You have made the common error of many people in thinking that the system in Thailand is the same as in other countries.
It is not.
The visa allows you to enter the country (subject to IO discretion)
picture above
You are then given permission to stay in the country
picture above
The time you are allowed to stay in the country is independent of the date your visa expires it is this point that is different to many other countries practice and where confusion arises.
samster wrote: ↑March 2, 2020, 10:04 am
STW, you raise an interesting point relevant to my own circumstances.
I have an OA visa which
expired June 2019. My permission to stay is to May 2020.
As has been mentioned you DO NOT have a visa and as you said above
Your visa has passed on! Your visa is no more! It has ceased to be! 'It expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'It's a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! 'It's off the twig! 'It's kicked the bucket, 'it's shuffled off 'its mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! IT is AN EX-VISA!!
samster wrote: ↑March 2, 2020, 10:04 am
Given the changes, I was looking at the best way of doing things after May and I hadn't considered an extension of my current Visa. I assumed that, once the Visa had expired , it was dead and couldn't be extended after the "extra year" permission to stay expired.
You are correct apart from the fact that a VISA can NEVER be extended or renewed
samster wrote: ↑March 2, 2020, 10:04 am
If your advice above is correct, I will be trying go extend a Visa which expired 11 months previously which seems wrong?
You are correct apart from the fact that a VISA can NEVER be extended or renewed
However what you do have is different animal it is a valid PERMISSION to STAY (not a visa)
A permission to stay (again as has been mentioned) CAN be extended
Again as has been mentioned it will cost considerably more (probably over 50,000 Baht for insurance ) since the dead visa it started from is an OA.
My personal choice if I were in your situation would be to visit HCMC just before the current permission to stay expires and get a new Non O Visa, this would probably be less expensive this year and certainly very much less next year (always assuming no further changes)