If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Drunk Monkey » November 16, 2022, 10:28 am

Drunk Monkey wrote:
November 16, 2022, 9:45 am
So DT has finally chucked his hat in the ring for the nomination to run in 2024 ... marvelous news should liven things up no end both in the USA and here on UM .... oh and also keep him out of a prison cell............for the forseeable future.

So in direct answer to the topic header ..YES.. he is the guy to MAGA

Sorry firgit the link... n vid .. https://youtu.be/dQxVgx9fOgM

Claret n Blue all way thru .. Up the Iron
L2 Season 19/20 Codheads 0 Scunny 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2qrsItFUug
8 minutes is the point of lift off !!!!!!!

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Whistler » November 16, 2022, 11:13 am


Any truth in the rumour that you will be campaign manager to secure his expat votes in SE Asia?
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Doodoo » November 16, 2022, 11:23 am

You will get your chance to vote in 2024 for The Golden Wonder,
"Yahoo News
Trump announces 3rd presidential run despite mounting headwinds"

More chances to hear the blatant lies, buy more McDonalds' Stock, listen to his so called speeches, Blah, Blah, Blah,.....

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Doodoo » November 16, 2022, 11:27 am

You will get your chance to vote in 2024 for The Golden Wonder,
"Yahoo News
Trump announces 3rd presidential run despite mounting headwinds"

More chances to hear the blatant lies, buy more McDonalds' Stock, listen to his so called speeches, Blah, Blah, Blah,.....

https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-announ ... 54364.html

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by deankham » November 16, 2022, 11:51 am

What is the situation with sleepy, creepy uncle Joe Biden?

Is he running for re-election in 2024? Assuming he lives that long.

Would be nice to see someone under 50 in the running with a bit of fire in their belly and life in them. Maybe a latino women would be a good choice to spice things up a little.

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Doodoo » November 16, 2022, 12:10 pm

Trump aint too far off in age.
As for Health Keep on those Burgers, Fries, Stroke or Heart attack

Breakfast is a PASS

Lunch former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, where he claims “the president would usually go 14 to 16 hours without eating”.

This is where Trump goes to town, having eaten lightly the rest of the day. He’s a huge fan of fast food, including McDonald’s, BK and KFC – but not just for the tastiness and reliability. He likes fast food from a safety perspective. CNN quotes Trump as saying: “One bad hamburger, you can destroy McDonald’s. One bad hamburger and you take Wendy’s and all these other places and they’re out of business. I like cleanliness, and I think you’re better off going there than maybe some place that you have no idea where the food is coming from.”

His preferred order, according to Lewandowski, is “a full McDonald’s dinner of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a small chocolate shake – a total of 2,430 calories.” Trump spoke to CNN host Anderson Cooper about his order, saying: “It’s great stuff.”
STEAK Trump is also a fan of pizza, although he doesn’t like to eat the crust.

SNACKS The president loves Diet Coke, reportedly drinking 12 cans a day. He doesn’t drink alcohol, perhaps because his brother had a problem with the substance and told Donald not to drink.

EXERCISE President Donald Trump has a number of unorthodox theories about politics. But his theory of why exercise is bad for you is the strangest
“Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy,”

No more to be said

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Whistler » November 16, 2022, 12:59 pm

Potential candidates for 2024

GOP Ron DeSantis.
New great right hope. Firmly conservative, has a charisma bypass but plenty of support

GOP Donald Trump
A souffle unlikely to rise again. Electoral poison, will not win primary against De Santis. Many MAGA cult supporters. By Nov 2024 will have several criminal convictions under appeal. Could he withdraw from the GOP and run as a MAGA candidate? quite possible? Could he withdraw with a deal made with DeSantis for a pardon, very possible?

GOP Mike Pence
The MAGA crowds first choice for a lynching, not for POTUS. If Desantis stumbles maybe an outside chance

Ted Cruz
A right wing opportunist in right wing opportunists clothing.

Bernie Sanders
A weekend at Bernies. Is he still alive or did he woke up again?

DEM Joe Biden
Groundhog day candidate. Nice old guy who never really won in 2020 coz Trump lost, only chance for a second term is if Trump wins GOP primary again and they can keep him upright.

DEM Pete Buttigieg
Young, smart and intelligent, none of the qualities American's look for in a president. Is America ready to elect a gay POTUS, unlikely?

DEM Kamala Harris

DEM Gretchen Whitmer
Rising star with no baggage if not kidnapped beforehand. one to watch

Amy Klobucha
Reasonable credentials will need a huge lift in profile to be a contender.

Michelle Obama
Another option if you follow family succession al la Bush and Clinton. Immensely popular, if she put her hand up she would be a real chance.

