by Khun Paul » January 3, 2023, 10:06 am
For myself regarding after effects, Number 1 and 2 zero effects, Number three slight ahe a the injection siteand thereafter felt lehargic, Number 4 sero after effects.
As I have said before the symptoms of Covid are initially remarkably simila to flu and with the onset of colder weather colds etc are also prevalent .
Siffcie to say location of source is a pointless exercise now, reasons also p[ointless, we cannot turn back the clock . Its historical eveidence like everything in HISTORY, should enable us NEVER to make tha smae mistakes again, tightening up on Lab working, security etc will hopefully make sure it is NOT a HUMAN error that caused the problem on the next virus that sweeps the world.. ALTHOUGH there are enough running around and with many NOW refusing the basic vaccinations many previously thought to be dormant are making a comeback. Polio, German measles, etc to name but two.
This has happened sadly because the M<iddle East and some African nations ae NOT pursuing vaccines as they should and wioh Many Far right Sharia run Muslim countries also refusing Western drugs , it does not bode well