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Post by Garnet » July 16, 2007, 2:40 am

I have had a few experiences in Thailand. One of them was utterly embarrassing! I mentioned it on the old Forum in January/2005, so I'll just quote it again:

I had an episode at the Napoli, I believe it is called. Jack and I were enjoying the gorgeous sun-shining opportunity around the pool, and she even undertook some swims. For me, it was my first chance to suntan since leaving Canada that Winter, so solar exposire was my entire concern. I just stood about in the sunlight, slowly drinking some beers.

And then something went amiss. I was assaulted so badly that I barely achieved our room to use the toilet. Blessedly, I had the entire experience all to myself...and then as I 'reassembled' for the return to the pool, not only did the maid let herself into the darn room, but so did the girl that Jack had entrusted our laundry to! They entered in unity, and the whole dwelling was so undeniably offensive as a result of my very recent malodorous experience that I could only push past them in utter humiliation in my bathing suit and escape downstairs towards the outdoor pool area. And I prayed that I would never meet either of these ladies again--thank God for Jack managing all of my affairs!!!

The bathroom/toilet was situated right by the entrance to the room, so those two poor ladies never stood a chance -- and neither did my dignity!

Garnet & Jack

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Post by little Britain » July 16, 2007, 5:50 am

beer monkey wrote: Hope your hong narms are sweet smelling farmer. .Image
Are you inferring that Nobi is a "Sour-Krout" :lol: :lol:

"quote" John Cleese

"Don't mention the War!" :lol: :lol:

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The Farmer
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Post by The Farmer » July 16, 2007, 1:41 pm

Savadee Khap khun ling,
MY TOILET IS BE CLEANED 3 TIMES DAY.But I know,you don't care....
18 years is a long time.I stay for now around 7 years.So,for sure,you have nore experience living in Thailand,turned to a beermonkey....
For sure yu have no problems eating at the street,I understand allready.
But let me try to explain for the REST of this small world,my experience,my general ideas.
First of all I love Thailand,the people,many things.Great Expectations about food,when I arived the first time.The goldmedal-winner this time was a german chef with mixing the Thai with the German cuisine.
First time I allways eaten streetfood,I was impressed,how busy this people from morning to nighttime.I not thougt about the rules of hygiene,I was sure,thre are some. :D
What I didn't knew in this time was,there are NO rules and NOBODY really intrested in a controlling system.There might be some now,but nobody really takes care.After 18 years,you should know that in Thailand is only one thing importend.
No,not love,not YOU,not anybodies healthiness.
Knowing that,you can imagine that there is nobody throwing anything away in a kitchen,whats going decayed.
i did this yesterday,my fidge failed on our day off.So around 20 hours meat,milk,gravies,etc.bad allready.3000-4000,-Bth.
Not so bad,but I made a decission.My Thaistuff: :shock:
They wanted it to take home.Up to them.Only my Chef understood....
So,if I tell you now,that I had a Pigfarm with own slaughtering,a meatshop,making sausages,ham,etc.Delivery to many Thaikitchen,we can write a book about this,ok?
I went out of the slaughterhouse for some reason.Its an other book.Since this time I worked ogether with Tessabaan.(Govournemet)Animalhealth and generally hygiene in Thaikitchen,resteraunts and Thaimarket and the problematic at the slaughterhouse.
They are some very smart people at the govournement,but mostly helpless.We had a lot of interesting conversations.My Farm was comming up to ISO 9000
They know the situation about the NOT-COOLSYSTEM at the market,mostly Thaikitchen.Porkmeet for instance,begins after 30 minutes to decay.Starting,so you have several hours,depending on temperature.
So at the Udon-slaughterhouse,they are killing at nigh,starting 8pm.Open pigup's loading the meat,bringing it to the different markets.4-5am customer buy this meat,include flies,bringing it to their small restaurants,which mainly openat 6am.
Through the hole day,there is a little bit(remember the moneything) ice in a box,take care of everything in the box.Vegatable,some days old,meat from yesterday(Low season),plastic bags,etc.And always this sticky fingers inside,comming with a bit of snot.
Example:I asked one guy at the market,selling meet,what he will do with this yellow-greenish meet in his box,sure 2 days old?--"Oh,no plpblem,tomollow we make sausage" :shock:
one more?:I delivered to a customer,making streetfood,Loin and belly.He opened noonish his shop.So,7am,I was told to put this meet in a Icebox.Allredy inside some grinded pork.But there was no ice.Some vegetable looked sad already.
He told me,he like when the meet stay in the box,sunshining,because of the taste.
He will processing it in the afternoon,evenig its tender.After it was hanging redish without any cooling in his small car.
Yes you are wright,there are some Phallang-Restaurants,dirty and awful,without any hygiene,because not controlled.I know some of them.

Example:Some Italy guy brought me to a toilet,getting of my rocks.Not happend
since I was 16 Year old.Pizza seafood,I didn't smell it.Terrible.