There will be many who put their hand up in the next 12 months, but none with a rising start bullet from Rolling Stones
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Doodoo » November 16, 2022, 1:17 pm


How about Pat Paulson? Oh that was back in the 90's.

Others are Oprah Winfrey, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson,
Tom Hanks etc

A great great campaign to be seen

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by tamada » November 16, 2022, 1:33 pm

Whistler wrote:
November 14, 2022, 5:22 pm
tamada wrote:
November 14, 2022, 3:53 pm
parrot wrote:
November 14, 2022, 11:16 am
"lame duck POTUS" with Senate majority he won't be lame duck.
So you reckon the Republican's in the lower house will be so full of peace and reconciliation that they'll happily help Democrat bills get punted upstairs for rubber stamping?

The Senate won't be overworked, that's for sure
We can speculate only.

One week ago the GOP was convinced they would easily control both chambers, the MAGA_ots were convinced they had s firm grasp on the reins. Now that has changed big time. Blind Freddy knows that the extremist element is facing the biggest push back since Jesus Christ played opening bat for the Jerusalem first XI.

Maybe the MAGA_ots will be sidelined by a resurgent sensible centre. Maybe they will dig in, maybe they will decide to tone down to regain trust.

My guess is the MAGA_ots will not be able to control their zeal and two factions of the GOP will bash each other senseless
One week ago, the MSM had some convinced that the GOP was on the cusp of seizing both Houses with their scaremongering, "red wave" nonsense. They're reputation for conveying news and facts is going the way as the election polsters.

Now Trump has declared, the Democrats are on easy street.

For those wanting feisty, Hispanic chicas, AOC will be old enough to run in 2030. Be careful of what you wish for.
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Earnest » November 16, 2022, 3:01 pm

Doodoo wrote:
November 16, 2022, 7:59 am

"Isn't Buttigieg homosexual? How would that go down in the Bible Belt or the Mid-West?"

Who cares?
Well, people might care alot if a nominee such as Buttigieg comes up against a Republican chap like de Santis. Americans aren't as liberal as the English.
tamada wrote:
November 16, 2022, 8:50 am
Agreed. Who cares
I mean, isn't Trump simply a tax-dodging, raging narcissist masquerading as a successful business icon while faking everything?
He's a white, heterosexual businessman with a measure of success. That chimes alot with Americans from the Bible Belt and the Mid-West who see him as effective opposition to their Woke Left.
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Doodoo » November 16, 2022, 3:44 pm

"Americans aren't as liberal as the English."
I certainly Disagree
The ones I know from many places in the US are very Liberal

https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurk ... 69b8bd48d8

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Doodoo » November 16, 2022, 3:49 pm

"In the United Kingdom, the word liberalism can have any of several meanings. Scholars use the term to refer to classical liberalism; the term can also mean economic liberalism, social liberalism or political liberalism; it can simply refer to the politics of the Liberal Democrat party; it can occasionally have the imported American meaning, however, the derogatory connotation is much weaker in the UK than in the US, and social liberals from both the left and right wing continue to use liberal and illiberal to describe themselves and their opponents, respectively."
Have a look

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Kenr6583 » November 16, 2022, 4:02 pm

Trump won’t even be the GOP representative if Ron DeSantis decides to run.

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Whistler » November 16, 2022, 4:04 pm

Americans in general are nowhere near as liberal as the English (British). Compare evangelical numbers in the USA estimated at 90 to 100 million compared to 2 million in the UK. There is no such thing as an evangelical liberal.. Religion in the USA is part of the fabric of society, then you have the extreme pentecostal. Hell even less than half even have a passport.

Liberal pockets yes, I lived in Austin, an island of liberalism in a sea of illiberals, but so many Americans are devoid of knowledge about the world in general, they cling to antiquated laws like the first and second amendments as being gospel without intellectually considering their merits in the 21st century.

In many respects, by my observation, many Americans are trapped in a time warp belief system better suited to the 18th and 19th centuries.
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by tamada » November 16, 2022, 4:13 pm

Earnest wrote:
November 16, 2022, 3:01 pm
Doodoo wrote:
November 16, 2022, 7:59 am

"Isn't Buttigieg homosexual? How would that go down in the Bible Belt or the Mid-West?"

