Bangkok bank central

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Bangkok bank central

Post by Whistler » March 5, 2023, 2:35 pm

Old location is now a furniture shop, nobody seems to know if has moved elsewhere within the Central plaza

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Whistler » March 5, 2023, 2:39 pm

Found it, not on directory but on same floor about 60 metres away not in dark blue colours so not as obvious
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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by maaka » March 5, 2023, 6:50 pm

yup moved toward the central escalators almost directly opposite other banks..
hard to tell it is Bangkok Bank, as color is different, but has a sign or logo up high, and usually a guard out front...different guard than usual..slim dude but same uniform

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by samster » March 6, 2023, 12:03 pm

Whistler wrote:
March 5, 2023, 2:39 pm
Found it, not on directory but on same floor about 60 metres away not in dark blue colours so not as obvious
It took you 4 mins (less the time to do the original post). Do you have a scouts orienteering badge?

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Whistler » March 6, 2023, 12:16 pm

samster wrote:
March 6, 2023, 12:03 pm
Whistler wrote:
March 5, 2023, 2:39 pm
Found it, not on directory but on same floor about 60 metres away not in dark blue colours so not as obvious
It took you 4 mins (less the time to do the original post). Do you have a scouts orienteering badge?
Just call me flash! In fact I went into a bank opposite and asked where they moved to, the guard smiled and pointed to the bank directly opposite. As another poster stated, it did not have the blue colour scheme for BKK Bank, so was not terribly obvious.
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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by rick » March 6, 2023, 7:12 pm

Had same prpblem on Friday. Different colour, no name in English on the main sign, just the lotus symbol. And inside, i had to wait over an hour to be served . What a crap bank.

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Drunk Monkey » March 6, 2023, 7:31 pm

Not overly enthused by the Bangkok bank in general but i open an account at the bank at the Boontavorn site as needed it for some business requirements , when i have needed it to use it this branch always seems to be quiet so quick service and opening times are slightly better than other branches.

I have not been in Central for several years and have no wish to do so.......same goes for the many gold shops inUdon as i was diagnosed with an allergic reaction the the handles on the doors causing me to panic,sweat and go dizzy thus preventing my entry. :^o

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by ricks » March 7, 2023, 5:11 am

do not go the one in ban phue ,if your a farang they not want to help you, got more service from the guard on the door. staff went to lunch so no one at cash desk and one girl spent all her time on a tablet ignoring customers

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by joudon » March 7, 2023, 6:49 am

I cancelled my Bangkok bank account many years ago due to poor service and high bank charges'
My main bank now is Kasikorn , opened at the main Udon branch on Prajak road adjacent to the petrol station. I am happy to say the service is excellent. Each year when I go for the annual statement for immigration, I always find I am speaking to an English speaking assistant. I find Kasikorn fast and efficient.
My monthly transfer from UK via transferwise is done to my Kasikorn account in seconds.I also think they have more atm's than the other banks.

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Khun Paul » March 7, 2023, 9:19 am

Disappeared from Big C, possibly awaiting update with the new ?? colour scheme

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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Whistler » March 9, 2023, 9:39 am

Went from Neesoon about a year ago too.
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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Old Grumpy » March 9, 2023, 4:23 pm

Dont know if it's just me being unlucky or not but using their machines outside the new location I have lost my ATM card being swallowed by both the withdrawal and depositing machines through no fault of my own, ie correct password each time which has meant more than an hours wait each time to get it sorted, both times it has meant getting a new card without charge as it wasn't my fault, admitted by staff.Anyone else had this problem?
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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by semperfiguy » March 9, 2023, 4:33 pm

Old Grumpy wrote:
March 9, 2023, 4:23 pm
Dont know if it's just me being unlucky or not but using their machines outside the new location I have lost my ATM card being swallowed by both the withdrawal and depositing machines through no fault of my own, ie correct password each time which has meant more than an hours wait each time to get it sorted, both times it has meant getting a new card without charge as it wasn't my fault, admitted by staff.Anyone else had this problem?
This is why I recommend never using an ATM machine unless it's outside of a retail bank. Otherwise, it will take an act of Congress to get you a new card.
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Re: Bangkok bank central

Post by Drunk Monkey » March 9, 2023, 5:52 pm

I try not to have to inside bank branches as it really tests my patience but there are rare instances where its a must.

I always seem to go when there are so many cashier manned (can i say that) but not taking customers and on their phones ...the numbers being called so slowly and then just as it seems im nearly the next number the little old grey haired Chinese lady appears with the weeks takings from the elastic band shop all in small notes n coins and chucks it on the counter followed by the collective sigh from all others sat wasting more minutes of their lives in a Thai bank.

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