Some people do not read so good.
Kyle was in legal possession of the rifle, the prosecution admitted it during the trial, and Judge Schroeder threw out the gun charge before the jury ever deliberated.
In a free society, people are free to cross state lines and go wherever they want to go. That includes going to cities that are under siege where friends and family members reside. Kyle was initially there to help clean up after the night before. ... 15769.html
Judge dismisses weapons charge against Kyle Rittenhouse just before closing arguments begin in his homicide trial
The defense team said the count should be dismissed because the AR-style semi-automatic rifle Rittenhouse brought to an August 2020 protest was not short-barreled.
Prosecutors had repeatedly argued that Wisconsin's statute was intended to prevent minors from accessing weapons, but on Monday they conceded that Rittenhouse's rifle was not short-barreled. In his ruling, Schroeder noted that the law was poorly written.
In Wisconsin, adults are legally permitted to openly carry firearms, though minors are prohibited in many circumstances. But Rittenhouse's defense attorneys had argued that the specific wording of Wisconsin's laws didn't actually bar a 17-year-old from carrying a rifle with a long barrel — only short-barreled weapons.
Good people with Guns have the ability to save their own lives.
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Kyle had no criminal record and to this day is still not a criminal.
Had evidence been presented at trial that Kyle was acting as a vigilante, I doubt that he would have been found not guilty. There was no such evidence. He initially went to Kenosha to help with cleanup after the night before. Secondarily, he was assisting a business owner preserve his property since local police were overwhelmed. All of that is in courtroom testimony.
All of the evidence showed that Kyle was acting in self defense, and I'm sure that he is thankful that there were civilians filming that night instead of the corporate media reporting about "mostly peaceful protests." Even the lone survivor of "The Kenosha Hat Trick" admitted under oath on the stand that Kyle did not level his weapon at him until he pointed his firearm at Kyle. The prosecution's case was blown out the water by their own witness (whose charges the DA had dropped in return for testimony).
"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." - Ephesians 6:11
Afghanistan and Iran are not part of the EU, but they would be very worthy totalitarian members.