team of agents to spy on Hu and his son, a freshman at UTK, for nearly two years.

Used false information to press Hu to become a spy for the U.S. government.”

So, if you think those very special agents wouldn’t gin up and encourage a conspiracy to commit some crime in order to hook-up a bunch of knuckle-dragging Jesus people who like Trump and think that men can’t magically change into women by wanting to, think again. Here’s a good rule of thumb – assume anyone pushing conservatives to do something illegal, immoral, or just plain stupid in a chat room, at a meeting, in a bar, is probably working with the feds to set us up. And the proper response is “Beat it, narc.”
* * * ... officials/
Hundreds of Citizens Deliver Over 7,000 Affidavits Claiming Election Fraud to Michigan Officials
According to, Kristina Karamo, a Republican and the state’s first black, female candidate for secretary of state, “delivered boxes of thousands of affidavits” to acting Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

Ironically, a valid photo ID is required to enter the building to see Benson, who maintains that voter ID laws are inherently racist, according to the report.

“Does this mean the Sec of State Benson is a racist?” Karamo asked in a video posted by the outlet.
affidavits are generally sworn testimony that is a punishable felony if untruthful .

* * * ... ctrinated/
Media Very Concerned American Parents Do Not Want Children Indoctrinated

PBS Reporter: Critical Race Theory Is “Mobilizing People And Resonating Very Deeply”

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Pence finishes last at Western Conservative Summit poll .

Ron DeSantis — 74.12%
Donald Trump — 71.43%
Ted Cruz — 42.86%
Mike Pompeo — 39.35%
Tim Scott — 35.58%
Kristi Noem — 29.92%
Tom Cotton — 29.92%
Rand Paul — 27.76%
Donald Trump Jr. — 24.8%
Mike Pence — 21.56%

* * * ... -6-mayhem/
New Footage Shows Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter was Desperate to Kill During Jan. 6 Mayhem

more and more comes out .

* * *
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by GT93 » June 22, 2021, 7:43 am

Giggle wrote:
June 16, 2021, 2:39 pm

Vlad Putin's Russia would never shoot an unarmed peaceful protester inside the Kremlin. See 3:50

I have more faith in the leadership of Putin than JoeBama.
At you - :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lock 'em up - Eastman, Giuliani, Senator Graham, Meadows and Trump

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Giggle » June 22, 2021, 1:27 pm


Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat) the junior United States Senator from Rhode Island since 2007, bills himself as a progressive and prominent critic of “systemic racism” — but has a membership to an all-white private beach club in Rhode Island.

The hypocrisy is staggering. It's why America is coming apart at the seams. These vile creatures don't seem phased by their sham posturing, piety and sanctimony. How do they reconcile that? How do they sleep at night?
Ashli Babbitt -- SAY HER NAME!

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by pipoz4444 » June 22, 2021, 5:49 pm

Just a measure or indication of how safe some countries are or perceived to be. It may not be 100% accurate but does indicate which are supposedly the better and which are supposedly the worse. :confused:

There is no political spin, no religious spin, no wealth spin and no race spin, as to which countries are safe considered to be more safe than others. =;

The Top 40 (a lot of the two Greens) are a mixture of all walks of life, with different modes of Governments ( left, moderate &right), some with different mechanisms of Government, some without traditional Government structures, i.e. Monarch’s, Rulers etc. some Countries are wealthy by international standards and some are more on the impoverished side, some have highly effective police forces and some have very little police effectiveness, in some countries people kill without a second thought and in other they don't even think about doing it. :-k [-(

1.There does not appear to be any identifiable pattern, as to what makes one country more safe than another, other than the people who inhabit it.

2.There does not appear to be a reason as to why the people of one country choose to riot, loot and destroy peoples livelihoods, other than the make up of the people themselves.

