- stattointhailand
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Thought For ays was someone who wore glassesDoodoo wrote: ↑February 26, 2023, 6:49 pmIs this become the HISTORY CHANNEL?
If it is then maybe we could start another, thread
But for now WORDS will continue
noun | FOR-ay
What It Means
A foray is an initial and often tentative attempt to do something in a new or different area of activity, as in “the novelist’s foray into nonfiction.” In martial contexts, foray means “a sudden or irregular invasion or attack for war or spoils.”
// The professional wrestler’s surprise foray into ballet was at first met with skepticism, but he eventually proved himself a dancer of grace and poise.

Of course. I'm guessing your last visit to Scotland must have been 50 years ago? You should make another trip - visa free for Australians.Whistler wrote: ↑February 26, 2023, 5:11 pmI also lived there as an adult, moved back in mid 20's. I have family there.
Historically, the English have a long track record of treating the other members of the Union rather badly, and in some cases in the past hundred years, quite recent in some respects. I see this as an England first mindset. It's about time that ended.
Just my view, others may see things differently.
Yes, the English do have a dark side, don't they, always looking to exploit Johnny Foreigner. It's true, readers.
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- stattointhailand
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- Location: Oiling the locks on my gun case
Where is Emperor Hadrian when you need him?
Evn Hadrian saw he light and decided to leave them to ther own devices. IT TOOK A SCOTTISH individual who seemingly inherited the English Kingdom to drag the unwilling Scots into a situation that they disliked but because of which became eventually organised and a useful member of a cojoined society .
Nothing to do with the English need just happened as i were, they can go back as far as I am concerned but I do feel they are unable to afford to live in the real world without English Gold as it were.
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Why would you assume so much? They have lotsa things called aeroplanes these days, I have used them heaps. Many visits to Scotland since I stopped living there. Strange little dig at being Australian and not needing a visa when you know I am British born.
Your do seem to paint a disparaging picture.
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You presumably missed out Tottenham and other decaying parts of North London and made the journey to the Gorbals via Luton, Blackpool and Bradford.
Personally I prefer the route to St Andrews via Cambridge, Harrogate and Penrith.
'Twas the A11 that way when I lived there Samster, a slow trip, I typically took the M1 in those days as I lived most of my time when in London in Edgeware. Sure a few lowlights on the way North. Ever been to Flixborough or Scunthorpe, horrible, and that was before the explosion!
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- stattointhailand
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Perhaps the Jocks should peer through the Scotch mist and look at the benefits they get from being in the Union rather than the few negatives. Just look around the world and see how many countries there are that have been given the chance to rule themselves by England and the right pigs ear most have made of it. Even when England let the Jocks/Irish etc partially govern themselves they cant even manage that, lord only knows what mess they would be in in if the had to look after all the important stuff 

- stattointhailand
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Well they're certainly not numbers
Perhaps the Sassenachs should peer above their pint glasses and look at the benefits they get from being in the EU rather than the few negatives.stattointhailand wrote: ↑February 27, 2023, 11:33 amPerhaps the Jocks should peer through the Scotch mist and look at the benefits they get from being in the Union rather than the few negatives. Just look around the world and see how many countries there are that have been given the chance to rule themselves by England and the right pigs ear most have made of it. Even when England let the Jocks/Irish etc partially govern themselves they cant even manage that, lord only knows what mess they would be in in if the had to look after all the important stuff![]()
Stat, plenty of countries have managed quite well after gaining independence from Britain. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland all have a better living standard than England, and better governments too.
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- stattointhailand
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Thats only coz England has to look after its satellite nations like Scotland/Wales/NI which are obviously whats holding her back 

Thank you stat's,stattointhailand wrote: ↑February 27, 2023, 3:16 pmThats only coz England has to look after its satellite nations like Scotland/Wales/NI which are obviously whats holding her back![]()
Finally admission that the English consider these other nations are not part of their planet.
The prosecution rest mi lord
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- stattointhailand
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prosecution rests mi laird