Crouch Sitting (นั่งยองๆ)

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Crouch Sitting (นั่งยองๆ)

Post by parrot » December 27, 2021, 2:57 pm

Back in NKP daze (1971), I often rode the Baht bus from downtown NKP back to the base. At the bus stop, it was hot, dusty, and no place to sit. I'd usually eat a stick of monkey balls and a coke in plastic bag while I waited. I noticed many of the local folks crouched down rather than standing.....I tried it and found it more comfortable than standing straight up. I could do that maneuver until just a few years ago as my knees aren't what they used to be.
While on my way to Makro a few days ago, this man walked out of the busy clinic (across from Top World - burned out a few years ago). He hobbled his way to the corner and in a split second, crouched down. It's something you don't get to see when you're in the US.......I'd guess 99% of adults in the US wouldn't be able to do it.
In Thai, it's called นังยองๆ nang yaawg yaawg

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Re: Crouch Sitting (นั่งยองๆ)

Post by stattointhailand » December 27, 2021, 8:29 pm

I'm guessing, taking into account the beer belly and fat ar*e most of us would end up rolling down the street

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Re: Crouch Sitting (นั่งยองๆ)

Post by semperfiguy » December 27, 2021, 9:57 pm

The reason it is so easy for the Thais is because they learn to squat before they can even walk. At that age their bones are still forming, so they grow in a position that allows them to squat much more easily. That's also why Thais have flat feet. If you don't believe me, take a good look at how their feet are turned down when they squat. The foot bones have formed that way since childhood.

When I joined the US Marine Corps in '68, they were rejecting guys with flat feet, yet in Thailand probably 99% of all military personnel are flat-footed and serve with no difficulties. I once tried to find a podiatrist in Udon and asked several doctors if one was practicing in Udon. The answer I got was "there are none in Udon because Thai people don't have foot problems". Go figure!
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Re: Crouch Sitting (นั่งยองๆ)

Post by ladda3904 » December 28, 2021, 2:08 pm

The wife and I were at one of the markets a day or 2 ago. As we headed for the car I saw an old man in the squat position beside the road. He was squatting in a place where autos could not easily see him. We approached him and helped him move to a safer spot. The poor guy could barely stand and so we helped him into a samlaw that we paid to take him home. But he could still squat.

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