Interesting that the Greens tend to be in regions clustered together (Australasia/Asia + West South America + West Europe + Lower South Africa and Reds/Orange Upper Africa + West Asia + Russia

To me, it comes down to the mix of people in that country and how they think they can act towards each other and what they think they can get away with. Politics and Poverty aside, some people just have little or no respect for others and some are bone lazy looking for an easy way out and some are just born to be violent towards others.
Enough to fill the first 100 Space Shuttles to Mars. \:D/ \:D/ \:D/

Safest Countries In The World 2021 Global State of Peace
The top 10 safest countries in the world are as follows:
1. Iceland
2. New Zealand
3. Portugal
4. Austria
5. Denmark
6. Canada
7. Singapore
8. Czech Republic
9. Japan
10. Switzerland

Capture 1 Safest Countries in the World.PNG

Other 2020 Global Index Rating
Australia 13
Finland 14
Germany 16
Norway 17
Malaysia 20
Netherlands 21
Romania 22
Hungary 24
Qatar 27
Poland 29
Italy 31
Botswana 33
Taiwan 37
Kuwait 39
UAE 41
Laos 50
UK 52
Vietnam 64
Angola 91
Papua New Guinea 101 (Interesting)
China 104
Thailand 114
Honduras 119
USA 121
Mexico 137
Russia 154

That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

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Udon Map
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Udon Map » June 22, 2021, 6:17 pm

Giggle wrote:
June 22, 2021, 1:27 pm
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat) the junior United States Senator from Rhode Island since 2007, bills himself as a progressive and prominent critic of “systemic racism” — but has a membership to an all-white private beach club in Rhode Island.

The hypocrisy is staggering. It's why America is coming apart at the seams. These vile creatures don't seem phased by their sham posturing, piety and sanctimony. How do they reconcile that? How do they sleep at night?
Let's make sure that we tell the whole story, shall we?

According to the Boston Globe:
On Monday, Black Lives Matter PAC also took the Senator to task for belonging to the club, though activist blogger Quahog United, which “supports the social Left,” noted that while the club is not “all-white,” it, and others like it, “needs to do a lot better.”

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Giggle » June 22, 2021, 11:04 pm

That's the opinion of a self-described activist blogger, not the opinion of the Boston Globe.

Is the "not all white" opinion a nod to the one-drop rule? Al principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th century. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ('one drop' of 'black blood') is considered black.

Democrats have a long history of racial discrimination in their ranks. This doesn't surprise me in the least. Contemporary Democrat leaders are trying to re-institute widespread racial discrimination. Its disgusting and its tearing America apart at the seams. Those who support this should be ashamed of themselves.
Ashli Babbitt -- SAY HER NAME!

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Udon Map » June 22, 2021, 11:39 pm

Giggle wrote:
June 22, 2021, 11:04 pm
That's the opinion of a self-described activist blogger, not the opinion of the Boston Globe. ... Is the "not all white" opinion a nod to the one-drop rule? Al principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States in the 20th century. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry ('one drop' of 'black blood') is considered black.
Agreed, but important to note a self-described LEFT activist blogger, one whose agenda favors finding discrimination. And I expect that while it's likely that there is more than one black family in the club, it's also likely that they have a more difficult time getting in.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 23, 2021, 6:09 am

Giggle wrote:
June 22, 2021, 1:27 pm
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat)
nothing matters for democrats .
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Khun Paul » June 23, 2021, 6:26 am

Well it really does not matter does it. The republicans have shown that they are in the Senate for themselves bugger the American people, by refusing to change the way the PEROPLE are allowed to vote. Despite polls showing most Americans SUPPORT the change those lily livered, scared holier than thou Republicans are afraid , so will not support any change .
All hail the mighty selfish Republicans showing us all that America is going down the pan , slowly edging into a failed free country .Congratulations, quicker than I thought.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 23, 2021, 6:36 am ... -cnn-msnbc
WATCH: Glenn Greenwald suggests the FBI had a role in Jan. 6 riot, exposes propaganda of CNN, MSNBC
"The vast majority of times that you heard the FBI applauding itself for having stopped a terrorist pod domestically was actually a pod that they themselves governed and directed, with informants and with operatives exactly of the type that we know for certain they put into the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters, two of the three groups they claim are behind Jan. 6," Greenwald quips.