Example:My village,eating LABWHUA.I had only Kilai for two days,People which don't drink alcohol went to hospital in a serious situation.People drinking Laokhao(Thaiwhikey),they were fine.I drank beer and a little bit of whisky.

You ever had a look at the 3-floor restaurant (Maeh jah)in the city?Inside perfect,well dressed stuff.Looks clean.Had you ever a look behind to the kitchen?
Since I saw this,I made an other decision.

The thing what I can tell you is,the quality of food depends on the chef,and the own controlling system,because there is no other.
Think about education in Thailand,where learns a hef o be an chef?
For now,I had 4 of them.And I got rid of them.Some other book.
And think about,who is comming to Thailand and starting an business?
So,I would say,10% knowing there job.
For me:I will try allways my best.So I go myself to the market for fresh vegetables,look for clean meat.We wash our dishes with hot water,we using a seperat icebox for drinks and bottles,cleaning our vegetable with clean water.
Raising my own pigs on my old farm.I pay a little bit more,but they are raising with my calculated feed.(Together with University of Nebraska,that meens, cornfeeded pigs)
So,after all,you can complaine me again.But I know,what I am talking about.
Here is no controlling system.This GOOD FOOD sign,you can buy for an dip.
Only money let this people here mad a decission.Honestly people?You are searching for.

So,know I will go and eat my QUITIO,after I had a JOK in the morning,
my girlfriend eats her second SOMDAM fron the street opposit. 8)
The Farmer,hopefully understood 8)

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beer monkey
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Post by beer monkey » July 16, 2007, 3:29 pm

Farmer wrote:MY TOILET IS BE CLEANED 3 TIMES DAY.But I know,you don't care....
I would'nt sat i don't care Farmer, i do like a nice clean hong narm in an establishment, for me it says something about a place.

Thanks for the informative post, i can see where you are coming from a bit better. ;)

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The Farmer
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Post by The Farmer » July 16, 2007, 5:35 pm

Hey,beer monkey,
I know you care,and I agree with that toilet-thing.
If you could now take this bitbull, pissing on me, away,I would be very happy. :lol:
Sorry,if I kicked you a little bit,but I think you understand...
The farmer 8)

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Post by farang » July 16, 2007, 6:18 pm

i totally disagree with you ..... #-o

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Post by pompui » July 16, 2007, 6:38 pm

If I have a dodgy stomach after eating streetfood or having been to a Thai restaurant,how much would it cost me to use your clean hongnam to leave a deposit,5 baht or do you charge per sheet of bogroll? :D

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Post by farang » July 16, 2007, 6:39 pm




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beer monkey
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Post by beer monkey » July 16, 2007, 6:50 pm

Looks nice and clean and tidy that street food stuff ,60 million Thais and a few farang can't be wrong, ...., thats got my mouth watering now =P~

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Frankie 1
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Post by Frankie 1 » July 16, 2007, 6:51 pm

Some time ago I was invited to eat at a friends house. Already in the afternoon he had some porkmeat lying on the table outside in the sun. It looked like it had been there already for a few hours. I asked him about it and he said he was sun-drying the meat for a much better taste.
The dinner was tasty and good.

When in Thailand I try everything, although I sometimes don't understand their methods. And I've never been sick.

I even like the koy-whua (it's raw larb-whua), and never had a problem.

I think you have to make sure that pork, chicken and sausages are properly baked/fried, and that your fried egg isn't half raw either.

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Post by GEC » July 16, 2007, 6:56 pm

Very Good photo's, Farang. Not too long before I see all that food for myself and the the nice people cooking it, 184 days to be precise but who's counting!! LOL Will be in Udon around middle of January '08. GEC :D :D :D

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beer monkey
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Post by beer monkey » July 16, 2007, 7:07 pm

your fried egg isn't half raw either.
Talking of Eggs....something i don't fancy or would'nt recommend and that is "Kai Doua" its a steamed egg with a baby chick inside,some of the issan folk like them inc Mrs Ling.

The father in law just loves the eggs that are on the turn and give out a stinky gas, i think he boils them and then eats them, they have a name but don't know what it is.
i think he has had his fair share of the squirts over the years but it don't de-ter him and seems to keep eating everything. :mad:...the stinky and baby chick egg things are not really what i would call regular street food but food all the same.

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Post by Ricohoc » July 16, 2007, 7:25 pm

Fortunately, my New Orleans bred constitution has been trained to handle the hot and spicy foods, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I could handle the ice and the tap water without any surprises.

To be able to eat a healthy-sized plate of Kha Moo on the street and escape with only a 35 baht charge is wonderful. The three different kinds of sausages that I had along with all of the curries and fried rice dishes were excellent.

The only food that disappointed me was the buffet on the corner opposite the mall. The food wasn't bad. It was edible, but all the other food I ate in Thailand was much better prepared and was more tasty.