Who cares?
Well, people might care alot if a nominee such as Buttigieg comes up against a Republican chap like de Santis. Americans aren't as liberal as the English.
tamada wrote:
November 16, 2022, 8:50 am
Agreed. Who cares
I mean, isn't Trump simply a tax-dodging, raging narcissist masquerading as a successful business icon while faking everything?
He's a white, heterosexual businessman with a measure of success. That chimes alot with Americans from the Bible Belt and the Mid-West who see him as effective opposition to their Woke Left.
Good points well made. There's absolutely no accounting for the homophobic or the less worldly.
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by parrot » November 16, 2022, 4:22 pm

I'm trying to figure out where people get their news if they don't get it from one of the MSM. Let's just say I didn't get my news from MSM, but instead got it from the likes of people like Kari Lake, who for months assured Arizonans that she was projected to be the next state governor. So, when she loses, she has to say, "Arizonans know BS when they see it.” If you believed Stephen Bannon or Wendy Rogers, you'd be no better off.
For a while, some people were more likely to believe something off of RT news, rather than any of the major US news networks. Go figure! Although Sean Hannity and Alex Jones only graduated from high school, I might be prone to believe their 'news' over that of RT......if I had no other choice.
Twenty-first century weather predictors can't guarantee the course of a hurricane, scholared economists don't have much luck predicting the correct timing to stop major moves like rate hikes, Putin miscalculated the Ukrainians (as did most of the world), and about an hour ago, a zillion Thais found out they did not predict the correct lottery numbers (again!). Had people thought pollsters were accurate, Democrats might not have voted as their candidate was more likely to lose.....and Republicans might not have voted because their candidate was assured a victory. I can see the positive side in polls not being exact.

I'll guess that MAGA hats will go the way of beanie babies or FTX coins.......here one day, gone the next.
Until next time, I'll stick with seasoned journalists.......not talk show commentators.....although I do find John Oliver provides some education in his commentaries.

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Stantheman » November 16, 2022, 7:41 pm

parrot wrote:
November 16, 2022, 4:22 pm
I'm trying to figure out where people get their news if they don't get it from one of the MSM. Let's just say I didn't get my news from MSM, but instead got it from the likes of people like Kari Lake, who for months assured Arizonans that she was projected to be the next state governor. So, when she loses, she has to say, "Arizonans know BS when they see it.” If you believed Stephen Bannon or Wendy Rogers, you'd be no better off.
For a while, some people were more likely to believe something off of RT news, rather than any of the major US news networks. Go figure! Although Sean Hannity and Alex Jones only graduated from high school, I might be prone to believe their 'news' over that of RT......if I had no other choice.
Twenty-first century weather predictors can't guarantee the course of a hurricane, scholared economists don't have much luck predicting the correct timing to stop major moves like rate hikes, Putin miscalculated the Ukrainians (as did most of the world), and about an hour ago, a zillion Thais found out they did not predict the correct lottery numbers (again!). Had people thought pollsters were accurate, Democrats might not have voted as their candidate was more likely to lose.....and Republicans might not have voted because their candidate was assured a victory. I can see the positive side in polls not being exact.

I'll guess that MAGA hats will go the way of beanie babies or FTX coins.......here one day, gone the next.
Until next time, I'll stick with seasoned journalists.......not talk show commentators.....although I do find John Oliver provides some education in his commentaries.
I sure miss the likes of Walter Cronkite

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Drunk Monkey » November 16, 2022, 8:15 pm

Whistler wrote:
November 16, 2022, 11:13 am

Any truth in the rumour that you will be campaign manager to secure his expat votes in SE Asia?
Thanks Whizzy ..the cats out the bag now just as my order of MAGA hats n T shirts is due to arrive..
I trust i can count on many UM members to pay subscriptions into the Udom.Maga bank account and turn up in.numbers at the rallies i have planned in Udon...
I am.hoping to get DT himself over to Udon at some point obviously this will give the thousands of udon based Trump the oppoetinity to meet the great man himself.

Vote TRUMP .. and MAGA

Claret n Blue all way thru .. Up the Iron
L2 Season 19/20 Codheads 0 Scunny 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2qrsItFUug
8 minutes is the point of lift off !!!!!!!

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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Whistler » November 16, 2022, 10:27 pm

Fabulous. Soi sampan is not bigger enough. Prajik Park may be OK if overflow crowds can be broadcast to UD Town and neighourboring Provinces

I have sent a personal request for a Udon Mega Rally April one next year. Trump has tentatively agreed but dependent on company in soi campaign on the night without legal scrutiny. 150k baht payouts are out of the question
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Re: If you could, would you vote for Donald Trump if he runs in 2024?

Post by Earnest » November 17, 2022, 2:42 am

tamada wrote:
November 16, 2022, 4:13 pm
Good points well made. There's absolutely no accounting for the homophobic or the less worldly.
I know they're good points, I made them. There are none more tolerant or liberal than the English, certainly not the Americans.
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