"So, the only way you can claim this is some kind of a crazy conspiracy theory is if you are either completely ignorant about what the FBI does, or lying on purpose to cover up what the FBI does when it acts domestically," Greenwald declares.
* * * ... ncitement/
They’ve Done This Before: Five Past Cases of FBI Incitement ... january-6/
Recent History Suggests FBI Involvement in January 6 ... r-innocent
When the FBI Framed Four Innocent Men

* * * ... -over-1-6/
Baked Alaska Says FBI Is Trying To Force Him To Become An Informant With Threats Of Federal Prison Time Over 1/6
Revelation reinforces reporting by Revolver News on FBI's reliance on informants and co-conspirators to make case against 1/6 Trump supporters
* * * ... 19-deaths/
Study: Ivermectin can lead to "large reductions" in Covid-19 deaths

and a related story . lots of hiding going on in the last 18+ months . ... uppressed/
Why Was News of India’s Success With Ivermectin Suppressed?
Billions of dollars are at stake, not just for the mRNA vaccine makers, but for efforts to develop new antiviral drugs, ones that can be patented and sold at a significant markup.
* * * ... es-n398076
Landslide: 80% support photo ID for voting, including 62% of Democrats and overwhelming share of minorities
Take a guess what the racial breakdown on that question is. Given how often Democratic politicians equate laws tightening voting rules with Jim Crow, you might expect heavy support for voter ID laws among whites and only tepid support, or even opposition, among minorities. But you’d be wrong. Monmouth has whites split 77/21 and nonwhites approaching unanimity at 84/13. The same is true when we look at income, with a larger share of those who earn less than $50,000 per year in favor of voter ID (81 percent) than those who make more than $100,000 (76 percent). Opposing these laws isn’t a winner even within Abrams’s own coalition. It’s a boutique issue for woke white liberals.

And even liberals support photo ID for voting in this poll on balance, 56/39.
* * * ... enth-riot/
VIDEO: Black Crowd Cheers as White Woman is Savagely Beaten at New Jersey Juneteenth Riot

A Celebration to Mark the 1865 End of Slavery Devolved into a Full Scale Riot in Long Branch, NJ
a national holiday celebrating republicans freeing the last slaves held by democrats but already used to blame white people some more and . . . you know the rest .


* * *
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
Afghanistan and Iran are not part of the EU, but they would be very worthy totalitarian members.

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 23, 2021, 7:20 am ... te-chamber
Republican filibuster kills Democratic voting legislation in the Senate chamber

congratulations to republicans representing their voters and defending the Constitution . bravo .

many cheering for this federal law probably do not understand that federal laws can not override the Constitution of the United States . the Constitution can only be changed through amendment not by any federal law . please direct your attention to Article II, § 1, Clause 2 .
In Federalist No. 68, Alexander Hamilton explained that the electors Clause giving state legislatures this plenary authority was intended to put an “obstacle” in the path of those who would use “intrigue” and “corruption” to elect the president.
I think democrat politicians in 2020 and 2021 woudl more than qualify as "those who would use intrigue and corruption to elect the president."
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by tamada » June 23, 2021, 7:30 am

Sheesh!... no wonder so many veterans are so conflicted.

U.S. Military Training Document Says Socialists Represent “Terrorist” Ideology ... vy-antifa/

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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Giggle » June 23, 2021, 12:56 pm

Multiple women were seen twerking on the top of an ambulance in Lake Merritt in Oakland, California on Saturday night, as paramedics attempted to make their way through to the scene of a shooting in which one person was killed and at least seven others were wounded.
The ambulance was stopped in its tracks by the crowd which was said to be around 1,000-strong as people gathered to celebrate Juneteenth after it was declared a federal holiday.

This is the result of a no consequences culture.
Ashli Babbitt -- SAY HER NAME!

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Declan MacPherson
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Re: America coming apart at the seams?

Post by Declan MacPherson » June 24, 2021, 6:52 am

Giggle wrote:
June 23, 2021, 12:56 pm

Multiple women were seen twerking on the top of an ambulance in Lake Merritt in Oakland, California on Saturday night, as paramedics attempted to make their way through to the scene of a shooting in which one person was killed and at least seven others were wounded.
The ambulance was stopped in its tracks by the crowd which was said to be around 1,000-strong as people gathered to celebrate Juneteenth after it was declared a federal holiday.

This is the result of a no consequences culture.
already has become a holiday for nationwide lawlessness in blue cities and blue states .
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
Afghanistan and Iran are not part of the EU, but they would be very worthy totalitarian members.

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