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Post by farang » July 16, 2007, 7:43 pm

bbq chicken feet ,very tasty =P~


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beer monkey
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Post by beer monkey » July 16, 2007, 8:02 pm

Mrs Ling buys them every couple of weeks and keeps them in the freezer, great in the nom-jean, she clips the toe nails off first with sissors... (toe nails ?? ) LOL.
Can You Dig It Dug.?

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beer monkey
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Post by beer monkey » July 16, 2007, 8:36 pm

Here is no controlling system.This GOOD FOOD sign,you can buy for an dip.

From the FAO/WHO website on thai street food.( Clean Food Good Taste Signs)


For the operation of street food vendors, 12 practices or standard of operation must be followed. For restaurants this goes up to 15, and for cafeteria 30. The following are food sanitation standard for street foods.

1. Food stall surface must be made from material that is easy to clean and must be in good condition so as to permit easy and adequate cleaning. All food preparation or cooking area must be elevated to at least 60 cm. above ground.
2. Cooked food must be covered or stored in clean containers to prevent contamination from insects or other pests.
3. Food additives used must be those that have been approved by authorized office such as FDA.
4. Drinking water must be clean and fit for human consumption. It must be kept or stored in clean and covered container with spout or draining valve.
5. Beverage must be stored in clean and covered container with spout or draining valve. Long handle ladle may be used.
6. Ice must be clean and fit for human consumption. It must be kept in clean and closed container that is elevated to at least 60 cm. above ground. Long handle ladle is to be used to draw the ice and nothing shall be cooled, or stored in this ice.
7. Wash utensils with dish-washing detergent and rinse well under running water or twice in two water basins. This operation must also be elevated to at least 60 cm. above ground.
8. Spoons, forks, chopsticks must be stored in open containers with good circulation with the handles up. This container must also be elevated to at least 60 cm. above ground.
9. Food waste and trash must be collected and removed.
10. Food handlers must wear clean cloth and the shirt must have sleeves. The cook must wear an apron and also a hat or hair net.
11. Always use clean utensil to pick up or serve food.
12. Any wound or cut on food handler's hand must be covered and protected with water-proof covering to prevent transmission of disease.


Until now, 5,377 restaurants (of 11,731 who applied) and 3,045 vendors (of 6,843 who applied) have passed the criteria and been awarded the Clean Food Good Taste logo to be displayed at their businesses. The success of the Clean Food Good Taste Project is due to four great strategies used: partnerships and co-ownership, quality assurance, sustainability, and public awareness and involvement.

read more here ..

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beer monkey
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Post by beer monkey » July 16, 2007, 8:48 pm

ricohoc wrote:The only food that disappointed me was the buffet on the corner opposite the mall. The food wasn't bad. It was edible, but all the other food I ate in Thailand was much better prepared and was more tasty.
often looked at the food through the window on that place, it did'nt do a lot for me,usually quite a few farang eating in there though.

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The Farmer
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Post by The Farmer » July 16, 2007, 9:00 pm

So,I must be wrong
All the discussion and meetings with the govournement about to do something better, specially streetfood was nonsens
To close the slaughterhouse and invest in a modern one is stupid
Nobody sitting on the floor,when they are cutting vegetables,meat,whatever
Everybody clean his hands,coming from toilet before he processing meet
Everybody has clean clothes while cooking
Nobody takes something old already for cooking
Every meat,fish,etc. is always in the freh or fridge
Meat will not be transported in a plastic bag in front of a motorcicle,staying in the sun and dust,waiting for the fresh,while the owner drinks laokhao,
You can everybody about the 12 rules,everybody will know and follow
There is a nice controlsystem not corrupt,will take care,that everybody follwing

Whow,here is the perfect world. :lol:
Sorry,if I steel your time before.
Looks like I can change my style of store meat,etc.
I can save a lot of money,switch out all my fridges. :lol:
Now I am happy,thank you ladies and gentlemen
You open my eyes
Bye,bye The Farmer :shock:

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Post by Ricohoc » July 16, 2007, 9:13 pm

beer monkey wrote:
ricohoc wrote:The only food that disappointed me was the buffet on the corner opposite the mall. The food wasn't bad. It was edible, but all the other food I ate in Thailand was much better prepared and was more tasty.
often looked at the food through the window on that place, it did'nt do a lot for me,usually quite a few farang eating in there though.
There were some farangs in there eating when we went. Maybe they just went for the price and convenience and quantity.

The food didn't look all that hot to me either, but my gf brought me there thinking I would rather save a few baht than eat a good meal. Price was right at 60 baht, but I have eaten at street cafes for just about half of that and enjoyed it at least three or four times as much.

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Post by farang » July 16, 2007, 9:30 pm

i have tried that shop aswell, food was ok`ish , would score it a 4 out of 10 in my book .
i do know a few mates that eat there most days,they like it.
but as Ricohoc says its the quantity, that`s why they go there LOL

kee tee na LOL

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