Nong's Ribs - New Restaurant [CLOSED]

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Post by VicVegas » July 7, 2007, 1:00 am

Enjoyed the Sirloin Steak the other night. Asked for medium and got medium, a shocking developement in Thailand. Well done again Eddie.

Oh, I vote for the chicken caccitore, but I haven't tried the chicken soup yet.

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Post by erikr_ » July 7, 2007, 7:13 pm

See now I have to start thinking if i will include this place in my trip or not

the mrs wants that korean bbq thingy and i would like steak

Maybe one of those days where i have to eat twice :D

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Post by Pakawala » July 7, 2007, 10:21 pm

IMHO, the Korean BBQ 'thingy' is a pain in the butt. I don't like to go to a restaurant and end up doing my own cooking!! What a rip-off. No Eddie, you and Nong have the formula down perfectly - don't change it. Or, as they used to say in the Navy, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." The sirloin and rib-eye's were the perfect addition to an already great menu... hang in there and remember it's currently "low season". :?

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Post by erikr_ » July 9, 2007, 8:05 am

haha never change a good formula, like i said i might have to eat twice that day

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Post by sappiajk » July 10, 2007, 3:55 pm

I just got back into town and looking forward to trying Nong's Ribs. I hear Eddie is from Brooklyn... any chance of expanding to some good fresh hot Brooklyn Bagels, or NYC pizza?


Post by efxg57 » July 12, 2007, 9:03 pm

hey guys, news from Nongs..... starting Saturday, marinaded Sirloins and Rib-Eyes will be offered ( best steaks in Udon :D !!!!!!! also, Fish Sandwich w/F.F. 50 B , BBQ Chicken =P~ is back 80 B and Sunday Chicken Cacciatore =P~ =P~ will be on the Special board, served with Italian Bread!!!!!!!!!!!!

see you all soon

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Post by jingjai » July 15, 2007, 1:53 pm

Had the Chicken Cacciatore for lunch today. Very good!
Two pieces chicken (thigh & drumstick) cooked in delicious sauce served over a good helping of spaghetti and two pieces of bread.
Good food, good value for money (90 baht), and a table with a "view". :D

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Post by stickyfingers » July 17, 2007, 8:54 pm

hey eddy & nong. well, i knew this would happen, we all went out tonight to CNO, i had the ribs and jim had the steak, neither of us was impressed!!!!!! my wife thinks that i love her family because i keep asking when are we going back to visit!!!! IF SHE ONLY NEW THE TRUTH, MAN I MISS YOUR FOOD :lol: :D !!!!!!!!!!
think about my offer, still stands, we could do great things here in Pattaya.
see you soon and tell Nong I say HELLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!
john s


Post by carpy » July 18, 2007, 9:45 pm

Been to Nongs a few times now and the ribs are great.The thai food is good value for money.But I would like to hear some reports on the steaks.Marinating rib eye sounds like a waste or trying to cover up for Thai beef.Anyway would like to have some feed back on the steaks.


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Post by briang » July 18, 2007, 9:55 pm

Try looking on page 11 of this Thread you will find several enthusiastic reviews of the Steak. ;)


Post by carpy » July 18, 2007, 10:05 pm

Thanks for that I will look


Post by efxg57 » July 19, 2007, 7:51 pm

hey carpy, bout the marinading of our steaks, well call me greedy, or perhaps selfish, i cook things at Nong's the way i like them, and it seems as though most if not all of our customers agree. not covering up any taste, our meats i will put against any in THAILAND, always fresh, never frozen, as with ALL THINGS SERVED, QUALITY COMES FIRST. but please, you be the judge.
see you soon
eddie :D

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Post by stickyfingers » July 21, 2007, 4:39 pm

hey eddy, don't sweat it man, we know who's got the best meat :shock: , I mean beef =D> in thailand. like my mama used to tell me" THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING IS IN THE TASTING" be well and will be up in Sept. give my best to nong :lol:

john s


Post by efxg57 » July 23, 2007, 11:24 am

heys guys, news of the day. opened today and tomorrow, closed July 29th Sunday and Monday the 30th. sorry for any confusion. Brians party schedule for the 26th is going to be postponed, news to follow.......

see you all soon!!!!!!

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Post by stickyfingers » July 30, 2007, 9:42 am

eddy & nong, ENJOY YOUR TRIP :D :lol: :D :lol: :lol:

john s

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Post by jackspratt » August 11, 2007, 8:57 pm

Based on the good reports I ventured to Nong's today to try some ribs (take away).

Ordered 1 kilo, but no longer TBH120, now 150. Came with a smallish serve of french fries, which were consumed immediately, and were quite tasty.

Got back to the Moo Ban a couple of hours later, and ate the ribs, which were most enjoyable.

A word of caution for the uninitiated however - what starts as 1kg before cooking ends up as about 600g on the plate (trust me - the container felt light before I put in into the microwave, so I weighed it).

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Post by VicVegas » August 13, 2007, 9:10 pm

I told my TGF she could eat anywhere she wanted for Mamma's Day on Sunday, and she (with no prompting from me) picked Nong's. Together we put away a kilo of ribs, and she also had some sort of Thai salad. Everything was outstanding as usual. =D>

Sorry, I forgot to weigh them. #-o


Post by efxg57 » August 24, 2007, 1:00 pm

WE'RE BAAACK !!!!! good to be back :lol: , long flight :cry: , sorry if I missed anyone last night for the free Margarita offer, but didn't make it down till after 9:00 pm, Cliff & EZRider enjoyed :D . okay, to be fair, and Fair is my middle name :mrgreen: same offer stands today, come on down for a FREE Margarita, ( lets limit it to 2 freebies boyz :shock: ) also, will be offering the BIGARITA. What pray tell is that eddie, you might ask? Well, come on down and see for yourself :razz:

see you all soon

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Post by banpaeng » August 24, 2007, 7:39 pm

I figured that one out Eddie. That is the big girl you been hiding out in back for us big guys. Once Big Rita is out of the bag the place will be packed. :lol: :lol:

Glad you and the Missus had a good trip to the US. I will be back for a plate of ribs soon. =D>
Last edited by banpaeng on August 25, 2007, 2:44 am, edited 1 time in total.


Post by carpy » August 24, 2007, 9:24 pm

Hi Eddie,
Good to hear you had a good trip.I was at the free rib and roast night at down under bar on Wednesday.I think you have some good competition.The meat just fell of the bone.Sauce was great.Although I think your ribs are great.Sams are a very strong competition to for you.Maybe we can see a rib cook off.LOL


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