i have been informing about solar panels and the systems , been to this shop ,they seem to have good service and decent explanation about the product , the result to me , is that it is still way too overpriced surely if you use battery packs which are bloody expensive ,and quality? ,as they only give 5 year warranty on battery pack 5kw that costs 150.000 baht ? , i was given a price of 190.000 baht ,on grid system , no batteries , i have made my own inquiry , with the same materials and brand it would cost me not more than 90-100.000 baht and using micro inverters ....so installation costs also way over the top ?... strangely enough they are all installing the cheapest system , with normal inverter , not the better system with micro inverters connected parallel for better efficiency ....
and all installers are avoiding the question if a permit is required from PEA for installing a system? , saying under 5Kw installation permit not needed? .....
also keep in mind an on grid ,no batteries solar system will cut your electric bill only about in half (your system must have a safety your PEA meter can not turn back ! ,as all non solar use ,nighttime /less sun will still make u use the normal grid electric ....as info